Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Saturday, August 20, 2005


MY GOD! It just struck me. How could I have missed it?

While Bush abounds

(forget the polls; why does he need anyone except those he has had all along around him? lame duck? hardly)

Hitler resounds.


Adolf was briefly sighted by the media a couple of years ago when "Arnie" --(that's 'Schwartzenegger') surfaced to bail out Calipornia. Been Pumpin' Iron, that boy. Didn't get the girliemen in Sacramento gigged up much, though. But we all got the idea and caught homo flack.

"Dangerous mad dog protestors" threaten Democrats at their Convention in Boston's. It was to be a Liberal Ball; the attackers had to be contained behind an enormous hardened, bomb-resistant iron wall. With spikes sticking out on top, and protruding in front.

Meanwhile, inside, KerryKohn and "Johnboy" Edwards are feeling each other up in every way but butt-banging live on stage, you know how Dems do when they get together. And as for the 9 out of 10 reported delegates who were anti-war, and would back some kind of statement to that effect by their candidate? ? ? -- forget 'em. "We're in there." ("Shove it", as Freida -- wait....Theresa? ... quite properly imho said.) (Now there would be a White House that titilatted your imagination, wouldn't? -- Anyone else smell Rove spice in the cooking here?)

Yes, John KerryKohn, cross between Catholic and Jew, so help me God, says "we're in there". And he's our man. If he can't do it, no.. b.....o...........d...)

This next blog could be sub-titled

How Rove has used the unconscious group-fantasy of reproducing Western civilization by anal rape to control the 'democratic' process.

The model is late 1800's German Judge Daniel Paul Shreber. Brilliant mind, author of "Memoires of My Nervous Illness", which relates....

He went into delusional states (with 'voluptuosities') combining homosexuality, paranoia, and fear -- terror; didn't dare sleep -- of God (which Freud imterpretred as displacement from his own inferentially abusive father: a Pediatrician, one assumes like Skinner, who kept his children in boxes to see what they would do if, etc. -- don't know what papa Schreber did to his son, but he went bug-assed nuts on the day Solomon, there was called on to take responsibility for Leibzig's law-court system. It was quite a well-known medical/legal scandal. The family was of highest prominence. It could have come straight from Dostoievsky, but it was Freud who 'got it'. Shreber's was the case that established the theoretrical link between paranoia and homosexuality (1910f.). This link, later analytically joined with the theory of narcissism, shed much light on The Psychosis.


The pictures of Abu Ghreaib America saw first was a stack of faceless asses belonging to Arab men. Bungholes dubbed out. (But you know they're there.)

George W. Bush has declared intelligent design as befitting our universe. It so happens, also, that Judge Bork and Robert Novak
recently cenverted to Catrholocism, Bork citing Aquinas' argument from design to the existence of God acted as an impelling force on his intellect. David Hume already argued back, quite cogently, that even if the design was intelligent, as in humans, as opposed to vegetables, it would be no means follow that a "design-er" of the universal totality of would have any more resemblance to what our intellect understands than a maggot would of understand a turd's origin, in so many words. But "intellgent design" it is. Senate Leader Frisk today endorsed the idea of teaching it in schools as an 'alternative" to godless, atheistic science.

First, GW was living up to everyone's expectations, going after the head of the snake his father only wounded the tail of. Pictures of Saddam Hussein the Dictator, firing his Red Ryder rifle on CNN, fine figure of a man asking to be brought down. Poisoned his own people. Gee Bee takes 'im out. Walla. No prob.

Well, maybe one or two.

Next comes Saddam the Rat, being pulled out of his hole in the ground hiding place. Great pics? You bet. Picking lice out his hair, shown over and over and over,, grizzly, smelly repulsive ex-dictator Saddam. After a while (The emergence of his total in-control sanity at the first appearance before a judge -- one of his nephews -- was so astounding it almost blew their mad-dog dictator gig out of the water. But...)

Now we get the full figure of the man in his underwear. Briefs. Haynes, I believe, was the brand on the Dave Letterman show. (or was that a competitor?) YES! You, too, can feel like a Saddam Hussein. Hide 'em away with your Weapons of Mass Destruction in the closet. By God! Every man a stud!

You think Democrats could defend your family against that?

KerryKohn and Mr. Ed?

You got to be kidding.

We're marching to Zion, this time. At first, GW was merely an agent of the good, having located, with the help of the Jew David Frum, the axis of evil itself, on earth, he was son of Uncle Sam, ready to sally forth to do battle. Or send people's sons and daughgters, while he rouses the troops back home to suppor them. He was always right there when Big Guy needed him. Southern Baptist COnvention President Richard Land testifies right on his website that Bush confided to him that "He believed God wanted him to be president." Of course, looking over at the Gore-Lieberman ticket, it was by no means an outlandish thing to say, if you want to bring the Almighty into that picture. Lieberman gets to play the God card?
I don't think he thinks so, or Scalia, either. Nope. "No sale" on YHWH next to the Oval Office. What's next? Butt-banging on Lincoln's bed?

