Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Friday, August 04, 2006


Consider this sign-use complex:


-WELL, one could say, the wars the U.S. are involved in today – Iraq, Lebanon (by complicity with Israel), Iran (being mongered) – are definitely due to Israel and the neocon Jews who have shaped U.S. policy. (see Mearsheimer and Wald; The Original Neocon Watch (OD board))

But when Gibson raves “Jews are responsible for ALL THE WARS IN THE WORLD” (if he did), he NEUTRALIZES the truth of their responsibility for these BY GROSSLY OVER-STATING. THE CASE. The gross overstatement can be dismissed off-hand as absurd. The kind of thing a super rabid Jew hater would say. Thus the tag of reductio ad absurdum falls silently, fallaciously, on the subsumed claim; as if what were absurd of all could not be true of any, and whoever thinks so is a super rabid Jew hater.

Such is the depth of cunning in this (:hypothesis) designed intrusion. Everyone knew Mel Gibson’s father was hard-core anti-semitic, and that Abe Foxman et al gave him a hard time about anti-semitism in The Passion. That got a lot of play in the culture wars. And Hollywood is notorious for doing reruns of megamind material, which this is.

I want to suggest that execution of this particular little trick with sign-uses is THE focal point of the incident. ARE THESE HIS WORDS? He has been quoted as not remembering what he said. How does he, or we, know what he said, then. Officer Mee’s notes, leaked to an on-line outfit. “Are you a Jew?” they noted MG had asked. One can hardly resist playing that scene in imagination in his mind. Sure glad he remembered to put that in. Lets us see ol’ Mel hanging out. The LAPD had him rewrite the best lead lines apparently, so there is a pretty broad range of deniabilities built into the thing on top of ambiguous “guess we’ll never know” source of origin for the quotes. By probability, however, it stands to reason that they were “shaped”, or “designed” to do the particular job psychologically required.

This would be to re-direct attention from the slaughter going on in Lebanon, for which the Libby Lobby Jews are, in fact, responsible – a spectacle of religio-racist genocidal barbarity unparalled among civilized nations since Kristallnacht. War crimes of the highest sort, aided and abetted by U.S. officials, including members of the Congress who remain silent for fear of arousing Jewish voter’s ire.

It would take a Group-fantasy event of this scale of magnitude, carefully mixing fact and fiction; sanity and insanity; straight and altered states; reality and irreality; movies and real life – almost like a warm-up for the JESUS RETURNS flick locked up in WB’s basement somewhere, which I have predicted is about due – to bring about a reversal of the judgment forming in the public group consciousness in favor of Hizbollah that “the Jews” have, in sober fact, started this war. The accusation that “They crossed over the border of Lebanon into Israel and kidnapped two soldiers July 12, ’06” has become a kind of Jewspeak mantra all officials are obliged to intone, along with “Israel’s right to self defense”, and “Israel’s right to exist.” Ay the top of this Jacob’s ladder of sign-uses through consciousness, of course, is “Judeo-Christian”, linking the Old Testament YHWH/Elohim/El Elyon to the New Testament God (incarnated in Jesus Christ). It is at this most comprehensive level of signs used for the Completing Totality that the linking of logically incompatible ideas under a single sign (hyphenated) originates, in TokenSpace; the contradictions found in descriptions at the lower, subsumed levels of individuals are a result of this original incompatibility ‘working downward”; that is, by way of justifying sign-use. The antinomies and contradictions (and “ironies”) result from taking both sides at once as ‘real’, transcendentally. An example would be use of the word “democracy” as a token of both freedom and tyranny: freedom at a rudimentary cultural/ commercial level; tyranny at the level of political/group communication. Pushing all sides of the American dichotomies in Iraq, for instance (“be united”; “be empowered”), has led to uncontrolled violence between religious factions once mutually tolerant. There was no way the ideas which the people were asked to respond to could be made intelligible, in America’s sense of the terms, when accompanied by bombs. And this is the baby-boomers moment of objective self-observation. It is the externalized mirror-image of their ambivalence toward The Father, as Sons (and daughters; but the main setting is maledom) of the 60’s. What they allowed (‘delegated’) the Catholic/Jewish neocon cabal to do, in taking over U.S. foreign policy in the Mid East, comes to a head, gets focused as a totality, in the history of events that terminate in the situations at Baghdad and Beirut.

It is this one point – that “The Jews (in their Jewishness, in re Zionist Israel)” are responsible for US involvement in war in the Middle East – that this entire episode was designed to reverse the effect of, I am arguing. They are compelled by the incandescent rage of the entire world to reply to the terrible charges, at the group-fantasy level, using the most powerful Token Toady available. Who better than the already tarred religio-political Crucifier-in-chief. Somehow (we are told) he blurted out an uninhibited, ultra-radical generic content of anti-Jewish ethnic consciousness. This was the first step, getting it “out the4re”.

Next, comes total dumping of every Nazi-mongering, hateful, besmirching, insolent smear the MSM pundits outdo each other in making. He becomes a “poison container”: a canister of Zyklon B formed by projection of each one’s anti-Semitic group fantasy. Mel Gibson was delegated, or delegated himself, to speak for all. A kind of Jesus trip, seen through reversals.

. Meanwhile, the picture on the channel “news” networks show maleficent Mel, alongside Nasrallah, intelligent-looking leader of Hizbollah. “The Party of God.” Which God, you ask? Ke3ep looking at the TV. What do those two men on the split screen of collective consciousness have in common?

Both speak of Jews, war, and -- by Gibson’s accusation reversed – war on Jews. This is the “DOUBLE REVERSE NEGATIVE” form of sign-use I analyze in detail elsewhere.


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