Like it Is -- after Joe Wilson
THE WHAT – the real London killers
(The New York Times 7.15.A1 “Rove Reportedly Held Phone Talk On C.I.A. Oofficer”. David Johnson and Richard W. Stevenson..)
“…All week…the political machine that Mr. Rove built to bolster Mr. Bush and advance his agenda has risen to defend its creator. The Republican National Party has mount4d an aggressive campaign to case Mr. Rove as blameless (ad. As the victim) and to pain the matter as partisan dispute driven not by legality, ethics or national security concerns, but by a penchant among Democrats to resort to harsh personal attacks….”
(…precisely what they used against Wilson – his wife -- to discredit his report on Niger yellowcake uranium ore….but, no…the RNC has got out the line “It was just the reverse” – referring to who leaked Valerie Plame’s name to whom, Novak or Rove. “It was just the reverse,” was used repeatedly on CNN HEADLINE news, in the context of who leaked Wilson’s wife name. THIS IS THE WORK OF THE PATHOLOGICAL LIARS AND PSYCHOTIC KILLERS WHO HAVE BEEN RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MASS SERIAL SLAUGHTERS – IN IRAQ, MADRID, LONDON, AND, IF A SUICIDE BOMBER STRIKES HERE, AS RBT. MUELLER HAS CLAIMED TO BE INEVITABLE, IN CONNECTION WITH THE WAR, THE DEATHS WILL BE DUE TO THEM.) These are the American Jews – Jews, as in the one’s Hitler persecuted, now doing the persecution. Whoever sides with the RNC is a crypto Zionist Jew who deserve getting the Judenhaus from good American, as opposed to it being “just the other way around.”.
P. Krugman “Karl Rove’s America” (Op-Ed column A19) “There is no question he (Rove) damaged national security for partisan advantage. If a Democrat had done that, Republicans would call it treason. But what we are getting, instead, is yet another impressive demonstration that these days, truth is political. One after another, prominent Republicans and conservative pundits (ad. Including Patrick J. Buchanan, Jew to the bone) have declared their allegiance to the party line (just like the Nazis). They haven’t just gone along with the diversionary tactic, like the irrelevant questions about whether Mr. Rove use Valerie Wilson’s name in identifying her (Robert Novak later identified her by her maiden name, Valerie Plame) or the false, easily refuted claim that Mr. Wilson lied about who sent him to Niger. They’re now a chorus, praising Mr. Rove as a patriotic whistle-blower.”
Then Krugman says what this is “about”:
“Ultimately, this isn’t just about Mr,. Rove. It’s also about Mr. Bush, who has always known that his twisted political advisor – a disciple of the late Lee Atwater, whose smear tactics helped President Bush’s father win the l988 election – is a thug, and obviously made no attempt to find out if he was the leaker….Most of all, it’s about what has happened to America. How did our political system get to this point?”
Comment: That is a short, unfocused list. Its about about queers, Zionist Jews, TV whore X-ians, fetus worshippers -- and the common denominator of the way they are, which would be adults with a history of childhood abuse. Kark Rove and Rush Limbaugh, for instance, no doubt got whupped at lot on the ass by their old men. You can see in their face. Its called Repube-likkun politics, hometown Texas. Maggots love it when they are elected. Fresh corpse food every day from then on. Its just the way they are.
The political system got to this point by not confronting these pathological liars and psychotic killers when the started talking their God sh*t in public after Bush’s first election. I tried to. Then, and all the way through. It is anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-human.
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