Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Monday, July 21, 2008

Three Brain Theory of Sign Use

Illustrated, with applications to psychohistorical group process

Classical locales

in TokenSpace

1. Socrates

-as a Silenus: "...only his outer casing, like those little figures've only got to open him up to find him full..." (Symposium).

as Marsyus the satyr (pan) "..can get just the same effect without any instrument at all -- with nothing but a few simple words, not even poetry...staggered and bewitched."


Socrates devoted his entire life to 'tendance of the soul'. This is total devotion of brain 1 relating to crowning the reality of the upper part of Brain 2 with its knowledge. The power of this life work's force is real, beyond measure in the reality of brain 3 world, still felt when contacted. This is the manifestation of a coated higher-being-body in Gurdjieff's system, as I understand it.

2. Direct self observation gives the standard philosophical divison Processes of thought using signs (cognition); processes of feeling (connation); processes of bodily movement (motility). (Mind, soul and body)

3. The three term series of cumulative word order -- movement, expression, speech -- can be used, together with though/observation experiment, to demonstrate the three brain function.

Let these three words be posted on the diagonal inside a 3 column, 3 row matrix of 9 squares, as in a sudoku section:



Body movement
Speech is the finest grade of expressive movement.
Expression is the finest grade of body movement.
Body movement is lowest in the descending order of presupposition; first in the ascending order of actuality.

In order for a body movement to be an 'expression', as clapping hands in approval expresses the sentiment of appreciation, an inner quality is required to distinguish the movement as "expressive", as opposed to merely behavioral. Lacking such an inner determinant, the body movement 'acts out', or mimics expression. I take the existence of this word, with its function observable by contrast, to be a demonstration of the effects of brain 2. Higher grade expressive body movement is with the nimble and differentiated extremities: limbs, fingers, facial contortions; and the larnyx.

Speaking, as in the expression of thought or passions, is the highest grade expressive body movement, manifesting an additional inner factor distinct in kind from merely expressive consciousness and unique to thought. This the cortical-capped head brain (usually called "the brain") without which there may be sound-mouth movements, but nothing said. A body movement identical, in the lower motility apparatus, to the process of articulating ideas and propositions in verbal discourse -- except lacking the function of the head brain thinking.

With these relations spelled out, the numbered slots can be formally completed by referring to contectual parameters, as follows.

speech => (2 Text/Token) => (3 Quality/Quantity)

(4 per-/illocutionary force ) < =

<=> -expression <=>

(6 Brain 2<=1 arousal)

(7 voluntary/involuntary movement) < =

(8 limbs (fine) / torso (gross))

<= body movement

can be formally completed in contextual parameters by:

Elaborations. 2. text and token are the two conjoined constituents of actual sign use -- a particularized meaning-energy unit.

3. Quality and quantity, intensive and extensive magnitude (Kant), are the two metaphysical determinants of content of consciousness under sign-use (communicated by S*). "x is a content of consciousness under S*" in analyzed schematic form is: S*(ql, qt). These three constituents of each content of consciousness correspond to the three brains: intellectual, mammalian, reptilian.

4. John Austin's distinction between the perlocutionary and illocutionary force of a speech act follows functionally from expression on its way to getting spoken. Illocutionary force is the information, or 'truth value', communicated by S*. This is related to 2., text and token, following the order of descent. Perlocutionary force is the primary, pre-linguistic expressive movement from which interest on fact, and science, breaks away and becomes linearized in systems. It is thus the ambiguously polarized "booming, buzzing confusion" of infantile life, in William James' terms; the flow of content of consciousness as a phenomenal totality, including its pictures and words; the polymorphous perverse source of all textual content.

6. This makes explicit the hypothesis of two separate processing centers, or "brains", are actualized in the speech act communicating a content of consciousness blending arousal of the moving brain 1 of the soul brain, 2. This 'yielding' supplies the necessary preparation for Expression, 5, to carry over to brain 1 speech.

7. Voluntary movement is subsumed under S* used for moral judgments ("I couldn't" cancels "you should have"). Non-random involuntary muscle movements of the most basic instinctual origins are: A. struggle-to-escape (survive), imprinted by the trauma of birth; B. The orgasmic reflex at the climax of maximally pleasurable sexual conjunction. The extreme psychic vulnerability of the person in regard to B., if it is experienced with the open, swollen lubricity required for orgasm reflect to engulf consciousness, edges the "Turn loose and go with the flow" attraction with danger, and fearfulness. Birth trauma and any sexual or emotional abuse are collaterally aroused.

