Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Monday, August 15, 2005

History of Iraq War

From the archives of The Nation, under thread dedicated to support of Cindy Sheehan

Doc 1

MAD KING GEORGE III George W. Bush, as did George III, is going mad and delusional. He has secluded himself in that hell hole of "CRAP" in Crawford Texas. The world prays that he wakes up from his world of illusion and "smell the roses" instead of the "CRAP" (bullshit) in Crawford.

George believes he is winning the war in Iraq. That is delusional. He and his compadre in Britain, Tony Blair, believed the "Neocons" that the U.S. and the U.K. working together, could "reestablish" an "Empire" in the middle east as did the Romans, Greeks, and Persians before them. All of those civilizations have disappeared in the blowing sands of the desert called "the middle east".
The "Brits" having won WWI and defeated the Ottoman Turks, working with their French scoundrels, carved up the middle east among themselves, and installed "illegitimate" rulers, over the land masses, they made into "nation states". The Hashemites, having been forcibly "kicked out" of the Arabian peninsula by the House of Saud, were given thrones in "Transjordan", and "Iraq". Iraq was a made up name for the former empires of Babylonia and Mesopotamia.
Before WWI, the middle east was just "sand", where only Bedouins lived in movable tents. Then oil was discovered in the 1920s, and the oil rush began. The British and Americans, like alchemists, converted sand into oil. However, the middle east was controlled by competing warring tribes. Empire, under a dictatorial ruler, was the only way to control that newly found oil. The Hashemite King of Iraq was overthrown by members of the Baath party, and then Sadaam Hussein, through force of arms, overthrew the then Baath dictator, and installed himself as Dictator for life, calling himself "President". There were three common bonds in the middle east: the religion of Islam, the sand and oil, and yes, the dictators.

Bush and Blair, having looked at the map, determined that Iraq was the Geo-political center of the middle east. Iraq bordered on Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Kuwait, Iran, and Lebanon. It did not take a military genius to figure out that "he who controlled Iraq controlled the middle east". The Iranians discovered that fact during its long war of attrition with Iraq. The Saudis then awoke to the fact that Iraq seized Kuwait and were about to be seized themselves. The Saudis then called in the "infidels" the Brits and the Americans to throw Iraq out of Kuwait, and to degrade the Iraq military so that it would not have the power to threaten the Saudi family oil riches.

The mission was accomplished. George II and Tony had to make up some "reason" to finish the job of George I. They created the fiction of "WMD". In so doing George II became George III. George III then "prematurely" announced "Mission Accomplished" during his "Top Gun" scene on the deck of an aircraft carrier. Then the CRAP hit the fan. All of the Islamic "infidels" were "sucked" into Iraq to throw out the "Christian Infidels". The new crusade. Who are the "infidels"? The Christians or the Muslims.
George III, like Johnson before him, retreated to Texas. Johnson to Perdenales and Bush to Crawford. Both Johnson and George III, found out the hard way, that a determined indigenous people such as the Vietnamese and the Muslims, can withstand the forces of a modern military. We are now in the same "quagmire" as Vietnam, and George III has retreated to his world of CRAP in Crawford, to figure out how to get out of the "mess" that he created. He has surrounded himself with "yes" men and women. He lives in a delusional shell. He watches pre-season football and major league baseball. He converses with his new and best friend, that actor, Vincente Fox, who also believes that he is Reagan reborn.
I am afraid that George III will have to be reborn again to get himself out of his world of CRAP. George III must be mad, for who would summer in Crawford when Kennebunkport is available to him. Crawford has fried his brain. George, haven't you smelled defeat? Most of the American people have smelled that odor. Withdraw from Iraq, now.
Martin S. Friedlander, Esq.

Doc 2 (my reply)

keen sleuthing, esq. Friedlander

except ... one little reference there went by so fast --- swoosh! quicker'n a nike swish ---

"George believes he is winning the war in Iraq. That is delusional. He and his compadre in Britain, Tony Blair, believed the "Neocons" that the U.S. and the U.K. working together, could "reestablish" an "Empire..."

Do the quotes mean you don't know who/what neocons are? Well, of course, the signers of the four documents setting out GWB's foreign policy, mostly the same cabal that wound up: in the Defense Dept. (Perle), AEI (all of 'em), VP Cheney's staff ("Scooter" Libby"), Rumsfelt's Pentagon OSP (Feith), NSA (Wolfiewitch), State (Abrams), etc., etc. ad infinitum it seems like (add in Abe-the-Foxman at ADL, the throngs at AIPAC, JINSA, NACpac, Podwhoretz 'n Midge) TRIED TO DENY AT FIRST THERE WAS SUCH A THING AS 'NEOCONS', until the four documents (1996 -- the "clean break" with Oslo land-for peace policy for settling the Palestine-Israeli conflict, calling for overthrow of Iraq, making it 'suicidal' to resist (cough); l998 (calling for Clinton to do it, and he did start cruelly bombing Iraq); 2000, roadmapping Bush to Baghdad, 2001, making sure he interpretred 9/11 in a way that was good for the Jews....PROVED THEIR CONSPIRACY TO COMMANDEER THE US GOVERNMENT WITH ITS PUPPET PRESIDENT TO PURSUE ISRAEL'S INTEREST, SOME CALL IT TREASON.
That's the historical facts that made them acknowledge the term. Which already had a broad use, as demonstrated by the NEOCON WATCH thread on the Paleoconservative Original Dissent Forum (Anti-Yuppie, most brilliant moderator; recording and making history, right there).

So your fanciful Jason Blair-doing-Jessica Lynch speculations about what happened aren't needed. We know. The documents are on record and could be recalled and slapped in the face of anyone who denied it. It would be easier than proving that 6,000,000 Jews died in WWII German concentration camps.

So the name becomes history, which is why you had to mention it. swoosh.

"Mad king George" and "Tony Blair" didn't just "believe" the "Neocons"; they were tools of that suicide bomb begeting brigade. You forgot to mention the role of Israel entirely in your summary. But it was they who drove the war in Iraq, as Cindy Sheehan cited.

(*Editor's note: The following is in reference to the "Original Dissent" discussion board where this posting also appears.)

"NO WAR FOR ISRAEL", read the OD forum banner, all the while it was taking place. It was where I finished my post Ph.D. education. This board is intellectual chump change (make that chimp change) compared to, for instace, paleoconAvatar, Faust, Franco, Texas Dissident, Anti-Yuppie, Odieredust, Sertorius, Todbrendanfahey, Blond Knight, Walter Yannis, Ponce, and TexasAnarch, among others. The Nation certainly deserves better than this little klatch of late adolescent zeros. Which is one reason I condescend to post here.


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