Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Deconstructing Bush's God Reversal



In The Final Analysis: The only truth

Rub-a-dub dub
Three men in a tub
And who do you think they be?
The butcher (Sharon)
The baker (Pope)
The candlestick maker (Bush)
Embarked on a killing spree.

Danish cartoons
German Pope
Zionist Evangelical Zionists to boot


Immediately after his (s)election, before 9-11-01, G.W. Bush announced that Catholics and Jews were swing vote targets of his 2004 campaign, and started doling out federal funds to these entities. “Faith based initiative”, he called this anti-American politics, declaring that use of the word “God” by charities and educational institutions did not prohibit them from receiving federal monies and the long-standing policy to the contrary was discriminatory. This reversal was allowed to stand. The American public had been bait-switched (from “compassionate conservatism” to religiosity) into funding old-world hate/war mentality.

This reversed the separation of church and state provided by the U.S. Constitution and started the pathological lying and psychotic killing of this administration. This blatant reversal of the Constitution was never adjudicated. Normal judicial proceedings were interrupted by 9-11. The trauma of this tragedy allowed the Catholic and Zionist Jew-dominated neocon conspiracy (cabal, collusion) assume total control of America’s foreign policy and domestic politics. Now it has become accepted that 9-11 was an inside job. 1

By noon the day that attack occurred I arrived at and announced the underlying cause – old world, old war hatreds which the original settlers had tried to escape by coming here had been brought to America’s shores by Catholics and Jews. Neither of these groups were parties to signing the U.S. Constitution, though some colonies tolerated them. They could not own property or vote in many places, especially in the South except where French influence remained (New Orleans). Now here came Bush and the “neocons” reversing its charter from God. (Original Protestant use).

What was not at all clear at the time, however, how much low-church Xians called “Evangelicals” – allowing themselves to be so-called by the Cath-‘o-jew corps – enabled it. Only by following the “Neocon Watch” thread on the OD forum board, which is an important unique historical document (begun by AntiYuppie) was this brought out. Other factors were of course anticipated and turned up: sow-belly Republicanism (Rove, Abramoff, Guckert, Cheney); moralistic hate-mom hangers onto Chinton’s wang; dip-shit right-wing college brewskie re-pubes (fuck ups, they were known as on campus); sons of the Sopranos; etc.. The abiding emotional core was the Vietnam war terror inflicted on the “baby boomer” generation. This was deconstructed in Bush’s last press conference (Septrember 13) in which he “came out”: “I got into politics initially because I wanted to help change culture.” The emotional core of the entire process has been culture war. Against? – What Maureen Dowd notes he has forgotten: Vietnam. “It’s impossible for someone to have grown up in the 50’s and 60’s to envision a conflict with people that just kill mercilessly, using techniques that are foreign to our – to modern warfare,” she quotes him as saying. The culture war he launched by entering politics was against those who protested the Vietnam war on precisely these grounds. As in Apocalypse Now. “He wanted to banish the old 60’s “if it feels good, go it,” culture and “help usher in an era personal responsibility.” He pitched in his faith in Jesus on that. Turned God”over to Daddy mongers. He jes be de Son, bejeesus. Leave the Zeus-YHWH unction up to the Cath-‘o-jews.

Now, I wsh at this point to categorically distinguish (1) the question of “60’s culture”, i.e., the war on trippy hippy pot-smoking effeminate males, followed by the grotesque 70’s styles (followers of Gingsberg’s great “HOWL”), drugs-sex-rock-‘n-roll ambience, or whatever; and (2) the question of Vietnam war protest. Many who protested the war were not part of the 60’s culture; many who were part of the 60’s culture did not actively protest. Of those who protested, some were ideological (YSA- Young Socialist Alliance; SDS – Students for Democratic Society); some were patriotic – myself: “America” driven. Others were something else, e.g., kids acting out late teen- age/early manhood rebellion; “killing father to get to mother” (over coming external or internal constraints to getting laid).

Comment on this last: I didn’t see much of that, and at the time rejected Bettleheim’s Freudian psychoanalytic explanation. The causes were quiete conscious in this case, whatever unconsciously motivated the actors. The moral dimension was the one the second set of protestors held to. The protested it because it was wrong: then, thereafter (throughout the cold war), and now. Moral judgments are registered in the unconscious because they are totality functions, and in the unconscious there is no time. Nothing changes. Once wrong, wrong forever.

This got called “The Vietnam War syndrome” -- a guilt paralysis that unhappily affectedf planning for forward-leaning (=aggressive) U.S. military posture. The Reagan years were presumed to end that. Defiance of the Soviets, Contra mercenary war in Nicaragua, death squad atrocity and rule-by-slaughter in El Salvador; Sharon invading Lebanon; economic recession and mounting debt, Ed Meese – it all comes back, as if recently. A good chunk of time for Americas stopped there; and started again according to clocks ticking toward the l996 “Clean Break” document, when the roots of neconism burst through the sod into full-grown Jensen weed patch (to mix metaphors). The signatures on that document, which drew up the blue-print for what has played out in the Iraq, the Mid-East as well as domestically, reappeared on three subsequent documents repeating and amplifying the required scenarios. This is the inexpungible paper trail to the American Nuremberg trials, forthcoming.

These have been the primary enablers. But it was G.W. Bush who threw our “God” – use of the word each American citizen is entitled to judgment under, by right; not his 12-step alcoholic aid – into the pond, like a huge stone. Mel Gibson’s movie by the accursed title “The Passion” – a Christ for the abused, God help them --

Anyone could see that no good, only great evil, could follow.

But somehow this, itself, got taken care of. A Jewish speech-writer’s theological wisdom were heard ringing forth as Presidential Discernment: An “Axis of Evil” existed out there, in the world: Iraq, Iran, and N. Korea. (?huh? – many said; but nobody would take on “G-d”). That gave the moral hardliners something concrete to predicate on: Evil, itself. The old Sly One, Wotan-goat, take your pick, where evil is, can the Devil Be Far Behind? Make’ no diffunce wha He B call’’… He B de debbill. I use this Ebonic Idiom to try to express the degree of pathetic regression, or soul-death, experienced by the elites of America patriots when, first, “God”; then “the Devil”; were hurled into all our minds, through politics. Bush now described the conflict, apparently with the Pope’s blessing, as a “struggle between good and evil.”

So they have politicized the old Vietnam war as God’s, have they. Yes, they have. The same Father’s who brought that war in the 60’s are bringing this, through their Son. He is just bringing out, making clears, historically defining what they did and understood. They were The Fathers. He is Their Son. Here is where the Oedipal complex emerges historically. The followers of G.W.Bush would make it a question of manhood, now, with God The Father access at stake. His against ours

The Vietnam war was wrong. But it, and the Iraq war debacle dictated bay the “Clean Break” crowd, have been subsumed, like a double reversal, if both are taken as justified, under a use of “God” that has been reversed into “the Devil” (or: caricatured personalized enemy of the devil, no difference).

What’s happened here?

He calls it – those Roveans; always ahead of the game (they think) – “the Third Awakening”: (quoting M. Dowd) “W. told the columnists he thought America might be experiencing “a Third Awakening,” a religious fervor, because the people in rope lines tell him they’re praying for him.” Down adds cattily, but cogently: “That could also be because W.’s policies have led to so much global chaos and hatred for America, his supporters knows he needs more prayers.”

2. Text of Pope Benedict’s message

3. Maureen Dowd (“Awake and Scream”


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