Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Et tu, Brutus? - Another Double Reverse Special



-Living out the psychology of the abused

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer in The Situation Room this afternoon (3.2.’06) juxtaposed snippets of ex-President Bill Clinton supporting the Bush administration’s port deal with the United Arab Emirates, over against his wife Hillary’s opposition, she being heavily favored as the Democrat’s ’08 presidential candidate.

See, it isn’t Republicans who are in conflict with each other over port security; it’s the liberals.

This is the way group fantasy works in the mind-set of the abused. The ones they pick on, the way conservatives have always picked on the Clintons, are always accused of harboring the conflict within themselves. The issue at hand just brings it out. Thus, mean white massas would torment blacks by throwing down a knife, daring ‘Rufus’ to pick it up, ready to whack him mercilessly if he did. Called any who hesitated a coward. This is a paradigm abuse situation.

Republicans threw down the knife on America when they pushed through the lying war on Iraq. Numerous other examples illustrate the mind-set of the abused at work, most notably the psychodynamics of torture. Security issues tied to the terror of 9/11 have been yanked to the point of blatant collective paranoia, already. That’s why the Port issue was pounced on by Bush’s adversaries across the board. He had left himself vulnerable at just the point on which he was most “strong” – the old protection racket. “Hoist on his own petard,” smirked The Nation’s Greider, glad to see Bush get it even if in the right! There is no question, I think, but that this feeling-content of Bush getting “blindsided” was a dominant part of the hysterical ambience. This connects by association, again, to “port security” as the group-fantasy token motivated, as the ’04 election, by defending against the threat of anal penetration (the condition of gaynxiety).

However, blatant as the political fantasy-balloon is, Lou Dobbs is fiercely trumpeting bi-partisan Congressional opposition to allowing terrorist-linked companies to “take charge of”, “take control over” (repeated) U.S. Ports, infrastructure, etc., dredging up old charges to heighten the “discomfort” level of supporting Bush. So blatant is the deep-base bellow-pumping against the background of the already burst balloon one has to wonder whether it has gone to the level of conscious self-parody. It is made to seen a genuine attempt to go after Bush however by the way CNN and Lou Dobbs do today’s polls. 34% approval; 57% disapproval of the way he is doing his job, if they can be trusted. These are torrid numbers, whether fueled by pure anti-Bush hatred or not. It is hard, frankly, to take it as other than a deliberate attempt on the part of a segment of the media and political establishment to do him in, take over his military machine, foreign policy toward Israel, India, Iran and China, and tiptoe through the “forgiven” portal of history. Without ever having faced the judge. That would be my judgment of where it stands as of this evening. The key question is, how will Bush respond? It seems to be et tu, Brutes? time in the White House.

What the mind-set of the abused has internalized, namely, that there will always be “terrorists” our to “penetrate their ports”, is exported; the other side of the alchemical mysterium conjunctionis weakness picked up and exploited. Where the on-going situation is penetrated by group-fantasy constructs converted into real threats, the ramifications ramify, and “double reverse specials” like CLINTON v. CLINTON


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