Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

IZZYCREEP -- more reversal study

IZZY Creep

Kristallnacht revenge on the Nazis (aka Hamas, Hizbollah, Islamists, Arabs, Palestinians – whoever opposes them)

The abused abusers -- Andrea Yates returns to the Holy Land

First, it was only ….. “all we want to do is be let alone; live and let live”.

Then followed: Sharon and Bush using the term “Zionist” in 2004 in the context of “The Zionist State of Israel”. This is an ideological escalation from the previously used “Jewish State”. It’s Biblical connotations effectively violate the first amendment to the U.S. constitution by using the name of a particular religion as proper (individually referential; predicated on as if existing). “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion.” The president’s act created a defacto circumvention of Congressional responsibility. Doing so cancels all legal and financial contracts between the two entitites, since one has taken on a religious cast which the Constitution bars.

This should have been immediately brought to the Supreme Court’s attention, as I demanded at the time (ha ha, one says). However, since the same Jews represented by Ariel Sharon control the U.S. media, Congress, K street, both political parties, and foreign policy, fuggedaboutit.

Next on the docket: total uncritical support of Israel’s “right to exist” and “right of self-defense” claims -- adduced to justify its massive military assault on Lebanon and Gaza. Some call it genocide.

Now from ZOG punditry:
“We’re all Israelis now (Kudlow, Mehlman); “It’s OUR War” (Wm. Kristol, equating US and Israel fighting Hizbollah; “NOT” – P. Buchanan); “The Israelis are fighting for us” – M. Peretz. Translation: America is now linked de facto by the capture and blood of Israeli soldiers to protect the Zionist Jewish State of Israel. That is their take on the situation.

But let the link be cut. “The self-same moment I could pray, and from my neck so free, the albatross fell off and sank like lead into the sea.” (-ancient mariner) They have no right to foist their group-fantasy token off on unsuspecting American Christian citizens, many of whom are simply too good hearted to believe such conniving calumny of the ones of whom the Old Testament God saith: “I will bless those who bless you, curse those who curse you.” But it is high time that Christian American citizens make their difference felt, if the God they honor really is The Father of The Son through the Holy Spirit by way of the womb of the Mary. This one includes Christ as the inner side of Jesus. He owed his body side, as the Jews are always insisting, to the mother biologically, and this (according to them) his spirit to the OT deity known through their father Abraham. This body is what they crucified on a wooden cross outside Jerusalem. The relationship of that scene to the city whose people committed it was a condemnation of it and them. The kingdom of God He had spoken of was not of earth. It’s city of followers was a New Jerusalem, not the one near the Jordan river. However, they were linked in most ancient times by a sur-planetary priesthood (cf. Genesis 14, Hebrews 7).

These things are of the last importance because there is no barrier to Izzy creep after that they have sealed the deal in blood (in their mind) except by cutting the theological umbilicus between the monotheism of Judaism and the Christian Trinity, between the Old and New Testaments.

Now is the time, this is the situation, in which there must be a parting of ways, forever. They have gone too far.

New topic started next --10.17.'06



How the (reverse-) Gay Old Party Intends to Cudgel America the Beautiful from both sides and all over.

From Pathology Beyond Hypocrisy... to Fake Hate Crimes

"The split between the Republican's outward homophobia and inner gayness isn't just hypocrisy; its pathology" Frank Rich writes in Sunday's NY Times' Week in Review (October 15, '06). Gay's didn't "infiltrate" the party apparatus, as evangelicals fime; the ARE the party apparatus, he notes. "Rare is the conservative Republican Congressional leader who does not have a gay staffer weilding clout in a major position."

One could have said that about Jews in the foreign policy establishment, too, leading up to the Iraq war. Wonder if there is any overlap.

Gotta be. What tokens dominate the newsw, and the unconscious, more today than homosexuals* and Israelites*?

Examples of both surely appear where wedges of unconscious force intervene, such as "Department of Homeland Security", e.g., the homosexual pal of New Jersey's Gov. McGroovy. But it suffices here to trace their pathological reversals separately, allowing that they curve around and reconjunct at a higher level.

In the case of gays, the reversal consists in pushing ANTI-gay issues to win elections. This was specifically strategized in '04. The same sex marriage issue was promoted in order to rally the "sanctity of masrriage" vote and carry the Red States for Bush. Ridin' into a second term on Brokeback Mountain sensitives.

This injects an edge of metaphysical ambivalence into the atmosphere -- about them, even themselves, as if 'dumping' resolution of the dichotomy into the arena of politicized public opinion. This is what the "outwardly homophobic, inwardly gay" Re-pubes have done.

The pathology in this reversal, explained more fully elsewhere, is the mechanism of: l. splitting off (an incompatible content: "gays" are "bad/good", choose one), 2."dumping" the rejected, abhored content; 3. expunging the unclean (defiled, corrupted, poisoned) toilet-bowl/poison containers. (The notion of "poison container", a fantasy token into which has been dumped "bad", split off psychic effluvia, is a highest-level sign-use construct in psychohistory. All id-representatives are potential poison containers when the punitive super-ego rules the roost. The paradox (irony, return of the repressed) is, the more energy is devoted to stamping out "evil" (inside the poison containers), the more "evil" is empowered to fight back. ("Al Queda" has diversified, spread...'the enemy is always disappearing into the night'.) "Evil" is what is created by the split-dump-kill projection. "Evil" is what is recognized-in-order-to-be-opposed: the form of negativity itself; the phantom placenta, battened onto beneficent "God" use. (The poisonous placenta was the original "torturer" of the fetus.) .

