Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Thursday, July 21, 2005


Unprecedented Anthrax
Poisoning Kills Chimps
In Africa

By Carrie Giardino
Voice of America

ABIDJAN -- A report in the scientific journal, Nature, says at least six wild chimpanzees in Ivory Coast have died from anthrax. The findings of the study mean that infectious disease has now been added to the problems of poaching and habitat loss as the main threats to great apes in Africa.

The study shows an unusually high number of sudden deaths within three communities of chimpanzees was caused by anthrax. The chimpanzees and great apes are in Ivory Coast's Tai National Park, along the border with Liberia.

Mr. Leendertz says the infected chimpanzees left their communities, and their bodies were later discovered.

The chimpanzee deaths occurred more than two years ago, but since anthrax poisoning among chimpanzees had never been recorded, it was not until recently that the toxin was identified.

Another member of the study team, Heinz Ellerbrok, says there is great concern that infectious disease could be passed between the chimpanzees and humans.

Anthrax has never been recorded before in a tropical rain forest environment. One of the scientists working on the study, Fabian Leendertz, says there are two theories on how the bacteria arrived.

"They are speculating in a very old French newspaper that it may have come from the north, with cattle transport and so on," he said. "Second possibility is that it has always been there, but nobody has seen it, because, in the forest, you don't see when there are dead animals."

Pardon me, but there is a third: it was deliberately injected.

As it was in the U.S. mail.

Reasons for connecting:

1. Timing. This Jeff Rense piece, dated 7.24.04, states the deaths occurred “more than two years ago”. Allowing time for the infection leading to the deaths to have taken place, this places it around ’01-’02, coinciding with when it was mailed here. (With abortion clinics terrorized by fake threats.)

2. Unprecedented in the area, species.

3. Isolation of infected chimps from their communities (how do they know they weren’t imported? – then placed so that they would NOT infect the others – act of conscience. Ha

4. Fits the “toxins in Africa” pattern, always the favorite ‘dumping’ ground for unconscious group-fantasy. More infectious diseases to go with AIDS-like viruses (Ebola, Marburg further in the interior and east: see L.G. Horowitz, “Death in the Air” 2001.

Of the attacks here:

THE ONLY attack on America by “weapons of mass destruction”—the phrase itself having been coined to bundle bio-chemical and nuclear weapons – for which untold billions of dollars have been spent to protect against were these in late 2001.

The undeniable forensic combination of 1. the U.S. origin of the weaponized Ames strain that was sent to liberal Senators Leahy Daschle. (“Liberal” must always be included in the reference, because that is their shared political identity, hence the target.); and 2. the false letter, ineluctably revealing a Zionist masquerading as Arabs so that “Allah” worshippers would get blamed.... are make the case for chargeable high crime.

The hidden-in-the-open talk at the time was that it was in fact done in order to frame Iraq, but that finding ‘made in the USA’ indelibly stamped on the substance blew the gig. This didn’t stop Richard Perle, however, from contending on TV with Buchanan that Iraq could have been the source via Russia, etc.. (from recollection, MSNBC; Buchanan could verify). These things have never been added up and commented on, much less explained by the authorities, and have not been probed by investigative reporters. Instead, the public was treated to what was announced as the most extensive official investigation into the causes of the anthrax poisoning ever undertaken into any crime. Surely properly so. Straight KeyStone Cop charade followed, Mark Felt and Woodward doing it somewhere in a basement, you knew, but damned little jissom of real fact was EVER going to seep through to the public. Then Stephen D. Hatfill was fingered by SlouchEyes Ashcroft, and we still don’t know whether he is a Jew or not (though he did give talks to B’nai B’rith on the importance of anthrax poisoning preparedness, sorely lacking funding in the USA).

This terrible, terrible narrative must be rehearsed every time some new datum turns up, such as this infected chimp story.

This is a horror, horror against which citizens have the right to protect themselves. And by God I will, until something is done. It is why Kathaksung cannot be written off. The first attacks, on Murdoch’s soft-porn outfit in Florida, could have been a feint, a misdirection, “Don’t look HERE!…WE’ve been hit too!” (subtext: “do we look like the kind of people who would poison our own workers just to establish a false trail?”).


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