8. The overall skeletal-muscular movements differentiated into anatomical locales is the first derivative of. The infant batting the butteflies on a jungle jim hanging above his crib is grooving hand-eye-impulse ('desire') coordinated neuron paths.

9 Body movement: a hypothetical totality of material energy expended in activating body functions in general. Exists only metaphysically, as it were (compare alchemical 'prima materia'). Lacks any apriori determinations except "off" and "on" at any given switch point.


Analysis of other S* linked phenomena using the 3 brain hypothesis

1. Classroom teaching-learning situation. "Sit down and be quiet." Sitting down (while remaining alert; cf. Buddha meditation positions) shuts off the impulses arriving at the head brain responsible for responding to perceptual stimuli as danger or prey. "Get quiet" (Shut The Fuck Up) similarly cuts off the mechanical flow of process of moving lips, tongue and larnyx in ways that create distractions for unimpeded brain 1 activity, which is to grammatically connect experiences through S*. Generally speaking, the two lower brains are put out of commission, or narcotized, to allow higher level language operations to occur, without which the quality-quantity content of consciousness would lack unity and coherence. This would be the rationale for gender-segregated education in the lower grades.

Again, speaking in over-all terms, the gathering of young adults together as students on college campuses, most typically seated and taking notes in classrooms; contining the regime of teacher-communicating with -listeners; is structured objectively along the same hierarchical lines. The only distractions being 'aides' (visual, ornamental, staged, etc.) introduced into the classroom situation to supplement the textual subject-matter. Relationship of members of 'the class' to each other through brain 3-2 content is incidental to the goal of distributing pre-packaged units of brain 1 material, and may exercize strong tacit control over the process ("he's out of order! personal stuff.") without ever being mentioned per se (although it can be). Social relationships between members of faculty, staff and students of a University has a different center-of-gravity than that of other groups, and is given its own name, 'collegiality.' Special activities textually designated "sports", "performing arts", are devoted to exercise and development of brain 2 and brain 3 functions, to promote a collective spirit of collegiality. This is encouraged in theme-dominated universities, especially those of religious heritage that previously assumed brain 1 learning was compatible with its theology and (in the case os some -- Catholic, Jewish) even thought to flow deductively from it.

2. Psychotropic drugs

The term 'consciousness' is required as a single designator for that which is the inner unity of the continuity of wide variety of contents of consciousness under sign-use as "mine." This most particularly includes self-awareness in altered states; ritualized ('acting out') behavior, including group chants, mantras, as well as 'scrambled' impulses, ideas, desires, approbations, other processes. (cf. What Alice saw on the wall in her 'fall' (<= mental ascent) down (up) the rabbit hole. I suppose experences of "getting high", along with 'tripping', are among the most widely shared, alluded to, confessed and described events in human biography today; typically -- as with the sexual orgasm -- talked about in heavily metaphored, pricked-up steet slang, among the libidinized cohorts and black hip-hop music. ("Grass 'n ass girls" NY co-eds are known as in So. Carolina, I know for a fact; this doubles altered state- orgasmic predication, activating all three brains.) After the fall of Tim Leary as pop drug cult hero, gettin' high continued apace as a preferred state-mood of consciousness for many, while integration of its expressive language in common parlence, up to and including political, theological and collegial academic discourse, is lacking-to-non-existent. The subject is generally avoided at the meta-level, except via jokes, sight-gags, ventriloquism, sock-puppetry and the like.
These are the result of flow-of-process through different brain centers on the stage of consciousness.

The following are 'moments' empirical phenomena from my particular self-observation, but verifiable through everyone's, in so far as it obtains objectivity by the three brain hypothesis.

