Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Monday, November 14, 2005

America Under Catastrophic Self-contradiction


The idea that America is, or can be, united under One God is self-contradictory.
The fact that war has been predicated on this self-contradictory representation has been plunged the entire system of group communications into catastrophe.

A Proof

Assume: Y =/= A (Y is not identical with A)
Y = The One God
A = The One God

The conjoint assertion of all three of these is a self-contradiction. It would say: two Y and A distinct from one another are identical with The One God, which is impossible without making the One God two, or making the two distinct thing identical.

The letters “Y” and “A” were chosen to suggest the Jew’s YHWH and the Muslim’s ALLAH.

Consider the phrase: America united under The One God.

It immediately falls into self-contradiction under the above assumptions, which are seen to actually hold. Therefore the phrase – it is seldom asserted that America IS united under One God – imports a self-contradictory notion, a strict impossibility, into public discourse.


What Bush has done

These remarks make explicit what has been logically obvious ever since G.W. Bush sprang his faith-based initiative in 2001 to appeal to the Jewish, Catholic and Evangelical conservative vote. It cannot be denied that that is exactly what he did, nor, I think, that there was not general awareness at a deep, grumbling level that it was self-contradictory and playing with political fire to predicate too heavily on religion. It is, after all, what most wars have been fought over, at bottom, and that goes all the way back to Enlil, Enki, Ninurta, Marduk and the Pyramid wars, according to Z. Sitchen’s fascinating reconstruction. But it denies humanity’s humanity to plunge it in as he did. The Bush gambit injected self-contradiction in use of signs which would play out over the years, whatever happened. One of the first encounters came immediately where use of “God” by religious charities blocked the flow of government funds. “Using God to discriminate”, or “discriminating against God” the President roared, ordering the old rules overturned. This was headed for the supreme court before 9/11. Since then, the talk has been of nothing but God, God, God; in prayer, song, on TV, with ministers, testimonials, Bishops, and Rabbiis abounding. Lord, we’ve been beset.


Human growth lies in the opposite direction

The Iraq war has been largely predicated on this self-contradiction, “unity of America under God”. The distinct names and traditions are jammed together as if the differences did not matter. But once upon a time, they certainly did matter. They were fought over, or in the name of. Thus, a psychodynamic of forced tolerance is imposed.

As the Modern era progresses, the command-power once marshaled by use of God’s name has been assumed by the strictly human notions of liberty, freedom, democracy. The psychic space in which they flourished was often won be driving the other out. Thus, RE-introduction of “God”, or “The One God” into common moral parlance, is a step backward in the progressive direction of psychic growth; and a step downward, in the psycho-anatomical processes engaged. In Freudian terms, this would mean the fusion of later differences into earlier generic content, with emotional patterns from childhood suffusing consciousness (whilst it remains unaware that this is what is happening; regression is a mostly unconscious process).


Systematic collapse; Genetic breakdown

These catastrophes of collapsed sign-use obviously do not occur in language, only, as if this corruption of discourse were merely a matter of political style. On the contrary, a functional breakdown across the board is involved.

-(at the moral level, S*4) contradiction in the will (see Kant) This destroys the basis of morality, as the person cannot will according to universal law, only self-interest – while trumpeting “law” to high heavens.

-(at the embodied, sexual level, S*3) Gratification of sexual desire for the afflicted comes only in perverse ways, as in loving what is destructive BECAUSE IT IS (moral masochism). One showing of the ultimate twist of libido into sadistic cruelty is the last scene of Rossilini’s film Salo, representing the old fascist elite ejaculating while watching the rape, torture and killing of virile youth through a telescope.

--(at the level of phenomenal content, S*2) there is no relaxation, repose, without anxiety. Every impulse toward love activates involuntary repression of it. The result is screams of rage and hate. It is a phenomenal matrix in which the most intense feeling of pleasure is accompanied by, barely distinguishable from, terror. From this, one can see that the war “on terror” is war “on the emotional state accompanying pleasure”. This brings out the perverse juxtaposition of erotic and cruel elements.

--(at the bottom-most psycho-neuro-biological level, S*1) prionization of protein, accumulation of unassimilable, potentially mal-folded DNA and RNA molecules inaugurating precipitous inevitable death. (as in BSE, Mad Cow disease; Creutzfield-Jakobs disease in humans) The hypothesis is that the lower-order, more basic functions lose efficiency when there is higher-order dysfunctionality. Soaring above; roaring below, as when a powerful engine rockets off. An up-draft in the morphic field is created by consciousness functioning well at the higher levels (S*7, *6, *5 – the upper triad). Contrariwise, a down-draft occurs when higher level functions collapse into contradiction, as this makes demands the lower levels cannot satisfy.


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