Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


REPLY TO 8.20.8"llpm


Blog from Nation thread on Cindy Sheehan (posted 8.20.8:11pm)

"IN THE FOUR YEARS OR so since September 11, liberals have found a new weapon of preference, and that weapon is martyrdom. They have discovered grief as a tactical weapon. They tend to like grief they can use. They use it to arouse guilt and sympathy to cover a highly partisan message, in the hope that while the message may be controversial, the messenger will be sacrosanct and above reproach. Since 9/11, they have embraced this tactic repeatedly, and each time with a common objective: to cripple the war, to denounce the country, to swing an election, but mainly to embarrass and undermine the president.

No, it isn't "liberals" who have played the ‘martyrdom" card, although they have been under stack from the godomizing anal rape death squads from El Salvador to the White House Press Room (Guckert) since the years of Reagan.

The "Martyrdom" theme per se was a adjunct as early as '02. It went with the Perpetually Victimized Jews (The PVJ's – victims of Nazis; most recently: Daniel Pearle, with a lidttle stretch), constantly punching up the Perpetually Lynched Blacks (PLB's – victims of Bull Connor Southern racists – few actually left, but lots of Emmet Till pics), Ethnically Cleansed Albanians (ECA's – victims of Serb atrocities; virtually obsolete now. Victs for-the-day).

And who can forget New York Times' editor Abe Rosenthall maundering over the Suffering Chinese Christians (SCC's) in the late l990's, until its agit prop blatancy made everybody sick, so he retired.

So the blog's lead-in statement is a REVERSAL. What is true of ‘conservatives' is attributed to ‘liberals' – the "C" and "L" terms themselves getting re-grammatized by the controlling political juxtaposition.

And what DOES this grammatizing? – this stiff-arming of ‘liberals" in the very terms that apply first and foremost to "conservatives" (suffering victims for God's cause)?

The threat of anal rape, as in homosexual butt-banging, brought into the house by uninvited guests (of this originally predominantly Protestant Christian nation). That is the over-arching, all-suffusing, controlling, terrorizing unconscious group-fantasy now gripping right-wing Re-pube sphincters across the land. It's why they are called assholes. They know that's what they are and what they've got coming in return for what they have given out, so their only Hope – and it's a long shot; they tried to ride the dick of the boy out of Ark as long as they could and a lot of ‘em are still on it – lies in the "dumping": getting homosexuals (who don't deserve it, mostly) punished for the unconscious fantasy of being so impotent, weak, and valueless that GWBush must be delegated to Do It to Saddam Hussein, to save their asses and souls, while John Israel is seen watching, back turned, from the chair drawn up in front of the faceless asses stacked in a heap at Abu Ghraib.

The REVERSAL is explicitly acted out by the Guckerts and Fincklesteins (Arthur) -- right-wing homosexual male Republican political operatives, Lee Atwater/Karl Rove style, electing candidates by getting their own kind skewered. Guess they know how that give-a-little get-a-little; top'R'bottom thing goes.

The "war on terror", as explained elsewhere (see my blot spot), is a "doubled" reference to this primal scene of getting buggered by God (or father, uncle, or carbuncle), the very term "war", in is broadest, deepest, most imperative ‘fighting' meaning, is birth trauma – violent slashing/kicking-out, screaming held-downtortured fetal rage to rid itself of the poisonous placenta, invoked by psychodynamic arousal on the fantasy loop as the Perpetually Assaulting Enemy (PAE). (‘jihadists', they'll be called; "Islamofascists")


The Rev. Pat Robertson "called for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, saying the leftist leader wanted to turn his country into "the launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim extremism."."

But that is the voice of a rabid Christian extremist, advocating assassination of world leaders ("Cheaper than Starting a War") after he and his kind have turned U.S. soil and American prestige into dirty Deepends in the minds of the rest of the world. Those who know the story of Hugo Chavez understand immediately that, as a folk-hero President, unseating a Washington puppet dictator (Robertson called Chavez, in associating him with Saddam Hussein, whose old fields the U.S. also did not control), Robertson's braying was a prompted political gimmick.

The claim to any shred of dignity, respect, or any other form of human consideration is forever stripped from this maggot once for all by that "Cheaper than Starting a War" crack. This is the sadist saying "not only did I (he says ‘we') do it once, I'll go it again." In clinical terms, it is the "little Pat" side – he looks like a patsy, doesn't he?; wonder if his classmates ever called him that – using his Big "We" stick to shove it up the ass of whoever gets between him and his Oil of God.

(as an aside: Did anybody here see Rosselini's great film Salo: 20 days of Sodom from the ‘40's, I think. It is about these Stibnite Republicans we face. Out and Out ass-and-fetus worshippers.

"God", they whine, calling on Him for Salvation. Moe YHWH..

Posted by JONES 08/24/2005 @ 4:01pm | ignore this person


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