Congressman Mark Foley was made chairman of the House Missing and Exploited Children's Caucus. This is another reversal; he is a border-line predator. The Republicans appoint a wolf to guard the chickenhouse. This is gaynxiety: they are trying to guard against their own raging homoerotic/pedophiliac desires.

All tokens related to protection of children (incl. "kids") are tincturede by reversal. "No child left behind" translates to "kill all the kids." "Security in schools" = (hysterical defense against predators) Insecurity in schools. (Kids under attack by teachers; cf. Principle in Wisconsin shooting two cats on school premises.) In general, children and youth, as bearers of the group.s vitality, are also carriers of sinful desires (in the adult fantasies identified with them) and, therefore, must be vigilantly protected (from others like themselves).

As a psychic wave-front, this preys on "gaynxiety" in straight males -- the unconscious dread of turning feminine, queer, emasculated. Those who are more conscious will not want to stone queers to death, probably, though "extremists" (those who simply hate everything about it, for whatever reason) will have such impulses and some may act out. This potentiates (makes useful) a mechanism of "patsy-provocateur" control: paying or inciting an "extremist" to act out, so that all who might sympathize with those who felt that way (such as Willie Nelson) are judged shameful. On the token side, the blame game is the shame game.

Homosexuality, itself, can be seem as a reversal of the role of male and female, as active-passive libido arousal-discharge. Freud, the first to tackle the psychology of sexuality from a developmental perspective, referred to them as "inverts" (contrasted with object cathexis of libido toward females as "extroverts" -- Jung uses these contracting terms differently). A good deal of PR work has gone into neutralizing and negating the impact of his point of view, including the claim of geneticism. "Born that way". Well, maybe some are. But the defenses against it are enormous; are religiously grounded; and are extremely ancient. The Coptic Enoch 2 writings violently condemn pederasty and male homosexuality, which are equated (as in Genesis). It is bad faith to cast all this aside, claim people are (and have been) born that way all along, "come out" and organize into a self-promoting network to prey on gaynxiety and hot dudes at the same time.


"Izzyangst" -- Anxiety originating in ambivalence toward Jews.

Seque to Harpur College's Cleveland Hall dormitory: "explicit language, ethnic hate slurs and "swastikas against blacks and Jews (sic)" are discovered on boards and the RA assistant's door (9.18.06) This apparent hate crime was kept out of the public eye until ten days later when the local Gannet newsrag spilled the beans. Binghamton U.'s President DeFleur sternly denounced it as "an attack on the entire community" in a letter. Even NY State Gov. George Pataki weighed in with a condemnation, as I recall.

On October 6, notice appeared that "A Binghamton University sophomore faces mideameanor criminal charge in connection with racist and anti-Semitic graffiti found. in his residence hall." (Press & Sun Bulletin, 3B). In other words, the hate attack on the entire community came from inside the dormitory itself, the police investigation says.

The individual staged an attack on himself as resident. That is the same sort of reversal as gays pumping up hatred of gays.

The name of the student is Justin Friedman. "No longer on campus," University spokesman Ryan Yarosh said. "No longer taking classes pending charges under the university's judicial system."

The question that must be asked: is he a Jew? Did he stage this attack of "swastikas against blacks and Jews" in order to incite racial and anti-Semitic hatred which would empower those fighting it?

If so, it falls under the same analysis as reverse-gay politics. It creates needless hate, to battle against and extirpate. Fighting something from within themselves, drawing everyone else in by their own ambivalence toward Jewishness.

Whatever the punishment -- and it should be double that meted for a real hate crime, in my opinion -- it should be accompanied by public shaming, declaring those of similar mentality persona non grata. The overall PR effect of the stunt is to greatly harm those who would speak out against the US-Israeli alliance documented by political scientists Mearsheimer and Walt. They are menaced by those who would retaliate for Cleveland hall hate attack, who may not have learned it was (likely) a Jew who did it.

Finally, in the way John Mark Karr got himself set up with prime time Larry King air space by faking the murder of JonBenet Ramsey, unless Justin Friedman is exposed and shamed, what is to keep him from coming back in reverse-Jewish glory, to take a nexst round of dirty tricks to another level? From celebrity child stalker to celebrity hololcaust promotor. (These are the connections through the unconscious on the token side)

There are suspicions afoot that the University was prompted to go public with a hot-potato case, from political motives, to turn the incident against those on campus who are straight, white, Christian and male, and tend not to regard multiculturalism as a theological given. And, that it is pandering to ethnicism, allowing the perpetrator to be punished far short of "an attack on the entire community."


Blogger Macrobius said...

Obama's speech is on message: he associated Defeatocrats with 'cut-and-run quitters' (abortion/birth).

8:01 PM  
Blogger Macrobius said...

Here's another... unbiblical/umbilical. Now, what do you make of 'harsh interrogation'?

12:48 PM  

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