1. Altered States

"Getting high" is a polar opposite of "getting stoned", with respect to Brain 1-2, vs. 3 dominants of consciousness. The boost in blood-enriched energy is distributed through the system according to the individual biographical flow of process. In general, the more trauma-abuse connections in the neural loops, the more the effects of smoking marijuana will tend toward getting stoned, rather than getting high. The turgid, territorial, but highly present-to-itself alert to brain 1 consciousness is brought back from eons past, happiness is Being Here Now contentedly sunning on a hot rock by a cool stream. The mental altitude (from G.) connoted by "high" is the position of consciousness as a totality 'looking down from On High". This is a reversal, an exchange of places in the infant experience of 'looking up' into parental eyes, later understood as 'looking back at me'. Thus, psychodynamically, "high" can bring exchange of places between child and parent, eliciting self-judgment, but more importantly, endangering consciousness with inflation - secretly 'gnosed' group identity, joining in God Almighty Patriotism in extreme Fuhrer worship. When this happens, mercenary stoners will shoot out the WatchTower Head Lights on the ocean. But if it connects Brain 2 (upper part) to Brain 1 (upper part), it loops out Brain 3, except for the libido converted by sublimation from eros to agape. This re-traces the Socratic loop, on the textual side, and enlarges to 'the Jesus trip' on the token side. Socrates* and Jesus" particularize the same highest content of Brain l and Brain 2, respectively. The destiny shaped by the karmic feed-back of their flow of process was roughly the same: they reflected what was behind the mask of Group-inflated identities.

2. Altered Functions

Chief among the effects of altered states on functions concerns memory, A. Recall memory of emotionally saturated scenes may be enhanced, revivified, replayed, re-enjoyed, in sequences of signs that are brought together in an altered state. This would be the mark of the functioning of another brain -memory, associatively attached to a present ql./qt. enhanced content. Like opening up the inner side of the experience; 'known' by having been lived through, as proved by the vivid recall, but not 'as such' -- without being assembled as a totality 'photographed' by the soul brain. B. Short-term memory lapses, so called, are temporary disconnects of information and impulses arriving at head brain junctions engaged in other processes. Getting high can un-wire habitual danger-signal response (as in "Freedom" -- Richie Havens), making IT a threat to objectivity feigned as group threatening snake brain discourse.

3. Politics and the War On Consciousness
Contents: There-Then// Here -Now Spinning, spanning

The supreme psychological challenge of the period following the 60's blow-out was how to deal with the smattered mercurial droplets of Old Father American consciousness the group was called upon to absorb.

The major narrative line is: "Conservative", as the Brain 2 catch-all of right-wing, pro-war resistance, much of it located as a sympathetic sentiment in the South, morphs* into the "neo-conservative" take-over. The psychohistorical pivot was the 80's.

<= Jewish-Catholic convergence

Nixon and the War on Cancer (AIDS seed strewn in Africa)
-Leary: the politics of consciousness
-Reagan: The Great Reverser -- The Contras
-Bush Father - Gulf War I
-Bush Son - Gulf War II: Iraq The Neocons

McCain - resurrected by the Dead to rule Living.

4. Unmasking The Joker


-The disfigured face behind the painted white/red mask.

-On the inner side, nothing except what reflects
the other side of the conscious psyche, after it knows how it appears epitomizes the unspeakably twisted, loathsome ugliness, and all sympathetic soul content has been wiped out except grinning laughter at similar manifestations in others when elicited.

G. speaks of the delight taken by hasnamuss individuals in seeing shock register on other's faces. Cf.: children wanting to shock parents; boys frightening girls to get sex; clowns and dress-up bogeymen; Charles Manson's terrifying 'family' simulacrum perpetrating abominations to particularize the shared right-wing group-fantasy of60's soullessness (actually their own, standing convicted of the sin of the Vietnam massacres forever). The Joker is what laughs at and mocks any pretense you are one iota different from It -- that you 'have a soul'. That particular mask, as if some inner goodness underlies your insatiable desire for instant gratification of whims, is what the joker takes great glee stripping off.

Stripping the good-guy mask off America was a process definitely proceeding apace July 18f. as context and atmosphere of Morris' Mosaic prouncement. Microphone gaffs by a black men about wanting to cut another's nuts
off -- serious Black in America stuff there (CNN Sunday). Wrong email White House buttons punched to send notice that al Maliki had backed Obamas pull-out plan in Iraq, which he at first Did in a Die Speigel interview, then Didn't, later stating he had been misquoted. HEHEHEHEHEHE
And here is a NYTimes artlcle declaring a shift in U.S. policy in talking to Iran, contradicted by Sec. of State Rice declaring the policy was basically in place, no talks until they stop uranium enrichment; meanwhile, contacts that have been going on, whether called 'talks' or not, get a new face HEHEHEHEHEHE .

