Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Friday, November 10, 2006

Threading the Fallout of Election '06

Threading the Fallout

Punishment Due Israel Displaced onto Rumsfeld

Limbaugh -- to Jerusalem -- to Bolten -- to You!

Courtesy of those who got out and voted Democrat

1.. LIMBAUGH SPLITS - admits previous insincerity.

'Liberated' Limbaugh flays GOP for lame campaign
Radio host: Conservative values not trumpeted by 'I'm-afraid-of-my-shadow Republican Party'

Radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh says Republicans are to blame for their own demise at the polls by failing to run a campaign trumpeting conservative values.

Comment: If they had, they would have fared worse; the old gay-marriage, abortion rights, Feminazi menace radio talk days is over, and he knows it. "If only the core values had been pushed harder" is an old spin-line, here taken up into text, Fibonacci-wise. This gives instant historical revisionism by predicating on the previous predicate -- itself falsified, thus setting the stage for pounding 'core values' more, harder, next time! (This from an individual whose degree of hypocrisy makes any reference to sinning against "core value" a joke.).

"You and I hunger for ideological leadership and we're not getting it from the top. Conservatism, conservative ideology was nowhere to be found in this campaign from the top," Limbaugh said today in his post-election analysis. "The Democrats beat something with nothing. They didn't have to take a stand on anything other than their usual anti-war position. They had no clear agenda and believe me, they didn't dare offer one. Liberalism will still lose every time it's offered."

Comment: The boldface schema is a psychosemiotic defense against his complicity in promoting those who have just been beaten. "They didn't have to taker a stand on anything other than their usual anti-war position." This, after Bush-Rumsfeld-Cheney-Rove-neocon-right-wing politics has been explicitly pitched to and driven by war rhetoric. The unremitting, merciless, sadistic edge of "core values" of their vaunted "base" is their justification of the killing. This is what the Voice of the People Spoke and Saith Unto Them, which must now be defended forever, or they lose. This is what many were trying to tell them. Now the truth of what we were saying has been brought out, like slabs of the Big Dig falling off the ceiling. The hard war edge of their "core values" rant turns* from terrorists to liberals (*cf. F(n) vectors in Tokenspace), and now it has just turned back onto them.

2. Liberal's, Dem's ascendency threatens Israel


Dems' Wins in U.S. Races Concerns Israel

Jerusalem..Steven Stanek

"Israelis are worried the Democratic power swing in Washington curbing President Bush's power will lead to less decisive action on Iran's nuclear ambitions, which they consider an imminent threat."

Word has got out via Iraq president Talibani, related to this, that Dems have promised no early withdrawal.

Iraqi president says Democrats told him they will not pull out quickly
By Associated Press
Thursday, November 9, 2006 - Updated: 05:23 PM EST

BAGHDAD, Iraq - President Jalal Talabani said Thursday that he had been assured by Democrat congressional leaders during a recent visit to Washington that they had no plans for a quick withdrawal of U.S. forces.

Talabani, a Kurd whose post is ceremonial, said Democrats also backed the idea of placing U.S. troops in bases while putting Iraqis in charge of security in and around cities.

“They all told me that they want the success of Iraq’s democratically elected government and continued support for the Iraqi people to defeat terrorism,” Talabani said about his trip to the United States in late September as many were predicting the Democratic congressional triumph in Tuesday’s midterm elections.

And listen to Scott Ritter on Iran. It is a thriving place, in its way. Covert ops are under way to destabilize the regime, perhaps bomb suspect nuclear facilities. That would be catastrophe squared.


3. What Does Bolten Do? -

-Hands over the Soup-line tap to a certified Crony
Bush Crony to Head UN's Food Program
Ian Williams Wed Nov 8, 4:00 PM ET

The Nation -- As Americans voted Tuesday in what may well be a referendum on Bush Administration policies at home and abroad, US Ambassador John Bolton once again breached UN protocol in New York, this time by prematurely announcing the appointment of former Washington Times editor Josette Shiner to head the World Food Program. Shiner, currently under secretary of state for economic, business and agricultural affairs, is tasked with pushing American business interests abroad. (A longtime member of Washington Times owner Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church, Shiner left the paper in 1997

This is "crony stuffing" to get the "right man"'s hands on the spigot-dole to aid the WORLD'S needy. Who is to stop him?

-- Well, maybe ...It is reported that the Pelosi wrecking crew might go after him:
.Bolton Unlikely to Win Senate Approval

WASHINGTON (AP) - John Bolton's prospects for staying on as U.N. ambassador essentially died Thursday as Democrats and a pivotal Republican said they would continue to oppose his nomination.

It was another blow to President Bush, two days after Democrats triumphed in elections that will give them control of Congress next year. On Wednesday, Bush had announced that Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, a polarizing figure and face of the Iraq war, would step down.

On Thursday, the White House resubmitted Bolton's nomination to the Senate, where the appointment has languished for more than a year. Bush appointed him to the job temporarily in August 2005 while Congress was in recess, an appointment that will expire when the Congress adjourns, no later than January.

Sen. Lincoln Chafee, R-R.I., who was defeated by Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse on Tuesday, told reporters in Rhode Island that he would continue opposing Bolton. That would likely deny Republicans the votes needed to move Bolton's nomination from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to the full Senate.

