Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Saturday, December 31, 2005

deconstructing killer mommy/bugger daddy complex

Originally Posted by Gabrielle
Yes, you do…you are an arrogant, know-it-all jerk. LOL! And I am being nice about it.

Tex, I know many, many good, sincere, honest people who believe the wrong thing even when they should know better.
Every bloody time Bush wants to do something good, such as pumping our own oil from Alaska, Congress always votes against it. Bush is not evil; he is just human.

The problem with you is that you want to throw the baby out with the bath water. The liberal, kosher media hates Bush and so do you … is there a connection?

Stop acting like a violent, mentally deranged freak, and get it on with it.

This is ultimate violent, self-contradictory 'killer mommy' protovirus politics.

....undoubtedly a senseless Enron bleeding ass conservative pro-business formula factotum ('We'll show you what you hate, tell you what you are if you don't" -- and kill you (or get some jews to do it) unless you agree on both points -- in other words, unless you assume the butt-spread position, which they learned to do internally, long, long ago.)

1. "you want to throw the baby out with the bathwater". ? This is intelligible only if taken as equating anti-Republicanism (the water, presumably) and anti-Bush (the baby) -- both identical in evilness, now exposed forever as pathological liars and killers in Iraq.

Formula: split violent opposite-identities into a more/less duo; play off one against another. ("He's just human" -- wants you to know s/he/it bumps boobies on Herr Buscher's butt, likada Barb once did. That's mommy nature talking, sonnny boy. This is all they've got, all they are, doing what workd for them. On top, Skilling and Lay see THIS IS JUST WHAT RUSH LIMBAUGH CONSERVATIVES WANT AND NEED! -- underestimating the audience here.

Babies in bathwater is (mostly unconscious) reference to killer-mommy Andra Yates -- known now to have been abused. It was kept out of her trial because the men down there in the lower part of Texas, De-Lay country, aren't really men at all, just non-entities in males bodies bonded by buggering, again, mental or physical -- all abused (cornholed by Daddy die Busch archetype) abusers, passing it in to their women who are expected to take it up the ass, no problem, turning into kiddy killers themselves ... hating Andrea Yates, left with the life task of raising 5 kids produced by rape, mental or physical, given Bible names, who strick back sorta like a suicide bomber, wasn't it.

Backwater bathwater poisoned by Blackwater hired mossad mercenaries to shoot American citizens in New Orleans' lower 9th ward under the 17th street canal levee on Lake Pontchartrain. Same mentality. Same body-organisms (not really people at all). Its a fact. You can read it in the liberal publication The Nation, where I also post.

2. "The liberal, kosher media hate Bush and so do you." Formula: use double hate-tokens to smear the superior. Even if you reverse the truth. The kosher jew media LOVE BUSH --well, as much as they can love any politician that doesn't actually wear the yarmulka -- maybe he has, I don't know. Check Pdwhoretz, Dickter, Goldberg, etc. Heard anything anti-Bush from the heavyweights? -- Speilberg, Dylan, Ginsberg...? nope. The good jews hate him, of course, though it has taken them a while to come out and say so, and they never could catch up to me, who reviles his very existence at the cellular level, don't fully understand why, but am sure its genetic -- born that way, that is to say, pure west Texan,

3. ",,,is there a connection?" Yep. Just explained. The connection boobiebushiera wanted to insinuate, however (anybody want to guess how big? 60+'s) doesn't exist, which s/he/it knew in advance, but had to get the smear in there. Its a jew and/or fatwoman thing to do (look up "factotum": fac- L. for "Do"; "totum" for "totality": boobiebaby does it all)

4. "Every bloody time Bush wants to do something good, like pumping our own oil out of Alaska..." -- as opposed to killing massive populations and destroying Iraq (=America) to take someone else's away from them -- or learning how to get along without ... "Congress votes against it.". Well, the U.S. Congress, pathetic entity that it is, did stop the pathological liars and psychotic killers from working Monca's sucking off Clinton's dick, set up by Linda "The truth matters" Tripp, Lucienne Goldberg, with Opus Dei and Louiee Freeh into actual impeachment of a U.S. oresident on false charges. So they would have to be the ones to stop killer mommy gravytrain pumpers of "our own" (=Ted Steven's joy-stick power-leverage lubricant) oil out of Alaska. Eskimos trump repubes.


Your problem is not knowing shit from shinola


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