Some manochevetz out back, maybe, that's it.

Well, as Saddam's trial comes up, Bush's messianic calling unfolds. From a mere warrior against evil, he can now unfurl the Master Plan. Intelligent Design, you say? God wanted him to be President? He's won a second term and his polls are way down like Daddy's were, you say?

Rubish. Never fear. I have the feeling he is about to achieve appotheosis. Perhaps an actual assumption into the upper cosmos, alongside Enoch, Adapa, the Jeeze, shmoozing up yucks with Thoth himself.

Meanwhile, up from the Halls of Amenti also rises Hitler and the Nazis. The following is a blog from Nation by "ILOVEPHYSICS", responding to "Jones" posting from Meini Kampf. Followed by my reply. The point is to illustrate a particular sign-use loop the effect of which is to substitute the looper's processes for yours in the process of conversation, in order to misdirect, divert, and neutralize the focus of conversation on disagreeable (uncomfortable, anti-cathectic) content -- in this case Hitler, in isolation from "the holocaust".


Facts about Hitler: He was a racist, a warmonger and a mass murderer, a criminal against humanity, but it is not likely that he was insane. His mental health deteriorated after the allies started winning, and the worse things got for the Third Reich, the more his mental and physical health deteriorated.

He has been called megalomaniacal by at least one biographer, and apparently had a reallly really bad Napolean complex, but I know of no credible source that calls him insane.

His "final solution", known as the holocaust to most, killed ten million people, approximately 6 million of them being Jews. The war he unleashed resulted in 50 million total dead, approximately, but this includes deaths in the Pacific theater, to which he can only be indirectly linked. Of the 50 million, 21 million were in the Soviet Union. About 8 million of the dead were Germans.

Posted by ILOVEPHYSICS 08/18/2005 @ 7:40p


aafter which this and that are exchanged, to wit

JONES, What is wrong with you? I was merely stating a few facts, there was no debate expressed or implied.

And if you can refute the 10 million number that you claim is wrong, by all means go right ahead. But if you want to deny the holocaust, don't expect me to dignify that with any response whatsoever.

Posted by ILOVEPHYSICS 08/19/2005 @ 1:34pm

this and that until: my last reply...

I still don't understand what all these numbers had to do with Hitler, what he was looking at, compared to what we are looking at -- except the hatred built up by their trying to kill him; and Germany. Are you saying he shouldn't have done what he did? Turn over the nation of Goethe to international rebbees? -- America, too? Blame the man who took charge of a situation that had to be corrected for the deaths that resulted from his trying to? What would you have done? (scratch that: he loved his nation.)

You are still running together something you call 'the" "holocaust", now ringing up 10,000,000 and counting! --- what about the Croatian Ustaci? 700,000 Serbs slaughtered in their "ethnic cleansing", many by Catholic priests in a manner so heinous it make even the Nazi's sick and they tried to stop it for humanitarian reasons -- absurd to either affirm or deny "it" existed (though Norman Fincklestein (no, not Guckert-the-butt-banger and "Arnold"'s boy) must be reckoned with) since "it" isn't really a descriptive, but rather an evaluative expression -- with WWII. (Do you count the allies' post-war concentration camp atrocities on German soldiers part of Hitler's Holycaust?) Because it wasn't, whatever you think the casus belli might have been. As if one must always to say WWII and Holycaust in the same breath, not mention one without being sure you mention the other.

As a matter of fact, my original post to which one must assume you were responding, deliberately avoided mentioning 'the' 'holocaust', as Zionist pc has it, at all, trying to go back to the situation he was looking at, to call attention to the situation WE are looking at in America today, and asking if he were a mad man to see it the way he did. It was YOU who inserted 'the' 'holocaust' into the discussion with you little array of "facts", and then accused me, who took exception of this trick Zionists and their shabos goyim use to occlude every conversation about WWII, just like they do anything at all that's not good for the Jews, of "misreading or not understanding" you. "The only possible mistake I made was perhaps not starting a new paragraph." No; it was in replying in such a manner at all -- shoving in the Holycaust, once more. And it turns out that I neither misread nor fail to understand anything you said; and what is wrong with you is that you suffer from the mental deficit of being unable to let go any past not full of suffering Jews. Screw off.

It is absurd to say one man was the cause of umpteen million deaths

Posted by JONES 08/20/2005 @ 12:32am


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