Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Analytical Method for Applied Psychsm

Analytical Method for Applied Psychosemiotics

Step 1. Lay out the situation to be analyzed in tokens spread out in TokenSpace
according to the S*-scope (the X). This gives instant access to associations to any signs used on any of its 49 segments; a way of ‘scoping’, magnifying, the signs in their assigned portions. The S*-scope maps the space of communications the way North, South, East and West, and combinations (NE, SE, NW, SW) map the space of body-planetary locations.

Step 2. “4” it up.

This refers to application of Four as The Fourth in the Axiom of Maria: “one becomes two, two becomes three, and the One comes from The Third as the Fourth.” Carl Jung calls attention to its agreement with the dynamics of the four letter inscription “YHWH”, interpreted grammatically as “the name of God” in Bible texts, but whose separate letters had a communication value, also, and a 2-3-4 beat dynamic, as well. As explained elsewhere, this was a formula for binding time in general through the token, as completion of any four-phase process; and binding space through the text, as being “outside”, or “beyond” all measurement of time, even the stars. What was communicated by the token was lost, however, and YHWH evaporated into philosophical “monotheism” used for Greek ideas dating from Pythagoras and Parmenides (6th-5th Century B.C). The connection previously established between what is external to the human body in its spatial “beyond” included: light, life, and logos. These returned on the token side in the womb of the Virgin Mary as baby Jesus, bearer of the Christ-seed connecting the human and the One. That is the metaphysics of the Christology according to standard Christianity. The essence of the Father is in the Sun: in this way YHWH is the Father of Christ. However, the Son, through the Body of the Mother, is a product of time. It/He enters the duration proceeding from the Father. It is consistent with what is known from science that this was a genetic boost. A very powerful energy entering the material world, having affinity with love, with transforming effect when communicated properly. Alchemist’s honored the Axiom of Maria as the key to transmuting lead into gold. Perhaps reaching out for such a love by “belief” is the proper instinctual response to a ‘strange attractor’ introduced into TokenSpace back then.

As an example of a “4” in the S*-scope map of TknSpc* is this:

Love constrains speech to truth (reality) through God.

Love = the bottom of the 4; speech = the signs used at the left side of the horizontal line in 4; God = the completing totality at the top of the vertical line of 4. Or: “Love of God constrains speech toward truth.”

This is thought as “of course”, perhaps, but finding the connections between the elements displayed in relation to themselves and other constructions grounds intuition on analysis.

Step 3. Read out results of step 2.

-Preemptive strike policy contradicts the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule follows from 4 above.

-The end justifies the means contradicts the rule of law. The rule of law follows from 4 above in speaking justice. This refers to a specific argument of Jonah Goldberg defending “A lie for a just cause” for going into Iraq, analogized with FDR’s alleged deceit in taking America into WWII.


When the situation includes such direct contradiction of 4-square alignment with reality of speech, it cannot be corrected by rational means. It will in fact view any attempt at correcting it by use of mere reason as weakness.

If the troops are drawn down in Iraq, the ire of the people asked to absorb the expense of this grotesque and bizarre episode will rise.

None of the three major Democratic party candidates has come out in support of Murtha’s call to bring ‘em home immediately.


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