Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Monday, October 01, 2007



From TOKEN -association to REASON:

Explaining the synchronicity of Sign-uses: a crystalization of Unconscious psychism.

On the M-line

-Mke Mulligan -- military - (Monday Meeting ...)

-13 named tropical storm Melissa

- series of stunningly obscene, lurid, horrendous, sexual and physical assaults on women, of ever younger ages, from early 20's to young girls, children, and now infants. FOR SOME REASON OR ANOTHER, the mainstream media of communication has unleashed a series of such "Breaking News" stories (events 4 years earlier), claimed by officials involved to be the most gruesome they had ever witnessed. Real evil come home on their mutilated bodies.

One striking feature they had in common:

Madeline (Portuegese girl murdered; parents suspect.)

Madison (3 yrs old shown raped on videotape in Nevada)

Melanie (5 yr old family punching bag, beaten to death)

Michelle (dead coed...) the letter M. Now we get Mike Mullen on Monday.

Hypothesis. This coincidence of sign-use is 'micro*scopic'; part of the token fabric of the events communicated, seemingly far from any easily understood rational coordination. However, the character of this particular micro-repetition, given by the sound-pronunciation that goes with it; plus the shape used in standing for it which has universally symbolized flowing water; gives its singular distribution in the 'stories' here a feeling toned grouping. M is Mother, Mary, Mana, And on and on. The 13th letter. It* brings the persons and events referred to together at the pre-conscious* level. (*a symbolic content of Consciousness, cathecting a deep content of the Unconscious)

In Stratego, there is the Spy, the Enemy located near the King. If the 13th is the "perpetual extra", the Judas-entity excluded from the 12 disciples, this use of M, => Mother coincides with 13 => Judas: the killer of Christ. The overlay of M/13 in the case of the young-to-infant girls is a torture/rape/kill/ token of the female and 'feminine' in general (female AS feminine?). Doubling the text: it communicates Mother as Killer of (the feminine in herself; of womanhood). The Archetype of Killer Mommy (deMause), Death Mother; ... but also:

For Madeline: "It means 'gift of the Lord'", the Nevada policeperson said. "now we have our own Madeline; little Madison."

(she's alive, 7 years old and reported doing well, now, if you can believe it)

Note: this statement links the two girl's abuse across continents, and subjectively, via allusion to a religious, or inner connection. Psychosemiotically, it is not generally understood that angels are dead children. The Unconscious cannot let go of something so precious, so a token of what it would be for them to be alive. A process of unconscious imagination transforms the longing to retain the connection into a form existing parallel, in another reality, perhaps touched on in dreams. It is this content of the deep unconscious, on the hypothesis here, that attaches to M: Mother Mary Magdelene Madeline. But on the token side, by being the 13th letter, it is an inversion of the 12, the circle; symbol of totality; the ant-Christ; the Killer Mommy. All of that is being communicated as background noise on cable news TV during the fourth week in September.


There are two major phases in the PR set-up to attack Iran.

I. Demonization -- bring forth an Enemy dejour, a Public Enemy No 1 as a pure hate-cathexis. This is an abnormal, perverted content in them, which is projected outward as if in Ahmadenijad (Saddam Hussein, Bin Laden, Arafat, Zarqawi, Zawahiri, etc..)

II. Victimization. In which the Demonizers are greatly victimized by the Demon (gassed or blasted in oven chambers, you name it).

III. These are connected by the character structure of schizoidal psychopathy; a definite human abnormality. The chief feature of this as a collective mentality is that of: abusive people passing themselves off as victims, as if others are abusing them. (giving them an excuse to attach in the name of defense: 'the best defense is a good offense' the Bush-types say).

These characterological features of their abnormal personality dominate the public relations campaign. It will and forever be a replay of defying Hitler, again, returned as Ahmadenijad, and nrescuing the Jews as victims of the holocaust. The entire campaign to smear him goes back to rumors that he was among the 'students' holding Americans hostage in l978, later refuted. It is now ratchetted up to unheard-of heights, as if Evil Incarnate from Persia (where an actual strain leading through the Marqee de Sade came into the West, according to certain traditions) had been unleashed from Hell.

The psychological motive needs stating: this collective image is revived in consciousness, as if "out there", not "in here" IN ORDER TO ACT OUT THE EGO-DEFENSES AGAINST IT. The victimized must have a victimizer as part of the game. Demons attack, are not neutral. Most insidiously, from within: through one's very desire for pleasure. It becomes "dangerous", even poisonous. President Bollinger of Columbia led the mob of Victimized Abusers carrying out the ritual slaying of Hitler, the Nazis, anti-semites, enemies of the Zionist State of Israel, extremists and, of course, all terrorists. We're not afraid of you. To repeat: President Ahmadenijad's visit to New York City, from the Columbia lynching to the UN dwarfing, was staged in order to ritually re-enact the WWII defeat of Hitler's Germany, and rescue the Zionist ones to Israel. It was psychodynamically driven by the compulsion to act out this ritual in order to feel safe today. As a behavior pattern, it is what Carl Jung termed a "perseveration", a compulsive habit the group refuses to give up. The very prospect is fraught with greatest anxiety. That is how it is externalized: NOT to be confronting a victimizing Enemy would mean collapse of the group ego defenses. Yet, it IS an instinctual abnormality-become-second nature.



Blogger heptopus said...

Hi Sid,

check this out:

13 = number of cards in each suit of a deck of playing cards
"Killer Queen" = Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland - "off with his head!", seated next to the King
"Queen of Hearts" = Diana, Princess of Wales - connection to Elton John


4:38 AM  
Blogger Sid Thomas said...

Hey Chris!

-always says the mmmost!

I hadn't got the Diana - Elton John link ...

strange as Queen playing at Rome the day they took the other Pope off the feeding tube ...

Welcome back anytime, NZ Blue!

("At this moment the King, who had been for some time busily writing in his note-book, cackled out

`Silence!' and read out from his book, `Rule Forty-two. All persons more than a mile high to leave the court.'

Everybody looked at Alice.

`I'm not a mile high,' said Alice.

`You are,' said the King.

`Nearly two miles high,' added the Queen.

`Well, I shan't go, at any rate,' said Alice: `besides, that's not a regular rule: you invented it just now.'

`It's the oldest rule in the book,' said the King.

`Then it ought to be Number One,' said Alice.

The King turned pale, and shut his note-book hastily. `Consider your verdict,' he said to the jury, in a low, trembling voice.
....." )

5:07 PM  

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