Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Asymptotic Apocalypse


--Sliding "End Times" Bookends forward
-4000 => 2000 => 0 => 2000 => 2008 =>

THE WEEK THAT WAS (That was ...)

THEN -- the zany Rowan and Martin TV Laugh In Companion
NOW -- Friday, June 13. 2008

Tim Russert's sudden untimely death
<= Reagan's Hermes <= a Sacrificial Son of patriotic Buffalo, New York

Flag Day
Father's Day
II. TWTW-ENDTW (That was the weekend that was.)

Memorial Day <= honoring the military dead, Veterans
July 4th -- Independence day Saturday

<= "Whose Is Little Alex?" - mother refusing to surrender son to surrogate Father-war leader. NYTimes article, commented on by Dave Rossie's Sunday column, who notes both Bill O'Reilly (Catholic) and Willian Kristol (Jew) took heated exception to the sentiment. Like Cindy Sheehan, it represents instinctual female shielding the ones she raised to be something more, from the male war culture. The Good Mother Archetype is turned against the Military Father Archetype, taken up on either side (L or R) by Jews and Catholics. They agree in throwing mothers under the bus, letting them raise little Alexes as they want until it comes time to snatch them for Afghanistan/Iraq duty.

<= The entirely remarkable (daring, audacious, impeccably planned and executed) rescue of Ingrid Betancourt and 11 hostages from the Colombian guerilla group FARC. Her personal story uncannily matched John McCain's: 5-6 years spent in captivity, he as a result of fighting in his Father's War (literally, as son of the commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet), she as the result of fighting in her Mother's war -- just as literally, taking Yolanda Betancourt's work as caretaker of hundreds of poor, orphan children in Bogata, to the streets, then into House of Representatives and from there running for President. She had asked for audience with FARC, ostensibly trying to broken a deal wereby they renounce armed opposition to government control. She had received numerous warnings not to continue, chants of GET OUT! GET OUT! raising against her. It is evident from any survey of her biography that she is a Militant Daughter, carrying forward to the point of self-sacrifice for the Larger Cause of birthing a new Colombian ideological movement. The fact that she pursued this to the point of virtually provoking capture, for exchange of prisoners, is the karma of that formation manifesting as destiny. (this is an esoteric 3=> 4 process)

<= John McCain is physically present, not at her release, but in Bogata, conferring with a government official who had been a FARC captive.

If Betancourt's karma led her to the destiny of a daughter's imprisonment by over-much Mother idealization, McCains karma led him to the destiny of a son imprisoned by over-much Father Idealization. They are matching karmic destiny tropes, from opposite gender as well as political sides of the pole. She is Leftist Liberal Do-gooder, composite Tikkun olam Jew, Jesuit Catholic, 60's Civil rights activists in the 60's South, and French leftist. He is Right Wing patriotic war hero, anti-60's to the point of vacuity except for what he was told; friends via his Father's links to the global Military industrial complex, right wing Catholics and neocon Jews. Both karmic destinies were constellated around non-American, old-world old-religion identities against enemies not indigenous to us. The gender-Parental Archetype reversal, matching and aligning them as Western captives released from communist-socialist prisons, shows that what is common in the will to resist alien, barbaric enemies is stronger than the liberal-conservative domestic politics that divides us. Or so the mythic Matrix texture would print out.

There is just one problem, the nigger in the woodpile as grandaddy Sid would say. That is the truth about McCains P.O.W. record. That comes down to the issue of whether his behavior was dishonorable. There exist documented testimony -- he can call it lies or not -- that he received preferential treatment, including Soviet medical, while collaborating extensively with the enemy for propaganda as well as hard information purposes. This would be after they learned he was the son of the Pacific Fleet commander. His karmic destiny is so tight it brings even his father and the enemy into a political linkage, if one did not already exist. This would not matter so much, or call in condemnation, if the step weren't taken to parlay the mystique of the untold story into political capital. But that is exactly what is occurring, full court press. After returning from the Colombia trip and shaking up the campaign staff, McCain's team produced a newly edited biopic TV ad starting off with him as a young man in smart Navy Pilot uniform, split screen with loathsome hippie-looking 60's slackers on the left side. Then he is shown like a blood-drained cadavar strapped to a lorry, but only to .... emerge in the next scene hale and hearty and ready to cut the presidential cake, much as Ingrid Betancourt. It is Sacrificial death-and-rebirth of the Good Son, juxtaposed to lurid kissing/fondling multitude of sinful deviates.

An "Honest John" McCain would be bound to acknowledge and respond to Douglas Valentine in Counterpunch "McCain is not some principled leader, not a maverick cowboy fighting the powerful. He’s a sycophant. He believes in nothing but power and will do anything to attain it. He explodes in anger when challenged because, when a criticism hits to close to home, it goes to straight his deep-seeded shame."

Honesty requires he address address the subject of his deep seated shame as source of his notorious short temper. ("Somewhere in the unplumbed human part of John Sidney McCain III, he knows his POW experience contradicts the war hero image he projects. This essential dishonesty, this lie of the soul, is a sign of a larger lack of character.")

To McCain's backers: now that you know, you must re-choose. If he does not confront this, as it seems clear that he will not (nit picking negativists, McCain haters, extremists, ..; every great man has his detractors...), you are left backing a double talking turncoat, a sows ear the media has turned into a sick purse.

The Big Glitch of the 60's, reversing who was an American patriot and protested the war, versus who merely followed orders of the Fatherless sons who fought for Nixon, played out in the Big Glitch of '08. The over-determined Father-Son relationship in the McCain family is a compensation for the lack of it, at least in fantasy, in the student hippie hoard. Their rebellion was of course seen in Freudian Oedipal terms by right leaning social psychologists (Bellinger). This avoided facing up to the social issues the war raises. In reaction to their perceived, and often real anti-Authoritarian, right wing Daddy please-ers sprouted up everywhere in the 80's and picked up on 'rebellion without a cause' as a foil to taunt radicals with still in use today.

Some of the early 70's stuff McCain would have seen the baby boomers wearing when he emerged from cativity could not help strike him as bizarre, clownish and effeminate. Downhill the country must certainly have seemed to have gone Bow ties appear on George Will, Tucker Carlson; deep voices doing news, manly men up front ... came back in style. A run on actual man ass itself came later, in the 90's, morphing into barely repressed fantasies of male homosexual rape of robed Arabic men in head dresses, deconstructed at Abu Ghraib. Followed by Brokeback Mountain, and Willy Nelson's startling "Cowboys are Often Secretly Fond Of Each Other (..'whadyu think all those saddles and boots wuz about? ..)" The theme of Fatherless Sons emerged from Nixon's presidency, re-constellated under Reagan with generous help from His own (Catholic) (see L. deMause's Reagan's America); B. neocon Jewish reconcilers; C. anti-Jimmy Carter reaction.


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