Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Thursday, December 29, 2005

OD board exchange

Senior Dissident

Originally Posted by Protruth

Maybe I'm just dense, but what the hell was that Post all about?

(( My original post was a defense of the ACLU in response to:***

"No, the ACLU has taken out a full page ad in the NYTimes calling for Bush's impeachment.

"That makes them good guys -- on the side of America, Christianity, humanity. Whoever supports Bush is the jew: anti-American, ant-Christian, inhuman. Being a Repukelicoon is what jew is today, indistinguishable from nazi. Of course, there are Jewish members of the ACLU. They are the OK ones. Anybody who hates Bush is OK for heaven. Whoever tolerates anybody who supports him is part of the coalition of the buggered -- bleeding ass conservatives. That is what this board is about -- opposing jews; just look at the entries prior to 11.04.
ProTruth responds

Who and what do you support?

I respond

Who in hell are you? -- besides a pathological liar and psychotic killer, if you support Bush.

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From "Gabrielle" (2 posts)

"Silence, you freak!

"Yes, do tell, Texas Anarch.
*** My reply to another responder to me original post:

Originally Posted by Bardamu
Would that the world was so uncomplicated! .... A pox on both their houses. UNQUOTE

"It is. Couldn't be simpler. The two artificially divided political parties divide right here, on the inner side:

For the chimp and his herd of jew monkeys ....

vrs. Americans, Christian and human beings (in other than (self-ascribed) name only) against them, as war criminals from the git go. Who stole the election, arranged 9/11 (after the CIA had tried to assassiante Saddam Hussein in l996, setting off the chain of events leading to 'slam dunk' horgie boy's cya), set out to do what the Zionist neocons had prescribed since their "Clean Break" document of that year, undermining the Oslo accords as basis for peace in Middle East ... and "against" means: forever, with curses ...

This last "Against" group includes everyone who is American, Christian, human --in other than self-used name only. That is to say, in the real sense, with the common historic inner content of the terms America, Christian, human.

That is what this board has been about since I joined it in late '02 -- ask anti-Yuppie, PaleoAvatar, Sertorius, Okie, Faust, TD -- you -- and there have been some other fine ones. Pro-Bush? Any of them/you? -- Or were you all such naive fools that you didn't you understand what it was all about? Can't accept that -- I've been explaining it all along. It has been, is, will be forever, about who will assume the ****-my-butt position for G.W. "the chimp" Bush, Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh, etc. "repukelicoon" -- after them come the jews, and everybody else who wants to take a poke --- they are officially on record favoring
-lying propaganda, home and abroad

-spying on everyone all the time

-imprisoning without recourse

-torturing you for whatever information can be used to set up whoever they want to kill -- that will include grotesque sexual obscenities you might religiously abhore

-sickening you with their unction for the braindead and 'unborn' (as if they were curled up right there with 'em)

It takes a special kind of fool to go along with that, and I think there may -- just may -- be enough of the uncornholed American Christian humans left here, to go with the rest of the 87% of the world who hate, and i mean, really hate these ****ing asshole pieces of shit to send them to hell, literally or figuratively, I report, you decide. I'm just hangin' around on the OD board until whoever decides to pull my plug ... saying the same things I have for 3-23-40 years, started when I and a few others won the Vietname war against the bastards, because it is absolutely the same as it has always been, except for one thing: turned out jews is what they all are. ("Protruth", obviously; didn't you notice?) I mean that in the sense in which it was used by Hitler, probably unjustly for many of the good men who were Jews. Its an archetype of Old Adam, the permanently unredeemed man-slut of humankind that has to go on living on earth, somehow, having learned how to make my country, religion and genetic heritage to be used against me. White, Protestant, Confederate, Old West Texas male but screw that shit. AMERICAN -- that's all this is about. That cannot include anyone who honors the name Ronald Reagan. He equated the founding fathers with Miami Nicaraguan drug runners, didn't he. When itz gettin' here this budding police state is going to get turned inside out. The inmates get the keys.

-Sid Thomas


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