Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Wednesday, October 12, 2005



-To correct corruption of mentality by ideological thinking; the effect it has on the default position of group consciousness; and the historical group-process it distorts.

The terms “fascism” and “communism” -- detailed deconstruction given in previous blog – with common associations (Germany, Soviet Russia) are used to focus the present corruption ideological thinking brings.

Note on what a metaphysical crisis is. (See below: “Houston…we… HOUSTON? ….)

The following is a lay-out in a triad of triads an analysis of what needs fixing in communication immediately to avoid inundation by the Zuider Zee. This is the sea-level lake water held back by the dikes from flooding Amsterdam. Freud referred to the psychic Zuider Zee as the place into which the unconscious drains. I use it in that sense here and introduce it in order to tie together old and recent history in the common narrative stock. I can go no further than the Signs.


A. The expression of a mentality in signs used as follows: assumed to refer to hitherto unseen or unreferenced reality;
B. …the learning about and understanding of which requires processing material under sign use calling for emotional response and alignment (atrocities, abominations, grotesqueries, etc..
C. …. … thus splitting the responses, and responders, in respect to further/later use of signs; separating “us” vrs “them” sub-groups, according to how individuals have inwardly aligned.

Ideological thinking is illustrated by use of such terms as “fascism” and “communism” as if they communicated objects to which predicates can be grammatically attached. (satisfying A: this assumes their ‘existence’ as part of the universe of discourse; thus, a metaphysical commitment). Learning and understanding what these terms mean, and how they came to be opposed in ideological thinking takes one through the experiences subsumed under “World Wars I and II”, also “The Cold War” – step B. above. By the time discussion among intellectuals using such terms takes place, in papers and conversation (if only….), the assumption is made that all speakers with knowledge and understanding are deeply emotionally aligned, one way or another, around images of genocide, battlefield slaughter, poison gas in trench warfare and the rest of it. These associations, together with still living memories of survivors of holocausts, are subsumed by associations under discussion of subjects to which these big terms attach. And “Islamo-fascist” is now commonly used ideologically by the preemptive warriors to align “us” against ”them” in “the war on terror”. (As Iraqi Baathists were called “socialists” in pre-war ideological rhetoric.) This shows that these two terms, which can be called European imports, since the Group process experience of America in WWII can be described without using either of them (also shown elsewhere), are intrinsically war-wired. They are programmed to trigger the “kill or die” impulse, and the religious plugs – Catholic Christianity and Zionist Judaism – cannot be far behind. Yes, this particular very war-wired pair of psychological opposites has been imported, injected into mainstream political and cultural conversation, and brought about a pre-programmed verbal-emotional alignment throughout the communicating community. The religious link to ideological sign-use, always latent, is brought to the fore when “God”-use is invoked. It forecloses the universe of discourse under the theological position of these two pre-enlightenment traditions, as the “common denominator’ default position of consciousness.


A. The from-which/to-which ever-renewable centre, as a position on consciousness to which mental processes recur, after expending their going-forth (‘cathectic’) energy. In Freudian terms, it would be the position of full inner relaxation, next to sleep, where the thoughts, will-to-do’s, tension, are let go of, so that contents of the mind follow one another in paths of non-directed, free association. In group process psychology, the place where the media of mass communication assumes its audience comes together, as continuity through daily life cycle.

B. “End of Day(s)”. Where Neutralizations occur. The expression “at end of day” came into currency in the ’80-90’s, I think, as a way of bringing remarks to a point of closure. This, I suggest, is a mark of the default position of consciosness, where everything gets added up and sorted out.

C. BINDS TIME. As an actual moment (consciously originating, only) the default position becomes the site in lived space-time of transformation: the past, prompting the associations to sign-uses when we let ourselves remember, can come into the present, before passing directly into the future, as would otherwise occur by force of habit. At this moment, substitutions of text for tokens can occur, which can re-configure the process dynamics.

America’s default position, as a nation, has been permeated by ideological sign-uses, corrupting the depth associations and keeping the system fed by well-aligned mentality from renewing itself.

Corruption of text by wrong attachment to tokens -- this slippage is the price paid for going to war in Iraq on the basis of lies. After that, the words “democracy”, “freedom”, not to say “AMERICA” itself don’t sound the same; aren’t the same. An inner gap opens up between what you see and what you are hearing them say, like in sight-gags, only it’s (what they call) “reality” (reality in an apron: sur-real) THIS IS LOSS OF ALIGNMENT IN SPINNING. This is an extremely dangerous situation because it leads to attempts at correction that can only worsen the warp, like an improperly aligned wheel balance weight. As an example of misaligned spin, I offer the Harriet Miers appointment. It seems Bush wanted to balance appointment of Catholic Roberts by Protestant Miers, behind the scenes unspoken, while spinning opposition to her as “sexist”. Good Rove move. Problem: THIS WASN’T THE RIGHT BALANCE! So the spin doesn’t work; the centre is lost. (see below). Bush evidently felt so comfortable in his faith-based initiative womb that he could fold all the political capital gained by the second term victory into this “trust me; she’s one of us” stacking of his “God” court. This wasn’t so. His non-evangelical Christian “Republican base” has gone nuts. They don’t buy “born again” as judicial qualification, even if it came during Reagan’s first term and included switching party alignment. Not enough!


