Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Sunday, July 10, 2005

The Big Bang (London) and S* strings

The Big Bang (London) and S* strings

Model: the blasts below and on London’s streets sent shock waves through TokenSpace (TknSpc)

(TknSpc – space as medium of communication, relating tokens of sign-uses, S*)

Just as the Big Bang created cosmic synchronic pulsating strings of galaxies, planets, molecules, neurons (nerve cells) in physical space, as its effects unfolded time, so (hypothesis) the aftershocks of the terrible blasts in London passes through the nervous systems of persons. “All” are affected to some extent. Tom Friedman said it: “Indeed, we all just lost a little freedom yesterday.”

The following is a “string” of sign-uses produced two days after, arranged to bring out certain facts in the way different ones relate to it.

London bombers probably British: former Scotland Yard chief
AFP - Sun Jul 10, 6:05 AM ET
LONDON - The former head of Scotland Yard warned that the London bombers were probably British and that there were many people in the country willing to take part in such atrocities. The terrorists at the centre of the London bombing this week will almost certainly be British born and bred, brought up here and totally aware of British life and values," Sir John Stevens told the News of the World. He said he had heard suggestions the bombers, who killed at least 50 people and injured some 700 in the Thursday morning rush hour, had come
And so said I, having been brought to see the larger picture by B.E..

So much for the knee- jerk jackass New York Times Cath-O-Jew Schmoo:

July 8, 2005
Our Ally, Our Problem
AS the shock waves from yesterday's terrorist attacks in London - which seem to be the work of jihadist militants - reverberate across the Atlantic, a grim truth should become increasingly clear: one of the greatest terrorist threats to the United States emanates not from domestic sleeper cells or, as is popularly imagined, from the graduates of Middle Eastern madrassas, but from some of the citizens of its closest ally, Britain.
Richard C. Reid, the "shoe bomber" who tried to blow up an American Airlines jet flying between Paris and Miami in 2001, is British. So is Saajid Badat, who pled guilty in London four months ago to plotting to use a shoe bomb similar to Mr. Reid's to blow up a trans-Atlantic flight in late 2001. And Ahmed Omar Sheik, who orchestrated the 2002 kidnapping-murder of the Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in Pakistan, is a British citizen of Pakistani descent who graduated from the London School of Economics

…was the blaring headline of Friedman’s article in the Sunday Times’ print edition.

July 8, 2005
If It's a Muslim Problem, It Needs a Muslim Solution is the milder title given the on-line version.

Yesterday's bombings in downtown London are profoundly disturbing. In part, that is because a bombing in our mother country and closest ally, England, is almost like a bombing in our own country. In part, it's because one assault may have involved a suicide bomber, bringing this terrible jihadist weapon into the heart of a major Western capital. That would be deeply troubling because open societies depend on trust - on trusting that the person sitting next to you on the bus or subway is not wearing dynamite.
The attacks are also deeply disturbing because when jihadist bombers take their madness into the heart of our open societies, our societies are never again quite as open. Indeed, we all just lost a little freedom yesterday.

1 + 2 + 3 =
So-o-o- lets see if we are getting this down. The Ex-Scotland yard man, and a few others, such as myself, see it more home-grown than all this. Not the result of “liberalism”, “pro-Islamism”, “al-Quaida sleeper cells”. “bin Laden”, al-Zarquari, Omar Sheik, Tim McVeigh or David Koresh; not connected to Madrid, 911 – but an act against the war in Iraq; U.S. dominance of England; Israel; and perhaps a streak of real leftist Bolshevism.

A slow, second, then third reading of the text below will show the double/triple meaning twistedness to which those who know they are responsible for those horrible deaths are driven:


Face up to the truth

We all know who was to blame for Thursday's murders... and it wasn't Bush and Blair

Nick Cohen
Sunday July 10, 2005
The Observer

Nuff said?
Lets spell it out a bit (the article itself is not worth scanning).
“We all know…” is a token of “we”-clingers, “we-ing” – hiding their individuality in the inclusive group. We-we. Nick Cohen comes out pissing.

“…who was to blame for Thursday’s murders,” he says.

No, it is precisely this that is NOT known – by him or anyone else, at this point. This is how pissers work with words. Familiar trickling feeling down your leg? The U.S. Central Sh*t-for-Brains Agency is saying the mastermind could be a disgruntled ex-lover of Putin, widely considered gay, with the actual hit outsourced to a SAAB used car dealership in Jakarta. Or something. They always come up with something, like that creative Daniel Pearle footage. Unforgettable, that. Those guys didn’t look like Omar Sheik. Gee, come to think of it, the Muslim jihadist terrorists could have been “outsourcing” political criminality all over the place all along…Always new enemies, just when the we-we-ers need them.

What we – anti-we-we-s – in fact know is Who started the Iraq War – Bush and Blair. How -- by lyingly hyping threats of weapons of mass production. And the “Why” could never be more succinctly demonstrated than by pee-wee’s performance here.


The media of communication have turned into a massive anti-Arab, Palestinian, Muslim, Islamic propaganda factory. Lest this be over-hastily regarded as merely another instance of Zionist control, the Times’ book Review section wants you to know the Catholics out there have got Rudy.


July 10, 2005
'The Prince of the City': Cut Out for the Job

A SWEDISH diplomat recently announced that he was nominating Rudy Giuliani, New York's famously bellicose former mayor, for the Nobel Peace Prize. My first thought was: He won't accept! But then, even better: If he wins, he could use his speech to denounce peace. Or Swedes. Or New York liberals.

We miss Rudy; even some of the people who could barely stand him at the time miss him. The administration of the current mayor, Michael Bloomberg, has turned out to be, as Fred Siegel puts it in this very insightful and very argumentative book, a ''moderately competent muddle.'' The Giuliani years were neither moderate nor muddled.

Giuliani was the rare politician who actively sought confrontation, both because he believed that the unexamined opinions and entrenched interests he was taking on needed to be publicly exposed and because nature made him that way. Viewed strictly as blood sport, the Giuliani administration had no peer.”
And Traub’s no slouch himself, is he?

Giuliani represents the intersection of Catholics and Jews. Where they intersect. He harped on Europeans for being soft on anti-semitism. ‘Lowed as how anti-semitism had recently escalated into anti-Zionism. Became a Catholic shill for absurd Zionist messianic ideas about Sharon and the Jewish State of Israel. “Useful idiots” Lenin called such wild -eyed gung-ho party-line hacks. New York liberals detested him in general, but his tough-love style found favor with a significant segment of conservative Jews. This was the spark that brought Catholics of the political right-wing sort – helped by John O’Connor’s vision of abortion clinics as Nazi ovens holocausting little fetusjews – and right-wing Zionist Jews together on a path of self-discovery. Like, discovering all they had in common -- usefulness of WWII as emotional political whiplash, allies or axis, pro or con, take your pick, everybody loves everybody now (except ‘extremists’) – to browbeat America.

Let’s check the line-up. Leading off we have – John Bolton, if they can get him up to the plate -- probably get him in by cutting deals behind the public’s back. United States of Jews ambassador of the U.N.. Batting second is Elliott Abrams, already safely installed inside the U.S. State Department to guard the skeleton hidden in Central America. Third up would be Negroponte, fabled Honduras slugger of nuns in need. Followed in the clean-up spot by Michael Chertoff. Fifth, and playing second base, would be “spiker” Gonzalez; sixth, Wolfowitz, seventh Scalia, eighth Mueller and ninth – Dick Cheney, Rove, and/or whoever laisons with the vast intelligence networks and throws the international pitches and controls the shocks.



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