Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Thursday, May 04, 2006

"War" talk

Originally Posted by Angeleyes

War on Poverty.

War on Drugs.

War as a metaphor for struggle is overused to the point of nausea for those who "get" war. A football field is not a battlefield, it is a field of play. But you hear sportscasters, coaches, and athletes spill war type jargon into their comments all the time.

Not sure if Jews started it or not, but the misuse and substitution of "war" for "struggle" or "difficult task" is hardly new.


I agree with the italicized bit 100%.

***** Response

I have often applauded your perspecuity, AE, for instance the remark about Europe's anti-semitism laws. (roughly, "If the holocaust really happened as believed, why should it be necessasry to make its denial illegal?") ..

...but none more than this.

"War" is a metaphysical metaphor; its use shows the user to be framing reality to "do battle" in, indicating a certain mind-set, as you note.

The psychohistorian Lloyd deMause spoke at our campus in the late 90's (by my invitation), and held forth on just this topic. He had gleaned some 20 use of "war" from a few days of US newspapers -- on everything from fat, laziness, drugs, termites, to Serbs and bad manners ...

...and astounded all (maybe 75 in the audience) who hadn't followed his work with the theses ihat it stood for (re-)birth: the original Cosmic Battle (at the every end, against the Poisoned Placenta clinging, crushing, suffocating -- inprinted as The Monster template from then on). Those who "get" war, and want to "make it" on everything opposing them have regressed to the point of compulsion to act out (re-)birth -- turn the obstance into an enemy one is fighting to be free of in order to have Lebensraum, oxygen, sense of Ego -- this last, especially, if the obstacle/enemy has been heroically b defeated on the field of battle. (insert picture of war dance in the end zone, compleate with spiking the ball. A sport begun by Venus worshippers ringing the U.S. Gulf Coast, using pigs bladder filled with blood for a ball, with the winning team on the out-and-out slaugher field getting slaughtered themselves, as well.

AT THE IMPRINTED UNCONSCIOUS LEVEL, WAR IS ABOUT SACRIFICE. What "war" is made on is always a monster-enemy it is necessary to sacrifice young, pure, oxygenated red blood...

-- of children, because that is what those who feel unborn are trying to "save"/redeem, of themselves -- unhappy, often hellish childhoods at the hands of sadistic caretakers. It's a fact. "The history of childhood is a nightmare from which humanity is just beginning to awaken," deMause says, and documents.

This is the message I have been trying to get out in every post, going to the core of why we are fighting, as opposed to "what 'we' are fighting for". But without awareness of the media's glaring use of "war" as a spread-on token for everything, there are no ears to hear. Which, paranoid that I am, I credit to the successful work of The Lobby & Co. who have no compunction whatsoever against perpetuating the sacrifice mentality to profit from. "If that's what people want to do." It is these Judas Priests who gave liberalism a bad name (and it is the "it takes one to know one" Judas Priests (Reaganonic Sith) who outed them.)

That is what I see the Baby Bomber generation perpetually trying to do: get rid of, gain redempton for the sinfulness they have been made to feel by their preachers and politicians after Vietnam. And deserve to feel, we who protested it to the point of civil disobedience hold, to the extent they did not do all they could to oppose it. Those who freaked out on drigs, sex, and rock 'n roll in the 60's, bless 'em, were at least honest human souls one could understand, whatever their eternal destiny. But they have been scapegoated by the moralizing corporate spiritual entrepreneurs to cover their own betrayal of America's ideals all once shared. Making way for the likes of David Horowitz, Andrew Sullivan, and the Rove/Guckert/Shaivo politic of Tom Delay et al. If they claim salvation, it will have to come from the Gospel of Judas.


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