Stripped of its "Mr Good Guy" mask would accurately describe what has happened to U.S. foreign policy in the Mid East and S.E. Asia. America The Harlequin.

-In Afghanistan, the story was finally breaking in the MSM -- though soundlessly -- of how Al Queda and Osama Bin Laden were originally aided by the CIA, organizing attacks on the Soviets in Chechnya, during Wm. Casey's tenure under Reagan. The spirit of jihad was instigated among Muslims, many from Pakistan, and the Taliban became the religious repository of this spirit.

Another grotesque mask close to getting shredded by bringing back the CIA-Pakistan ISI link from this era, two decades later, is the globally televised beheading of Daniel Pearl, after saying "I am a Jew." This is a particular strain of the most abominable form of 'Jew hate' . The name and prestige of Omar Sheik Mohammed, who had been used as a CIA asset in the Serbian-Muslim war, wining recognition as a young, charismatic freedom fighter, later coming under the control of the ISI, was smeared with this anti-human, ghastly video. Later information surfaced that it may well have been a DECEPT. If so, if one dares to flip the image over on its other side to see what the mask hides... the torn-out page of a Protocols of the Elders of Zion script...?

Meanwhile, the situation along the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan, all reports say, is lost. The record of U.S., 'Nato' and 'coalition forces' bombing and killing civilians, plus use of Drone missiles to kill from the sky, adds to and amplifies the previous duplicitous conduct in the '80's to make Americans hated in that region of the world, to the maximum limits of human detestation. Musharaff is gone. Among the officials of the new democratically elected government, only the hard-core ISI man from the old days, who knows the territory and is probably linked with Omar Sheik, will even meet with U.S. delegates. And he is actually prized BECAUSE he is a master manipulutor.

One senior C.I.A. official, recently retired, said that of all the foreign spymasters the C.I.A. had dealt with, General Kayani was the most formidable and may have earned the most respect at C.I.A. headquarters in Langley, Va. The soft-spoken general, he said, is a master manipulator.

“We admire those traits,” he said. .

Harlequin America, ruled by intelligence-counter-intelligence agents whose task it is to outwit the other, and get paid enormous sums to do it, with massively lethal punishments pending for failure. Opium for the people, and religion, too.

The 3-Brain theory is of particular use in organizing the booming-buzzing, polymorphously perverse content of experience, in these ways:

1. referential unity, a core situation repeatable as a whole under a name-token assigned for its recovery.
2. Through the unity of content of the three brains, a continuity of consciousness surveying them altogether as a 3-brain totality.
3. Narration based on personal participation is added to the recall-loops
4. Generalizations in thought along otherwise entirely independently constellated routes of process
5. Particulizations: The effect of DECEPTS on the flow of process through brain 2 is to particularize the general 'psychic atmosphere' in TokenSpace in percept-memory loops externalizing inner situations.

And this is Batman's America. Helpless before Hollywood's joker. Something as eternal about the universe as it is, standing outside and mocking human consciousness, re-looped now into the narrative of the psychohistorical bloodstream to particularize what it is brought to.


The Sword of the Lord and Gideon


Published: July 18, 2008

Li-On, Israel

Using Bombs to Stave Off War

ISRAEL will almost surely attack Iran’s nuclear sites in the next four to seven months — and the leaders in Washington and even Tehran should hope that the attack will be successful enough to cause at least a significant delay in the Iranian production schedule, if not complete destruction, of that country’s nuclear program. Because if the attack fails, the Middle East will almost certainly face a nuclear war — either through a subsequent pre-emptive Israeli nuclear strike or a nuclear exchange shortly after Iran gets the bomb.

Indicatively Predicated:

"Israel's coming attack on Iran."

This is the planted Brain 1 content. This wording was actually used in a Huffington Post blog commenting on Morris's article. The illocutionary force of "Will almost surely attack..." is only a shade less emphatic than "will surely". Whatever attention deserves to be paid to this man's prognostications applies y unmistakably here. He expects Israel to attack Iran,

"is justified by self-defense"

'Justifications' are addressed to Brain 3, to answer "Why?", with linkage to the "we" bond of identification: "...just as you, anyone, all are instinctively compelled to do when threatened. We have no choice."

