Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Cindy Sheehan is Neocon's Killer Mommy

Cindy Sheehan is the neocons “killer mommy”.

PART I. Theory of Rebirth-Slay Tiamat Dragon compulsion

The term “killer mommy” is from Lloyd deMause’s brilliant analysis of the dominant chord in current unconscious historical group-fantasy, or “feeling toned complex” (Jung). This is a collective, not (just) individual content, experienced when there is no separation of individual ego-consciousness from the shared Super-ego of the Group Itself (as ‘shared’, common individual content).

As “Americans”, “we”, the identified Super-Group of those emotionally bound by sense of membership, are experiencing a common destiny unfolding in historical events, AS a Group: that is to say, through the language of “unity”, “citizenship” – and, now, it is driven to be “us children” either in the belly of Tiamat/Liviathan, or the male breasts of Saddam Hussein (who was vorstelunged – “represented”, in the German sense as by ‘the media’ – as a roly-poly GrandMother way back in the ‘91’, when “Aitch” Bush was president, and was typically shown in cartoons with limp wrist and handbag-on-arm, that is, neutered or feminized male.)


This is core psychological content of the fetal drama, the common trauma- content lived through by all beings born of woman (male or female), then acted out on a group-fantasy basis in ritual (war). We all passed through those portals, once, each person retaining whatever memories were imprinted in the neural circuits as permanent pathways for later energy-discharge (by stimulus-arousal//response-caused change) at the time. Group rituals are always reenactments of the original birth under the compulsion- to-repeat. They are always carried out in re-created symbolic womb-surrounds, often by sacrificing a blood-token: animal (the Apis Bull in ancient Egypt, sacrificed to/as Osiris); child -- children thrown into the fiery pits of Moloch; the Son of the living God sacrificed for mankind in Jerusalam 0 a.d., killed by the Jews. This last symbolic group-sacrifice (whatever was true of the historical Jesus) is held by “Christians*”, as a group who define themselves by how they inwardly relate to the “Christ” part of the token “Jesus Christ” to be a unique historical event, often called “the Incarnation”; the residue of which, as a hidden, inner or esoteric objective influence, is The Spirit.

This is Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel’s historical interpretation of the Trinity. It follows the basic trend of German Lutheranism, as a psychological theme. Spanning the 18th-19th century eras, it is a post-Kantian return ot Monism, under the title of “Idealism”, meaning, metaphysically, in the Absolute as One and Spirit.

The bond of solidarity forged by powerful thinkers of that eras, such as Fichte, established itself in the tokens of the German language, itself. “Das Ich”; the “I”, came after Descartes (and Kant’s) mere attachment of empirical consciousness to “think”, comes to be something only those who could use it properly understood from the inner side. After all, communication has always been barely distinguishable from copulation, which is how “is” got into the grammatical vocabulary in the first place. By the time Freud is distinguishing it from “the Id” (1923), Das Ich has had a long and very distinguished history, not to claim finality of even superiority. What had come into the modern word from medieval learning as “soul”, had become “Spirit”, in Hegel, “Das Ich” for Schopenhauerr, on its way to becoming German Folk Nationalism going into the 20th century.

The bond of solidarity that flourished under Hitler was hyper-dynamic. It briefly spawned some real blond, blue-eyed Uebermensch -Type youth … a species almost forgotten as an Archetype, perhaps even extinct. Hegel came right after Kant, and He was The Man. He taught of an Ideal Metaphysical Monism of Absolute Spirit, compatible with the Historical Trinity concept based on the Incarnation, also resembling the systems of pre-Socratic philosophers Pythagoras and Parmenides.


……Cindy Sheehan kills their* war dreams (proud sons of the nation marching off to war with devout mothers faithfully keeping vigil – she’s having none of that). She is the return of the totally patient and enduring mother of the boys (Jewish ones are notoriously bad about this) who cursed their own, to their face, in 'dirtytalk' while growing up. And she is not inly indifferent to the Jewish ones, who are accustomed to being first-recognized in any Special Thing that goes out to humanity in general, she had the gall to actually link hers son's blood to Israel. Of all Grail's that, for neocons, must be the Unholiest: open recognition of America's Mother's Son's Blood Sacrificed for the Zionist state Israel. The total vituperation spewed on her by, for instance, extreme Right-Wing Jew David Horowitz' FRONTPAGE on-line magazine used her to epitomize everything vile, poisonous, venal, abhorrent, scurrilous, up to and including calling her a "menopausal valley girl." He knows the type.

From a NATION poster

“Do you know what the bitch is saying now?” one pungent Nation poster screamed. “She’s saying it was Israel got her son killed.” Or something like that. The “bitch” suggests canine copulation, one notes, and should be voided from correct political conversation. It leads too directly to the inevitable tu quoque (et tu, whatever). After that comes the slapping, which can take place at many different levels according to where tolerance for abuse is distributed. I confess to having lest tolerance precisely at the point of imaging, say, a 5’.4’ J.A.P. (“Jewish American Princess” – nothing derogatory, please; reverence), or an abused white fat brat, calling Ms. Sheehan a “bitch” in this Public Tokenspace. And I posted as much, but got no response. She/he was anti-liberal, pro-Bush, but the ‘liberal’, ‘left-of-centre’ ones for which The Nation would be noted as intellectually up-scale didn’t complain. The let it slide. Although the thread was one calling for Cindy Sheehan supporters. Some supporters. Then they (Socialist Democrat MOOVEON jackasses) wonder why they are always getting taunted as weak on defense – they will take anything with striking back, even verbally, including the abuse of their women. They will allow them, and themselves, to be verbally abused; then think they are upholding their end of Plato’s Ideal Republic by keenly discussing the policies of the Right (bad) vs. the Left(good – but whoever goes first, the other will disagree on) with intellectual acumen. It is utterly sickening.


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