4. METAPHYSICAL LINK (huge stretch -- can U make it?)

BOLTEN IS THE KEY LINK* BETWEEN U.S. foreign policy, Israel, the United Nations (as historical world stage) and the court of public opinion. His position puts his consciousness at the psychosemiotic interface of these expanding TokenSpace vectors. This site in reality is where particular S*trings of contiguous points on any plane of two dimensions, which is divided into four quadrants by x-horizontal, y-vertical lines intersecting at point 0. These (S*trings) are the elemental units into which the historical process can be analyzed, because they are those metaphysical kinds of things that sign-use reproduces in/for consciousness. The U.S. chair at the U.N. is where those burdened with this consciousness intersect in TokenSpace. TokenSpace in general is the relational matrix defining the totality of consciousness communicated through sign-use. The signs used (S*), themselves, in their token particularity, are the scalar; sentences (resolutions, etc.) the vector, magnitudes in actual S*-series (Ex.: the U.N. resolution equating Zionism with racism which Bolten was instrumental in getting reversed.) S*trings relating large groups to each other through names of higher scale totalities to which members of the group relate (as in nations, regions, countries, cities, schools, religions, ideologies, tribes, cultural traditions, languages, mathematical, astronomical, objective knowledge). They set up how "We" will be related to by others (as well as how we will relate to ourselves self-referentially through their terms). Inner freedom in the inner, metaphysical sense consists in not being subject to this grammar of self-inclusion of one's own conscious content through the unconscious tokens of others. (So we can know what we are relating to.) .



"B-a-a-d boys! (pretending to be "good guys"! -- Outrageous!)" -- getting punished by the Killer Mommy Crew (Liberal Democrat Women -- Rush Limbaugh's "Feminazis") -- This is one S*tring of the story, just underneath consciousness. Limbaugh's "core values", which he now claims the Republicans have disavowed, and he is liberated from being the Great Deceiver's water carrier (which he indeed has been), are the politics of killer Mommy ("Femenazi") enemy-liberals, always peeking into boys' bedrooms and disarming the menfolk. That is his 'line in the sand' between "conservatives", as he understands the term, and "liberals" -- aka the "bleeding heart" Cindy Sheehan types. The shared projection here goes back to Vietnam war protest days in the 60's, looped forward by Ronald Reagan, the Great Reverser, who installed* hatred of we who were right as b-a-a-d "protestors". His duty, and those who followed him in the 1980's resurgence of right-wingism in America, was to confront and conquer the radical spirit of the 60's, which they called "the Vietnam war syndrome". Their boys literally caught the baby-boomer generation's first president with his pants down, and rode the anti-liberal/anti-Clinton revulsion that followed into the ground, before segueing to Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein as substitute male enemies with weapons of mass destruction carrying out terrorism on the penis-symbol of old New York's liberal, global corporate skyline. That's been about it as a Group-fantasy condensation, Page 1.

One thing is clear: the major topic kept out of the '06 campaigns entirely, now the proverbial elephant in the living room, is the matter of Israeli/Jewish influence on U.S. foreign policy. Already under indictment by Mearsheimer and Walt for skewing U.S. foreign policy in the Mid East toward war on Iraq to favor Israel , the 410-8 House vote in support of Israel's Lebanon campaign in July/August '06, plus the looming Iran situation -- all indicate a force that will not go away; cannot go away; and cannot be made conscious, because it is under repression (and making it conscious is a sin punishable by death). This where The Unconscious has America by the balls.

The instinctive impulse, Sigmund Freud held, is to turn on sexuality ("liberalism") as "sin" and evoke punishment for it. Why? It (sexuality) involves an arousal leading to orgasm if completed instinctively; but, as tension-expansion reaches acme, Reich found, there is an inner resistance to "letting go", which increases with orgasmic anxiety. The "unconscious sense of guilt" (Freud), which is "sin" (Christianity), provoke, or invoke, a sense of needing punishment. The rhythmic, involuntary phase of the movement toward release-relaxation, after the lugubrious tension heightened by arousal, is resisted, 'clamped down' on, given less-satisfying substitutes, or find outlet in neurotic symptoms.

The thought of "punishing Israel" is cathected in the group as a whole with varying degrees of guilt, conscious or otherwise; or, met with approval or neutrality. In any case, the 410-8 House vote, coupled with the deafening silence on the issue in election '06, show a very powerful content in the collective unconscious that demands attention be paid it as a national problem.

Rumsfeld as Scapegoat's Scapegoat

Jews of what ever variety understand the very word can become radioactive, its bearer's made scapegoats of wrongdoing. That is why there an Anti-Defamation League. Abe Foxman wants to prevent such psychosemiotic radioactivity as "anti-Semitism". Knowing that danger of this is heightened when blame for the Iraq war seeks to come put, the scapegoats need a scapegoat -- to displace and, hopefully, defuse the impulse to punish the "impudent upstart Jewish horde". That would be Rumsfeld's role.

Redirecting the impulse-to-punish by unconscious substitution of objects is classical Freudian displacement. One substitutes psychologically for the other, with the victim turned on not really understanding why. Rumsfeld has carried out what he was called on to do as best he could. No one denies that. So what should they* expect? The punishment, this shows, is not aimed exactly at him, but at the group's projection onto him: punishing him for what they* put him up to doing. Making Jesus out of Rummy; purse from a sow's ear. "Re-inventing themselves" it is called now. The Re-pubes get a little re-birth on the cheap here by canabalising Rumsfeld. Let the Democrat's wrecking ball, and the MSM hit him.


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