Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Adressing The Nation in re Israel

My concern is with Sen. C. Hayes' article "(/11: The Roots of Paranoia", which I have analyzed more extensively elsewhere (

To the editors, the issue of airing the views of a man who claims Abu Ghraib wasn't torture (you can look it up) to defend the official 9/11 story is unwise, unless you want to fuel the "conspiracy theorists. Hayes' flat out denial of the facts in the first case undercuts, even reverses, the effectiveness of his denial in the second.
Same man, same bullsh!T.

The unseen, unmentioned benefiaries of both bogus denials are his Israeli-centric Connecticut Jewish constituents. Everyone remembers "John Israel's" name from Abu Grhaib pictures. Everyone following the "official conspiracy" tale, backed up by the US government, Popular Mechanoics magazine, knows the ragin' rumor sweeping the Mid-east, Europe, the rest of the world, is that Israel, the neocons, AIPAC, Hayes' constituents (some of them) and shabbos goyim like himself are all linked like aspen trees, by roots underneath the surface. As the fickle finger of fate slowly begins to point more and more steadily toward an inside job (never mind the anthrax attack framing a mad Islamic), the more weight is given the paranoid estimate of these are de facto Elders workings behind the scenes as a Fifth column. Not that I believe any of that for a minute, but, if it WERE true ....

It is not a time when those supporting the Zionist cause wants to see anyone go wobbly on Olmert. In fact, the situation in re US - Israel relations is at a crisis-crossroads point. What President Bush decides to do about Iraq will set the courese for dealing with Iran (Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas pan-Arab/Islamic nations -- behind them, Russia and China). But here is the score:

-Lebanon: -- the US has been drawn into complicity with war crimes

- Atomic weapons. Olmert's blurt as Big Man Among World Nuclear Superpower Leaders, staged as non-confession (threat) or not, requires the US to demand inspections and signing non-proliferation agreement, as demanded of Iran. Now that it has been blown out of the water by Israel's Prime ininister, "strategic ambivalence" can no longer be official policy. It now becomes "strategic lying". No Nation of honor can do business with a partner exposed to the rest of the world as a brazen, unabashed, beligerent, aggressive liar, claiming the right of pre-emptive self-defence and brandishing nukes.

-Insulting religious cartoons and holocaust truth conference. Israeli Jews defend the first ("a matter of self-consorship", said the Danish editor Rose, who chose the path of free speech), condemn the second, saying it shows how Ahmadenijad resembles Hitler. All line up for One Last Stand against the Nazis, the Third Reich, for Freedom of Speech! Save the Jews from the gas chambers! Er...

After Mearsheimer and Walt irrefutably pointed out, no other special interest group exerts such influence amounting to absolute control over US foreign policy than the afore-mentioned Fifth Column, "skewing" it to serve Israel's interests. Which is exactly what Nazi groups were saying online at the time, along with David Duke and Cindy Sheehan.

Removal of John Bolten from the UN has left this group very vulnerable. Those who know what torture is when they see it; those who will not tolerate niggling subterfuge when it comes to policy regarding nuclear weapons; those who are repulsed by hypocritical double-talk regarding religious insults -- whether they believe 9/11 was inside job or not -- will become more energized, intransigent, and rightfully vindictive. Let's not call it "scapegoat"-ing

For, lastly here, there is the question of the distorting effect this "Zionazi" complex has on American democracy. The critical issue -- US ties to Israel -- was never brought up in the last campaign, no leader dared openly challenge the official orthodoxy. So it wasn't really a democratic vote on freely and openly discussed issues. What it was taken as, and surely was, was a repudiation of the Iraq war process. But since the same behind-the-scenes manipulators who plunged the nation into disaster there have never been confronted, their exposure now is the most dangerous moment, perhaps in world history. Driven now by unbearable blood-guilt, they must play the same game harder, push the same buttons stronger, escalating the threat of ultimate force use if attacked; meanwhile preparing to attack, themselves.

Having allowed itself to be drawn in
to the Middle East
Viper's den

What will retraction
bring, internally?
Will you please
help it begin?


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