Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Iraq and Gay Pride

Iraq and gay pride

Connecting the dots on Page Two.

Iraqi leader critical of U.S. military ‘mistakes’
Prime minister ‘worried about the increase’ of shootings like Haditha
But at the same time, Marine Gen. Peter Pace said that if service members are responsible for an atrocity in Haditha, they “have not performed their duty the way that 99.9 percent of their fellow Marines have.”

Many Iraqis believe unjustified killings by U.S. troops are common, though few have been confirmed by investigations


Moscow says banned gays because "cleaner" than West
Tue May 30, 2006 1:58 PM ET

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Moscow's influential mayor said on Tuesday the city banned gay activists from holding a parade because it is morally cleaner than the West, which is caught up in "mad licentiousness".

The gay activists tried to hold their protest against homophobia and discrimination at the weekend despite the ban, but were detained by police, abused by militant Christians and attacked by neo-fascists.

They had wanted to lay flowers at the grave of the unknown warrior, a monument to those who died defeating Nazi Germany, but police blocked their path.

Mayor Yuri Luzhkov said such an action would have been a desecration of the sacred monument, and rejected Western criticism of his ban as prejudiced and homophobic.


Call these “Page One sign-use events" (documents, media artefacts). They, along with other Drudge headlines and ‘stories’ reported on the newswire, Cable News networks, and print media, are the “dots” the reading public are required to connect in order to make sense out of what is going on so they can react and relate to their governmental processes on an informed, basis. How one connects the dots (I call them “Sign-uses”, abbrev. “S*”) composes the Big Picture a person gets from Page One. These, merging and conflicting, define the perspective individuals and groups share. No two are expected to be the same in all details, but rational discourse requires that contradictory accounts of the same facts cannot both be true, even if both occur on the same page and editorially predicated on as a compound subject.

How will these two S* - dots be connected?

For those whose sign-use processing comes only from Page One, they will be largely taken separately. The second item will be taken by many as saying “Even ex-Soviet Russia is more moral than America. Their leaders know how to nip liberal depravity in the bud. This is how nationalistic conservatism expresses itself, over there.”

Moscow police beating up gays: that is pitched to the mind set Karl Rove got GWB re-elected by stirring up. It cannot be dismissed out of hand that it has been set up for that very purpose.

For long-time radical deconstructionists, such as I, however, ALL contents of Page One are pre-text, used to misdirect attention from what, while at the same time inevitably alluding in one way or another to what is actually happening to accont for “tokens” – why such a scene, or dot, is occurring for all to deal with, at all. Using that rule, the connection immediately pops up. It is countdown time for Republicans to the ’06 elections, and the mind-set of neo-con Republicans that led to My Lai, Fallujah, Abu Ghraib and Haditha has rivers of blood-filled hate to displace onto liberals (Saddam Hussein, Muslim males) and take out on their asses. That is the Page Two connection, via unconscious group-fantasy process.

There is a Page Three, but it goes directly to metaphysics, Christology and the shooting of 14 year old Iran Brown by the D.C. snipers in ’02, whoever they were, Red Dot events contributing to the last Republican mid-term election campaign. But leave aside, for now.


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