Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Friday, January 12, 2007

It was Written In The Stars pt. 2



"HIDDEN AGENDA" -- Eric Francis (astrologer)

"RUSE" -- Paul Craig Roberts (conservative columnist)


-Chris Matthews "A second war front opened up against IRAN"

This is the concensus: The "surge" troop increase announced to secure Baghdad is misdirection; a distraction. While the public is mulling "do I or don't I support this new initiative?", talk about the Iran situation seques from diplomatic to military threat, predicating on their "killing American soldiers" by helping the Shiites in Iraq. Meanwhile, the Maliki Government has been ordered to disarm the Mahdi militia,

The politics behind it is warped in Israel's favor and dictated by the neocon cabal et al. This is the group influence behind the war on Iraq and the entire Bush presidency. It is the revenant (ghost entity brigade) of Reaganism, the blight that entered Americas blood stream and poisined it in the 1980's. ("Born with a snake in both his fists while a hurricane is blowing....Jokerman" Dylan)

It is coordinated with a propaganda campaign opened up by these Zionist Jew/Christians to make a pre-emptive attack on Iran appear to the public as in American interests. From PJB's column:
Said Netanyahu, Israel "must immediately launch an intense, international public relations front first and foremost on the U.S. The goal being to encourage President Bush to live up to specific pledges he would not allow Iran to arm itself with nuclear weapons. We must make clear to the (U.S.) government, the Congress and the American public that a nuclear Iran is a threat to the U.S. and the entire world, not only Israel."

Israel's war, says Bibi, must be sold as America's war.



Group-Fantasy is the technical term introduced by Lloyd deMause for conscious identification with a group, representing the "original*" womb-surround container common to us placental mammals' fetal origins of experience. Pre-verbal memories of push-pull, rythmic feel-good/feel-bad cycles of pure (oxygen rich) vs impure (de-oxygenated) blood, later projectively experienced as 'surges' of 'blessing' or 'discomfort', are imprinted on the psychic nervous apparatus, 'sealed' under the trauma of birth, when the brain is most oxygen deprived. When we say "we", we are projecting a bond in TokenSpace between those included and those excluded from our unconsciously fantasized womb-surround. It is a grammatical category, a "person" ("first person plural"), the phantom placental container all once had personified. "They", those on the "out"-side," are those excluded apriori from the fantasized inner womb-surround "we" share.

Use of "we" shows (signifies) emotional identification with the included group. That is what the token communicates. Who or what "we" stands for or refers to in a given case is determined through the text: "Americans for America". One who "speaks for America" is one who is consciously identifying with "America" and speaking as a delegate- fetus for all siblings -- using the common group token as personal text. "We" is used to create merger into the unconscious, invoking the phantom placenta (use of "God" goes with, personifies completion of, the psychosemiotic process of "we"-hood, for many.). As linguistically undifferentiated content of the primary process, limbic memory system, the earliest and latest acquired trauma-imprints will merge, Ex. "needing birth" (writhing, squeezed in the birth canal) will merge with "congested breathing" and "need to crap".


A New Metaphysical Interpretation of of Genesis

There is such a thing as historical group fantasy, and in two distinct but intersecting orders: archetypal, or ahistorical, reproduced through the common shared pre-natal birth drama. And actual shared fantasies of historical groups. A third use can be made out, for any content brought to consciousness by deliberate acting-out the delegate position ('channelling' the 'collective spirit'). That would be that possibility of vivifying resonance between inner and outer vibrations, so that in speaking, as Hitler was able to do, the same Power that flows through One flows through All: "IT" Commands; ALL (who identify with the Group fantasy) must obey.

The two major sources of trauma, leaving imprints brought back and ramified at two levels of memory (primary and secondary process), and: birth and sex. Tiamat, the Monster Water- Goddess/Planet who WAS "the beginning", and deluged earth afterward, is the deepest, oldest "tree of immortality" in group fantasy, containing "All life" in a uroboric whole. This is an image connecting post- to pre-birth consciousness, to make a unity, or whole, which is naturally represented by a circle. It caused great confusion when, later, this symbol came to be used for "the number zero".

THE ANNUNAKI are the "WATCHERS" in Enochian literature, and Sumerian legends of early alien (to earth) beings once literally watching, then descending to mix and marry with the daughters of men, introducing new genetic strains by re-twinning placental's DNA coils with their own. They had this how-to knowledge, Sitchen and Tsarion assert. Such knowledge was claimed for Thoth in pre-historical Egypt, and for "Hermes Tresmegistus" in Alexandrian iconoglyphics.

THIS CONNECTION BETWEEN THE ANNUNAKI (BAD-ASS ANGELS) ...REPRODUCING THEMSELVES IN HUMAN WOMEN -- is enough, given birth trauma as a matrix, to imprint human sexuality -- requiring letting-go of consciousness -- TO DECODE THE SYMBOLIC CONNECTION IN GENESIS BETWEEN THE TWO TREES IN E.DIN, AS BIRTH AND SEXUALITY. The affinity of Eve (woman) and the Serpent, reproduces the most, most ancient link between the Annunaki who visited earth before the Flood, the ever-reproduced "innate" imprints under birth trauma, and the nervous system readiness required for participation in the involuntary orgasmic response.

The "tree of knowledge of good and evil" is the younger tree, the point where sexuality is brought under the darkness of historical group fantasy of castration and rape by alien Mastermench. The other, older tree remains in the province of God: "And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever," says Genesis 3.22, "the Lord God sent him out of the garden of Edin." Whatever events, myths, or material explanations are given of these "ideas" (iconoglyphs, psychic templates of the two "rings" of trauma around the later ego), this pieces together a Sheldrakian psychic morphogenesis of individual/group consciousness.

It also connects directly to the findings of Sigmund Freud. The "WATCHERS", all-powerful, judgmental beings who own the Females (mothers and lovers), are what he called the "super-ego", an "agency" that has just these functions, which the "son" must "kill" in order to possess the mother/lover. It is an "Eternal Mystery", Freud brought back from unconsciousness by analysis of dreams, but quickly realized by Jung to belonged to a larger matrix than the individual psyche. The discovery of Group-fantasy, via Jung's theory of Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious, becomes a portal to another metaphysic: a theory of the reality of TokenSpace as an autonomous medium of communication.


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