Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Metaphysically Challenged: Christians


Keyword “Jewish Sects” tapped into Yahoo! (May 25, 2006), brings up

1. Jesus the Jew !

Punched that up; got


As confidence in human reason and hope for happiness in this world waned in the last centuries of the Roman Empire, a new outlook began to take hold. Evident in philosophy and in the popularity of oriental religions, this viewpoint stressed escape from an oppressive world and communion with a higher reality. Like many so-called mystery religions Christianity evolved from this setting of declining classicism and heightening otherworldliness.
Christianity offered a spiritually disillusioned Greco-Roman world a reason for living—the hope of personal immortality. Christianity marked a break with classical antiquity and a new stage in the evolution of the West, for there was a fundamental difference between the Hellenic and the Christian concepts of God, the individual, and the purpose of life. Whatever freedom existed in the world would soon give way to darkness as the Apostle Paul and the church fathers hijacked Jesus and Judaism to pervert the simple rabbi into a new Roman god.
Origins of Christianity, Judaism in the First Century B.C.

MOVED TO CORRECT THIS. Once and for all.

Christianity went virtually overnight from local origins in the early Galilee/Jerico River – Dead sea region of the Middle East, centering on Jerusalem and the crucifixion events of the first century, to become the major transforming psychodynamic force in the history of Roman, Medieval, Enlightenment European, and modern civilization. The remnants of the little tribe with big ideas of their own importance to the world; who trace world history through Abraham, Moses, Solomon’s Temple, and the great diaspora; but whose ancestral ranks were confused and greatly enlarged by a mass conversion of Kazar semi-barbarian Caucasians (“13th Tribe”) in the 10th century b.c.; …the ancestors of those with web-sites capable of drawing #1 Yahoo rank to broadcast “Jesus was a Jew”, were very likely among those expelled by later nation minded European communities from the 16th century on. The religion of this region was Christian, in various version, some rough and crude compared with others. That gives cause to defend against “Christianity”; and what better way than dismiss it as the story of how Peter and Paul hijacked Jesus and Judaism to pervert the simple rabbi into a Roman God? Then in this past century the terrible events of Germany and WWII ensued, now recalled almost exclusively as the time of “the Holocaust.” That is to say, through Jewish eyes.

Seeing Jesus as a Jew goes with seeing WWII as the Jewish holocaust. They (Romish brutes) killed the simple rabbi back then; then, Teutonic-Norse Aryans, with Christian veneer, slaughtered six million. The point is, it is always the Jews who get killed. Jesus was a Jew. The holocaust sacrificed Jews. There you have it. Circle complete. Oh, man’s inhumanity to man….

Real Elders of Zion couldn’t top this. Not telling anyone what to think, or anything, but to have that up as #1 Yahoo! entry for “Jewish Sects” goes beyond metaphysical audacity to contempt, Christ-killing and spiritual reversal (hijacking Jesus).

It is metaphysically audacious to rule out Jesus’ repeated assertion that his “Father” was the hoary “I AM” (cf. John 8.58f), for which they resolved to kill him.
This is why it rings no bells for Christians to harangued with “Jesus was a Jew” over and over. After professing “only on his mother’s side”, a Christian has nothing left to say, except to insist that what they refer to not just a Jewish “simple rabbi”, and to reduce it to such understanding, except among each other behind closed doors, is a provocation. Don’t tread on the Trinity.

In order to make this correction, however, Christians owe it to themselves, each other, and the tradition, to spell out for Jews in terms they can understand what it is about Jesus as “the Christ” they don’t get. That is the metaphysical challenge.


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