Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Friday, June 01, 2007

Conservatism vs. "The Right Wing"

CONSERVATISM vs ."Right Wing"

The metaphysical basis of the difference

American vs. political Jew meme .

"Right Wing" is the most inclusive -- "you gotcha left, see, and you gotcha Right; we're on the side of the Right, got that? -- jeez politics for dummies here". Other minorities are chum-chums as long as they are Right-Wing -- hate queers, niggers, babykillers,cunts, some or are all, Hey! all Yhwh's Tabernacle children.

Soul vs. Security (and "right to exist")

American Conservatism (I've hung out with them so long it's seeped in -- part ways, some of it) is a product of a completing totality that Jews were/are not a part of, as Jews, any more than Judas was one of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ and notwithstanding certain re-interpretations of the Bible to smooth this over. Some made good Americans, for a while -- those who were willing to lay down what they were to oppose the Vietnam war (sacrifice of life wasn't necessary; sacrifice of being-totality was). But it was precisely out of that link -- Richard Perle, from that kook Wa. Dem war-hawk Senator -- that the neocons got the US public to turn against McGovern (bless 'im, inept though he was); got Wm F Fuckley to turn over National Review to Rich Lowery and Johna Goldberg; polluting Disney, CNN, MSM in general with Murdochism, always helped by "Right Wing Catholics" they are always happy to include pictures of on TV, who are RIGHT THERE to tell RIGHT WING NORTH EAST REPUBLICANS GIULIANI- ROMNY (let hear it for Utah) GOD OPPOSES ABORTION. And the saintly Westboro Baptists choir girls and boys singing "AND MUTT MUNCHIN' BUTT BANGERS, TOO!"

You see folks -- blessed rep for reppers -- stay tuned. This is the SITUATION ROOM, WHERE PICTURES AND MESSAGES ARE ARIVING ALL THE TIME !!...york york ... What we are looking at above is the hi-jacked Taurus Torus of conservatism. All who breath its air inhale TB hyper strains for oxygen.

It is what remains if you hollow out soul (or soul-potential -- same thing, here), but continue to distribute soul-words throughout the body politic for people to use for The Beast. The point is, soul words, used for communications about "the Holy", play a particular role in the completion of each individual member of society. It could be called "fastening the individual's emotions to an External Collective Entity (Nation, State => The Magisterium => race, religion, The Exodus, etc. ...)"; or "turning over the description of what one is to others."

When that happens, the very definition of what humanity is -- what "humanity" communicates -- has become politicized, along with what one can say they are experiencing and thinking, from their own processes.

I want to put a quote from Gurdjieff that I find most piquant, while insisting categorically that he was not "anti-simitic" as that is used. This is, in fact, the only mention of Jews in his work I have come across:

"The religion founded on the teaching of Saint Moses, although it existed for a long time and is still maintained after a fashion by followers, yet, owing to the organic hatred formed in the beings of other communities toward the beings who follow this religion, due only to that 'maleficent' idea existing there called 'policy,' infallibly sooner or later they will doubtlessly 'croak'it' as well and also 'with a crash.'

Real soul is a material force on earth, few realize this. Put in Sisyphus, a mortal who has possessed Merope, where Zeus had not. There is a pool of conservatism at the base the spine there.


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