This link allows the snake brain to come in. The destruction threatens not just them, but all. "It is in the interest of neither Iran nor the United States (nor, for that matter, the rest of the world) that Iran be savaged by a nuclear strike, or that both Israel and Iran suffer such a fate. We know what would ensue: a traumatic destabilization of the Middle East with resounding political and military consequences around the globe, serious injury to the West’s oil supply and radioactive pollution of the earth’s atmosphere and water."

"slim message of hope"

The positive raison de etre for this over-the-top outrageous performance, however, if it has one, would be the weak appeal to Brain 2: "Iran’s leaders would do well to rethink their gamble and suspend their nuclear program." No one expects that. But Morris can say they were given every opportunity to relent. According to his metaphysic, dominated by brain 3, the militant Iranians must want want to get destroyed

"everybody loves/hates little/Big Israel"

That ultimate twistedness -- that Iranians, if not Ayrians in general, get their jollies out of the unconscious idea of Israeli's bombing them up the ass -- his unconscious thought -- is not missing:

"Given the fundamentalist, self-sacrificial mindset of the mullahs who run Iran, Israel knows that deterrence may not work as well as it did with the comparatively rational men who ran the Kremlin and White House during the cold war. They are likely to use any bomb they build, both because of ideology and because of fear of Israeli nuclear pre-emption."

This explains why he knows they would use a nuclear bomb: they would be fools not to. The Huffington Post blogger called this certainty of his "metaphysical." It belongs to his version of reality itself: "Nonetheless, Israel, believing that its very existence is at stake — and this is a feeling shared by most Israelis across the political spectrum — will certainly make the effort. Israel’s leaders, from Prime Minister Ehud Olmert down, have all explicitly stated that an Iranian bomb means Israel’s destruction; Iran will not be allowed to get the bomb."



Foisting False Frenchism as nEuro tonic.

Published: July 17, 2008

Op-Ed Columnist

France on Amphetamines

.......Old and settled in its ways? I think not. America’s first lady may love her man, but not like this. France has stepped out of hibernation on amphetamines.

Now we have another beautiful singer, who happens to be his wife, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, strumming these lines to him on her new album:

“I gave you my body, my soul and my chrysanthemum/ For I am yours/ you are my lord, you are my darling/ you are my orgy/ you are my folly.”

But this man is a tonic to his country and the most important European leader of his time.


Common sense sources say that this is hype; the French living room, street and acadamies greatly dislike-to-detest the entire charade of French Jew le 'amour personification, and are insulted no end by the post-modern new age kitch, or whatever it is supposed to be, pandered to New York- London-Madrid-Berlin-world audiences as public image tonic. It's like stale Seltzer, at best. But with Cohen selling it, can it all be snake oil?

Sarkozy and wife particularize the titilation factor, as McCain particularizes the sacrifice redemption. These are major brain 2-3 processing loops. Perception of the connubial pair supplies constant titilation, a reminder that they might have just tumbled out of the sack to do this TV photo op for you, like John and Yoko did. At the same time, John McCain 's presence flashes "War Hero" on the mammalian Brain 2 screen. "War,", acting out blood cleansing sacrifice of Id-impulses to Kill the Father by slaying the innocent Lamb that latently contains them, is the prime birth-trauma token template common to all born of a human Mother. "Hero" is always the fantasy warrior defeating the Poisonous placenta to release (deliver) the unborn fetus from its choking, squeezing, overpowering, alive and writhing entrapments, as in the story of Marduk slaying Tiamat's champion Klingsor, and her, to release the original children from the sea monster's belly. (Sumerian myth) The political juxtaposition of Sarkozy and McCain, therefore, particularizes the conjunction of birth and sex, as internal strata of opposites, externally in grouo-historical TokenSpace. The sex-reptilian brain 3 is carrying out an attack on brain 1 processes by titilation of the lower part of brain 2, to substitute saving their seats of pleasure for coating the higher being bodies of soul. What is called 'narcissism', sexual love of the body through the mirror of its reflection in the original mother's eyes, is part of this reptilian re-looping.



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