Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Show of Farce

FARCE ( is for Sam I Am. Will you eat Green eggs and Ham?)

A Certain Kind of Irreality ….

Are the Senate hearings on Samuel Alito -- unless and until questions concerning his religious affiliation are addressed.

This irreality is sustained at the unconscious level of the group-psyche under the delusion of protecting God and rescuing fallen humanity. This is the reversal of truth.


A citizen is entitled to ask: is there a deliberate conspiracy to refuse to consider the implications of appointing another open Roman Catholic to the highest Court? --when its just-appointed Chief Justice belongs to this sect, and one of its most outspoken ideological members (Antonin Scalia) a. selected Bush over Gore in ’00; and b. has demonstrably conjoined intellectual incompetence with overbearing manner; c. belonged to the same congregation as Robert Philip Hanssen, Soviet Russian spy and member of the ulta-right-wing, “No Nothing” sect Opus Dei.

How do we know that this secret clique, perhaps in laison with other off-shore, non-American influence groups (such as AIPAC), is not conspiring behind the scenes to take over our country? – like a 5th column. There is precedent. Karol Wojtyla, later Pope Paul II, conspired with William Casey’s CIA back in Reagan’s era to subvert authority in Poland. It was to bring down communism, which justidies it one may say, but it was nevertheless precedent for use of Church influence for political ends. Why not in atheistic, heathen America, also?

This was the time, and these were the players who also brought religion silently, but ineradicably and just as if not more explosively, world-wide, when the CIA incited jihad against the Soviets in Afghanistan among the Taliban in Pakistan, which is the origin of the karmic hatred of Americans by religious Muslims who admire Bin Laden. He was helped by the U.S., who was siding with Saddam Hussein in the Iraq / Iran war and therefore knew they were at opposite ends of the jihad scale. It took an irrevocable act of war, Shock and Awe inflicted on Iraq’s hapless capital city, Baghdad, destroying the oldest, finest, most sacred sites of human civilization forever to unfold this karmic catastrophe. Meanwhile, continents and oceans away, the right-wing of the Roman Catholic hierarchy, in Nicaragua and El Salvador, are setting up the basic understandings with local military dictators for the US to back up slaughter of political enemies, followers of Liberation Theology of Peru’s priest Gustavo Gutierrez, promoting “a more viable economic option for the poor of Latin America”, and whose works were anathema to JP II and Opus Dei. This strain of Roman Catholicism has threaded the acts, behavior and agenda of a faction of the Republican party – probably with the help of cross-over Democrats such as Joe Lieberman, ever since Ronal Reagan’s election in l980, and re-appeared as the skeleton of international alliances that supported the Iraq war. Spain, Portugal, Italy (after Berlosconi’s election) – and of course, Israel, but more of that later – were Bush and Blair’s meat and potatoes go-to countries to get military support and propaganda cover.

This history and its psychological perservations, as Jung called cosmic residues – revenants of Reaganism – establishes the context, of their show of farce, ha ha. Which is what the Alito hearings are unless his connection with this clique is probed. The safeguard against foreign takeovers which was built into the constitution by separation of church and state have been breached. This is the fault of the U.S. Senate, of specific Senators who refuse to raise the question. They are the clowns, like “Scooter” Libby “connecting the roots of the trees” undergrounf for us. This is the theme the extended farce is built around: will his religion and possible entanglements with Opus Dei be pursued?

The consequences are very much worth pursuing if not.

First of all, it will be another irreversible put-over by the same ones, using the same methods as put over the Iraq war. They will have done it again to America, whose John Q. Public will wake up to after it’s too late to do anything about it. “You went along with it; democracy was on display in the Senate Hearing, largely abused by the Democrat’s partisanship,” the line will go. The straighter the face the funnier it gets. These are people who would, first, leave out crucial information in order to scare the elected representatives into empowering Bush to wage a previously scripted war, preemptive war; then, even after having been exposed, berates them for flip-flopping; lacking the will to follow through commitment of U.S. troops, now that blood, not oil, is flowing home from the adventure. Feckless liberals.

No. This time it won’t work. The ones who started the Iraq war, using “9/11”, and the ’11.-01 anthrax attack as excuses, are the ones who must pay. In every way. That is one thing hidden from the limelight by refusing to recognize the religious factor. Religion is partly what linked Bush, The Vatican, Opus Dei (which are separate entities), Tel Aviv, others; and brought on the the unprecedented virulent hatred of everything America stands for in the Muslim world, and beyond.

This is an appeal. Won’t anyone – won’t all -- take up the call -- to end the farcical show? – lance the boil, if that’s what it takes. Don’t let us descend into Re-pube hell, for Chrissakes.

In sum: Alito’s appointment would make too many Roman Catholics on The Supreme Cousrt, “opening a back door to the Vatican, through prayer” by workers of the international sect Opus Dei. The history of the Reagan era in America, coinciding with the use of religion to subvert governments and oppress the poor, coinciding with Johnny-one-note harping by the media of mass communication on Vatican-centric issues such as abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality (ironically), and “family values” by the same one’s who brought you “All in the family” and “The Sopranos”, creates a huge assumption that what we have on stage is farce as deadly as the Bird Flu.

“Stick a fork in it. This one’s done.” -- posted by frankgrits, on-line Nation thread under John Nichols article on the Alito Senate hearing. (Nichol’s gist: to demand that the nominee respond to issues raised by Gore v. Bush, in re the Florida 2000 vote recount. Yes, certainly, constitutional issues aplenty abounded in that, which one would have thought followers of common sense would begin with. Not to be. No way, Jose.

The definition of “farce” shows the word to have been, first, used for stuffing, as in cramming meatbread into the turkey’s craw before baking. Then it became a metaphor for short skits of clownish actions in imaginary (“farcical”) situations that were used between acts of a play to entertain the customers; then, for a type of extended comedic routine instanced in The 3 Stooges, Sid Ceasar, The Marx Brothers, etc. When applied to reality, as in the on-going Alito hearing, it predicates what the American public is witnessing as similar buffoonery. A bunch of clowns sent in between the acts to stuff the the turkey’s craw (Bush Opus Dei Republicans) before they decide to bake us.


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