Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

J'Accuse - NYTimes insult of males

March l5, 2006

J’Accuse !

As a male, I vehemently object to your picture, in color, of the near naked Palestinian men “tumbling out of a jail compound in Jericho” on Israeli orders. (Page One.)

In Arab lands, as you know, it is customary for nales not be so exposed. A kind of reversal of the old tradition in America, that only her husband sees the wife undressed. In Arabia, their wives see sheikhs unclothed.

Is a cultural manhood, it is more than modesty; a niche of personal privacy. Taken up to the religious level by many Muslims, as anti-homosexuality is by many here. As exposure of the female body was once considered shameful here, so exposure of the male there.

Of course, it is easy for older ones who have ridden the merry-go-round to make fun of younger ones hesitation to get on. “They’ll get over it.” And easy for those accustomed to sexy, sweaty pantex work-out sessions mixing buxom babes with right studly dudes to say “get over it” to people who regard such things as sinful. But that is a wrong attitude.

Calling on Mayer Michael R. Bloomberg’s to witness my right to use the phrase, I call this obscene and abominable publication propaganda of the Zionist Media. It is a direct, unrecallable, deliberate provocation of Arab males. And to all men in general who would respect that as a human right.

It goes with making cartoon fun of the Prophet Mohammed, also defended by Mayor Bloomberg. Its fine if crazy Christians want to see nails pounded through the palms of their savior god, in moving cinema drama; perhaps the civilized spirit of Islam got beyond that point long ago, but still have what the Israelites once had, for those when sacred things meant all.

The Zionist Media. Belittling the spirit of what has been made of humanity’s manhood by an entire segment of earth’s population.

If “shame” meant anything….shame on you. That stands forever, no matter what.

But since the situation is about what shame is, for males, you have pre-emtively transgressed a hitherto tacitly observed understanding not to make fun of, belittle, degrade, disrespect the humanity in others, however repugnant it might be to some. This is a principle the Times itself honors. The shamelessness that has come in regarding malehood bears an unmistakably homosexual component; as if there were an agenda, conscious or unconscious, to “turn them into women”, as the saying goes. Abu Ghraib was not just about torture but about sexual humiliation. The “I-Man”, Don Imus and crew on MSNBC got yuks aplenty off the sight of women’s panties hunging on a naked prisoner’s ear. The New York Times poison belongs up there with, even surpasses in circulation, the continuing anal male rape messages.

In unadulterated Freudian dream-thought talk, this is what is spewing from the mouth of Zion. Torah, it’s not. There are dots here that I do not, nor does anyone else, want to connect, but must, in an appropriate way.

Sid B. Thomas
Associate Professor of Philosophy, emeritus, SUNY Binghamton

2327 Seneca St.
Binghamton,. New York 13903


Phone 607 – 773 -0071


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