Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Cheney Misfires; Cartoons Inflame


The common symbolic thread (2.18.2006)


As a Form of Sign-Use, with Freudian psychodynamics

Now, the complex consisting of (1) the pair of symbolic events (Cheney shooting, Cartoon protests), plus (2) use of the word “double” – perhaps doubled, as in “double double” – to articulate the connection between the otherwise non-signified pairs. One double is the pairs, on the same level of complexity as regards constituent. The other double is that between these constituents, at this level, and words, which belong to a higher level of complexity, communicating through the logical connections of text. When, in general, words are doubled, as in “remembering to remember”, the token repetition brings two instances of the textual meaning in relation to each other. Such “doubledness” is itself “doubled” in the “double double” double, in particular, as a meta-language construct from the elements of the object language.

The is significant because of the function of this construct as a unit*, S*, of communication: something wholly contained as content of a single thought in conscious awareness. It elicits a common factor in different materials by bringing them together for comparative survey by the mind. This sort of content is what “the mind”, as term, was invented to stand for. Whatever is wholly contained under S* exists through internal, not external connection of its elements, as “4 legged animal” is the sign-use through which “dog” is predicated of Emily, the generic third term subsuming both. Similarly, a generic third term includes both Cheney’s misfire and the cartoon protests – karmic payback -- but it can be arrived at only by symbolic analysis.

The symbolism of Darth Cheney shooting friend Wittington, as explained at length elsewhere, is the Freudian Death Father (read also: castrating) killing a rebellious son that, in fantasy, when he grows up, is a threat to kill him (and possess the mother). This was what Abraham was prepared to do to prove faithfulness, excused from the ultimate atrocity at the last minute by his own Death Father who demanded it as a test. Something like this seems to be what George Lucas had in mind as the story of Darth Vadar, father, and Luke Skywalker, son, in the Star Wars movies. But if the dark forces threatening cosmic destruction are, as Brandon Emerick insists (and I agree), are symbolic, at the group level, of the same destructive Vietnam war forces captured by Oliver Stone’s Apocalypse Now. This was a sadism inflicted by that generation of fathers on the rebellious sons and daughters of the 60’s who chanted “Hell NO! WE WON’T GO!” – some of them – to Richard Nixon. Lucas’ enormously popular and influential films started out as if destined to fiercely oppose that force and restore his princess sister to the throne. That would be the peaceable kingdom Patti Smith sings about. Then, looping in the previously aroused symbolic fantasy connections by “pre-quels”, to explain how things had gotten as bad as they were, he betrayed the baby boomer generation’s cause; reconciled it, and its children, to the unrepentant, unchanged, twisted father.
It is a despicable act, on such an enormous scale that mere summary in a few words cannot but hint deserved judgment. HIS karmic payback is to have thrown the weight of his genius behind the forces that led to G.W. Bush; thence, via Cheney’s shot, thus under the gun of their regime. He admitted as much himself, quipping g “I know that could get me a backside full of buckshot” after comparing Cheney with the Emperor who “always stands behind Darth Vadar”. He knows, that shows, how much America regards his contribution and how it will be misused.

The natural reluctance to blame fathers is an instinctual a priori. We WANT to love them; almost more than anything, because without loving them, and receiving love in return, how can we love ourselves? When the shock of a reality -- abuse for instance -- drives back this instinctual outreach, it is replaced by the mechanism of reaction formation: an automatic reversal of rebellious hate-kill impulses, when they reach consciousness, into “I LOVE HIM! I WILL DIE FOR HIM!” defense against the inner threat of even thinking “bad” thoughts. This is how sadism gets incorporated into psychodynamics of the afflicted personality (cf. Nick Nolte, etc.). The professed love of father, under reaction-formation, is an easily feigned religious front for acting out sadistic punishment fantasies on His enemies, the Evil ones. Giving pain is their way of showing love. This belongs to the psychodynamics of what Freud called the “super-ego”. The Demo-Repube political war party has inflicted America with a severe super-ego attack. That is because it is at the same time undergoing massively inflamed id-impulse arousal. Reality – an ego-function – is lost as the battle between good and evil must be waged more strongly each day.

The karma in the act is that what Cheney’s group -- the WHIG’s, the one’s who made up the Iraq war – did to America at large was what was brought about by the confluence of events on 2.11.’06 : shooting (us, Wittington) in the face. It pronounces a curse on our historical inner life, if ever anything did. Could one way that it was “destined”? – that their way-of-being brought it about, in some cosmic sense? That is what the theory of karma holds. This holds that there are inner lines linking individual and group token-space, showing the same thing at two symbolically linked levels.

THE MUSLIM CARTOON protests turned violent is a massive acting out of a shared hatred, rage, brought about by the way they are treated.

The inflagration of KFC’s abroad externalizes the inflammation within. The symbolic link is “burning” – for how they are made to feel, as inferior children, acting-out by hysterical conversion.

It is significant as a symbolic coincidence that a spate of churches in Alabama are being burned during the first of February. It suggests an arragned double instance, as if the demonic motive attached by the official war mongers to the Muslim protests there, might ignite a similar demonic outbreak of righteous rage here, requiring defense of the religious establishment by the ATF.


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