Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Masculine Mystique

Psychoanalysis of Masculine Mystique

(Rudy 'n Fred ?)

They don't call 'im Jew-liani for nothing.

Giuliani: Dems Want Nanny Government

July 30, 4:06 PM (ET)

(Murdoch gets Dow Jones. They don't call this month Jewlie for nothing)


MEREDITH, N.H. (AP) - Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani on Monday accused Democrats of favoring a controlling "nanny government" as he continued his bashing of the rival party


CNN, NBC and Fox Jews were all smirking heavily about Hillary's recently lowered neckline, dear, dear, ... "How long..?" you ask yourself, "did you think it would be before Hillary's tits became conservative fodder?" after all, they've living off slick Willie's cock sucking for over ten years now, and counting.

The unconscious associations with "Hillary" go back to the the brief Clinton "honeymoon" period after it looked like the sexy 60's had finally driven the Nixon criminals, Reagan Reversers, and Bush's international bloodline snake cultists back into their caves. Twin sister of Lorena Bobbit. Whacked off a US Marine's dick. Shove queers up the nose of barrack's CeO's. Cartoon pictures showing Hillary under a Christmas tree opening a box containing a large jagged edge knife. Tagged "Use it. I did - love, Lorena.) Rush Limbaugh starts hooting up "feminazis", and picture-smearing Ross Perot. (In Linder-ese, Limbaugh is "crypto-kike"; not the same as kikealike. Both terms mirror the Archetype of Medieval Jew as Old Adam, prima materia, untransformed lead. (No Second Adam in there) This was the birth of America's Baby-boom generation's emasculated "Killer mommy" group fantasy. From henceforth, Hillary, Bill and the pill; if they don'y getcha' the abortionists will.

Given this, it could only be a matter of time before there appears, Walla! -- "Masculine Mystique"! No, no Betty Friedan to document it. Only Franklin Foer, The New Republic and Fred (Thompson, not Flintstone)

From The New Republic: The Masculine Mystique of Fred Thompson
Franklin Foer Jul 27 (4 days ago)

Dear Reader,

"How did Fred Thomspon become the front-runner for the Republican nomination--before he has even declared his intention to run? In our latest issue, Michelle Cottle offers an explanation: Thompson, she says, projects an old-school masculinity that holds particular appeal for Republican voters. Subscribe today for only $9.97 to read the issue with this cover story."


"Thompson" represents the inner essence of all males who do not intend to let themselves be mutilated, physically or psychologically, by any killer mommy bitch, and stand ready to fucking kill her if she even thinks about it.

This male ego-defense mechanism develops, in time, in reaction to nagging bitch mothers abuse. It follows by lawful flow of instinctive process in these conditions. It's called "male rebellion". Females are not -- or are not supposed to be -- called upon to react rebelliously in the same way toward the Mother, but toward the Father, as the figure standing between them and going out with boys (having sex). This is the matching SyZyGy of Male-Female/Father-Mother/Son-Daughter opposite-intersection-lineages. These compress ("tesselate") into S*double in the phrase "Oedipal/Electra complexes." The rebellious ("dark") side of maleness retains (kill<=> Mother) fantasies; the rebellious ("dark") female side retains (kill <=> (emasculate) Father) fantasies. The psychodynamics of the latter has played out over the duration of the last two millinia. The story is, The Father reconciled himself to the son's perpetual rebelliousness ("Z"-ing over from Electra's situation resolved: it comes down to who gets her) by sacrificing His own, which is identical with (one third) of His essence-substance incorporated in the flow of processes in an individual human body (believed by Christians to have been uniquely that of Jesus Christ). The said resolution between daughter and Father, however, was subsumed under her (the young female/daughter's) relation to Mother, through Mother, of "Father's child"; that is to say, through her passive-receptive role in being impregnated by a second one-third of Being-Father essence (may every woman be 'Mary' -- so vehemently resisted by Mary Daly). It is this, the bottom of the "Z" unfolding => the daughter's relation to the Mother, the War Within The Feminine => that was laid aside as historically unresolved. Jung spoke of the Anima (feminine, psyche) as "inclining to" the Animus (masculine, physical) in the Age of Pisces. The psychoanalytic faces of Parents of Aquarius, at Age's birth, are Nancy Grace, as Mother; Glenn Beck as Son**; Rupert Murdoch and associates doing the UnHoly Ghost on your soul.

(** daily staple on CNN, 8-10 pm weekdays, followed by Anderson Cooper. Nothing but crime and punishment on MSNBC after Olberman at 8.)


Brief metaphysical warning: Prolonged over-exposure to any wrongly constellated completing factor can cause permanent damage to the to7ality* (*unit of lawfully completing seven-stage life-cycle trajectory).

In particular, since any reference to parents (even by analogy), as sources-of-our-arising, evokes the emotional bond each has to the psychic totality of their own arising, then, given that whatever resonates to this evocation resonates through the essence totality, damage to function due to substitution of wrong Mother completing factor can be severe. What are called 'logicnestarian growths'* (*automatic confabulation of unconsciously associated mental content") will occur on nodes of the to7ality trajectory called "StopInders" (cf. psychosemiotic Enneagram). The lawful process evoked by over-stimulation of Bad-Mother-Dominance, for instance, would be that called "ego-defense" against love going out toward aggressive, overly seductive or otherwise abusive Mothers or Mother figures. These, as individuals themselves, of course, have a psychodynamics with issues its own, mostly entirely oblivious to the fact that their manifestations affect the inner reactions of children, even as their parent's had done the same to them.

Now, with the American Group Fantasy just discovering Barbara Bush is daughter of Satan, himself (no telling how G. W. was conceived), the double-sumultaneous play-out of

Perpetual Iraq/Mideast war for Israel abroad


Perpetual Killer Mommy politics at home.

becomes utterly obvious. I will that it be stopped.


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