Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Monday, October 24, 2005

A Day

(Continuing metaphysical coverage...)

A Day

A daily cycle of events can be defined in psychosemiotics as the content communicated by the signs used during a 24-hour period. For simplicity, assume “from a given place,” e.g., New York City. If S* are compared with food, being in fact a ‘fuel’ of a higher octane, this cycle of sign-use is The Daily Bread.

It seems clear, on the one hand, that this does specify a totality, though with very indefinite boundaries and intrinsically unmeasurable. A mayoral race is underway in NYCity now, for instance, and it makes sense to talk about “how many people heard Bloomberg speak today, and what impressions he made”, even though these magnitudes are merely linguistic. There is such a thing as “a day in the life of Mr. Jones”, consisting of the (rough) totality of his experiences; and there is such a thing as “a day in the life of New York City,” as the totality of its experiences. Add to both “conscious content under sign-use” as a refinement for “experience,” and the field of public TokenSpace will have been morphed.

The Record

What is “the Record”, now, after collapse of the newspaper that was “of” it? Did it exist (was there “a record”) before the New York Times became its custodian? Will it “it” next be re-tapped, or re-invented? For one thing is certain: that were will conmtinue to be reference made to it. There is a social compulsion to keep one. Of everything. (Even if only in one’s head, in private Tokenspace.) It is a matter of leaving behind ag a verifiable narrative. That would be part of what it means to have lived, as a person, though a Jeffersonian would not use the results of their existence to bind others’ freedoms.

“The Newspaper of Record”. The New York Times. All the news that’s fit to print, etc., etc. Surely, though, one of the reasons to live in New York State is to be under the umbrella of its level of discourse. Elements in it remain beyond peer. Judith Miller? - not one of them. And thereby hangs a long, long tale best reserved for full telling elsewhere.

The focus here is metaphysical: What may one* (*rational sign-user) justifiably predicate on, as an entity*? (*individual thing in a field of TokenSpace) If there was a newspaper “of record”, was there an independent, though surely interactively shaped such a thing; – or did its processes produce what the term stood for? (Quite a franchise, that.)

Such questions require ultimate, or ‘absolute’ statement in order to be taken to the logical extremes from which Form descends, even though when make explicit it may often seem as if the answer is clear. In the present instance, for example, it seems clear that the aforementioned social compulsion to keep records, which itself is the externalized common bond of the inner drive to organize the contents of consciousness into a unity (totality under sign-use by/for an individual person), is given institution form by the newspaper company, thus creating an entity that, by interacting with what its news talks about; mediated by its analysts, columnists, editors, and staffs, “morphs” the field” of common consciousness, the ‘default position’ to which each day returns. The ideally hypothesized narrative of “what is really happening” to us historically, as a nation, in so far as it can be gathered from communication, would be in that artifact: the printed page of the New York Times. It was the newspaper of record.


There is an esoteric (-hidden) record of the events in the ‘60’s in upstate New York at Binghamton, at Harpur College. Its memory-resonances provide the shaping forces of the Morphic Field of America in miniature.

The term “Akashic record”, if not the notion, comes from the writings of the “Sleeping prophet”, Edgar Cayce. Others, e.g. P. D. Ouspensky, speak of a similar concept as “5th dimensional” content. “Dimensions,” for Ouspensky, were a totality of seven (7) orders, consonant with the notes on the seven-toned musical scale. The 5th dimension (‘Sol’) subsumes the 4th (“fa”). which completes the totality of time relative to the 3rd (“mi”), which completes the simultaneous dimensionalities containing material/physical bodies causally interacting in the field of space/time/gravity. The morphs of this (3rd dimensional) field are time, propagated by light. Through the ‘information” present at any given point (in space/time/gravity) the cosmic past becomes contemporary when “picked up on.” Without light there would be no such field of connection. It is “picked up on” when light is configured into tokens: signs as pre-textual glyphs, produced in dynamic geometrical shapes into “messages”. The akashic record, in so far as it is in our minds, would consists of tokens of 5th dimensional entities, existing through the dimension of movement through, not “in” time. This is illustrated by the self-contained totalities of thought in consciousness (e.g., the Pythagorean theorem; Euclidean geometry). However, it should be noticed that from signs used as texts for three-dimensional totalities (located on lines extending from, around, through the individual human body) ON THE TOKEN SIDE, these signs are markers of conscious content. As such: interacting with other dynamic processes in the morphic field; subsuming the lower dimension (4th; moral; 3rd; embodied, etc.); relating past-to-present-to-future through memory, in the moment of freedom. When the processing apparatus has been damaged, as in trauma, the sign-use tokens acquire a lower template as 5th dimensional patterns which disrupt the free flow of cathexis up and own the scale of S*7-1.


“It doesn’t cost anymore to show an educational message than it does to show a blank screen,” the cliché goes. Cost is relative to the apparatus, electrical etc., required to bring a TV picture into living rooms. This cliché is even invoked to get children to use their brain. “It doesn’t take any more effort to learn than it takes to get by without learning.”

The distinction between sign-as-meaning, text, and sign-as-particular, token,
is brought to metaphysical crisis at this point. The form of signs in text is called “grammar”; but when reduced to the logical syntax of language, as by logical positivism, its connection with 5th dimensionality through real tokens of higher level is broken, or given a glass ceiling. This prevents further free development of flow of cathexis to the higher two levels, 6th (philosophical – completion of sign-use under sign-use) and 7th (theological – completion of sign-use under God). Tokens of the higher grammar(s) are morphs of the akashic record in TokenSpace. (Cf. the signs of the Zodiac; Tarot cards; I Ching triads: traces of ancient higher grammars.)

We are saying that after recognizing the distinction between energy and information, there comes a point at which they are re-combined. This is when ‘information’ itself is considered as energy (of a higher level, ‘carried in’ the energy-forms of the lower token-level). Under these assumptions, the ‘loop’ that transforms token into text, and back again – as in the exchange of contents of their own individual consciousness by two people in communication – is the metaphysical site of what is called “freedom”. The point in time at which what lies in the past can be present in (a, this) future is one in which present real processes can intervene in exercize of what is called “free will’. It is a moment of experience that may go back to batting away a shiney mobile hanging in your crib. This is the sector of reality that marks the human uniqueness. No other species communicates in alphabetic language.


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