A. Public Tokenspace is invaded by a Group Super-ego

Tokenspace” refers here to that segment of an individual’s perceptual, say visionary, field in which signs occur communicating some message – is in reading a page of print. The four quadrants formed by drawing two intersecting vertical and horizontal lines on a sheet of paper can be taken as a connected unified schema for all conscious processes in sign-use, projected onto them. (QI=lower left; QII = upper right; QIII =upper left; QIV =lower right. The Sequence QI,II,III,IV thus forms a “loop” through tokenspace, with a direction drawn by the described motion: counter-clockwise, bottom-thru-top; this is correlated with “Input” and “Output” of the psychic processing system, with the relevant anatomical details of the transition through the Quadrants occurring theoretically along this line. The line itself would represent “what goes on” inside the black box limned, or lit, by consciousness as it directly relates to processing sign-use. It passes through the lines between physical and mental, conscious and unconscious, and is matched by another, which can be drawn moving simultaneously in just the opposite way (clockwise-down from Quadrant II, looping QI to QIV, ending in QIII). This cannot be gone into further at present, but it accounts for the availability of a representative of the “collective”/Group unconscious, in lower QII, to occur in QIII (consciousness) as distinguishable content under text (fantasy one can become aware that one has), giving it status in Freud’s “pre-conscious” (available, when the censor allows). This is how the Leader “taps into” the tokenspace of individuals, by knowing the content of the fantasies feeding the group’s default position. He “knows how everyone feels”. Even if he obviously doesn’t, hearing him and others say he does, and act as if he did, for them, has a group-hypnotic effect.

Public tokenspace”, to complete the case for A., is that part of each individual’s token space that predicates on them as members of the communicating group. John Q. Public. Mr. Citizen. The space in which the New York Times can call even the most egregious wrongdoers politely, as “Mr. -” while the Post and Daily News will use slang (for example, for Milosovich). As the newspaper of record, the Times is not supposed to use ideological terms. That is out of respect of the role they play in Public Tokenspace. They define its highest-level default, intellectually neutral position. A content I think Carl Jung would call “spirit”, as opposed to Post and Daily News “instinct.” Public tokenspace, as a conscious fantasy, is where the default position to which the great mass of public citizenry returns, when it is relieved of the requirement of dealing with global issues – the overlap of these defaults. This is pre-sleep, dream-like space. Advertisers try to reach it.

The increased awareness of aligned and non-aligned responses to sign-uses pertaining to the group as a whole (“patriot”, “American”, “Christian”, “Catholic”, “Jew”) brings with it a sense of greater sanction, such as less consideration from or mistreatment by others, if one gets it wrong. This pressure to conform, the pull of “groupthink”, the pre-cognitive funneling of responses into avoidable alternatives. This is the heighten sense of the SuperEgo: a self-watching, judging, punishing psychic agency, classically, an angry Father punishing sinful children. Use of the term “God” projects an external correlate of this part of the personality. As an objective fact, this is considered unlikely by many. As something to tell the kids? … A good Father, it seems to me, will divest himself of all temptation in the direction of looking for an external punisher -- while not closing off sensitivity to the totality, perhaps involving the planet itself. Nevertheless, use of “God” has returned, as a “issue” for the Supreme Court to deal with, as well as chief ideological token of sinfulness in Group Tokerspace.

B. “Center Moves Right”. The default position will have allowed great quantities of anxiety to seep into its processes. Text must get put to token in any case – you’ve got to mention Columbus on Columbus day, right? – but under the inner constraint of far more pressure to “get it right”. The penalties for getting it wrong are heightened. As the center moves right, the attitudes from childhood favoring the “left” – independence, rebelliousness, hatred of father and authority – are less encouraged, if not punished outright wherever spotted. It becomes harder to express them, and the language for doing it in less familiar, less resonant. This is metaphysical drift. Facts are undergoing a systematic re arrangement under sign-use.

C. The 4 Horsemen Ride …. Collapse of financial system Taken from internet source.
War (on Iran)
Fascism -- what was once America resolves into a police state, blending Soviet-style commaraderie as ‘secular’ style with quasi-religious iconics draping government figures and fubctions. These would be the accoutrements of the Imperialist pretensions collapsed into out-of-spin “Fourth Reich” globalism.

Houston? houston


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