Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Saturday, February 10, 2007




Part I. Defining the Sign


There is a philosophical tale to be told, about what "ethics" has come to communicate, by analyzing the constituent elements of the spelled word. After all, this is reproduced as a token each time ethics is discussed, using that token as text. Therefore, what it communicates is silently present in the background of consciousness following the meaning of its textual use by thought.

(This illustrates the distinction between token and text in systematic psychosemiotics: tokens are signs as particulars, belonging to the phenomenal level of conscious content; use of their synthesis (of the letters or sounds as a single word) as text, to mean something other than themselves, is a process occurring at a higher level of process, including act-of-speaking.)



SHAPE OF THE LETTER "E" appears to have been first used in communication for the "E" houses of ancient Sumeria.
These were temples, "abodes" of the gods, perpetuated by votary priests, sustained by a surrounding cultus.

It marks "the bond heaven-earth", EN.DUR.AN.KI (Z. Sitchen)
Also: the "EL" -- translated "GOD", singular; ELOHIM, pl., "GODS". (YHWH ELOHIM in Genesis 14,19 translates "God most High" for unique conjunction of Sumerian-Semitic Names, as in ABRAM/ABRAHAM)

TH -


Choice of the shapes of the letters "T" and "H" to express this sound requires separate treatment. ( tbc.)

Blending of associations: (to) E-shape (the bond heaven-earth), plus
(to) TH-sound: smooth exhalation of air

= > (by I S IS ISIS conjunction): THE BLENDING OF GOD- IN-BREATH (the DIVINE SPIRIT, breath of life) "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being." (Gen 2.7)

Psychosemiotic interpretation: "God creating man" by "breathing into him the breath of life" is a textual reversal of what is compressed in this ritualized act of breath-expulsion, with consciousness, 'looping' associations of First Breath, after BIRTH TRAUMA (following pre-established paths of neural discharge ("Y"-ing into content as text and token) from fetal origins). "God", at the textual level, becomes the completing totality of the "silver thread" connecting womb to tomb. At the token level, this revives the Placenta, most Almighty Other Mysterious Being that once supplied nurturant oxygen to the blood. As a token "God" is the phantom Nurturant Placenta, breathing into man's nostrils the breath of life. One Life, One Breath, One Man -- that is what "THE" is; therefore, there is only One God, From Whom All Blessings Flow. (this is a token tautology). The image of man "returning to his home beyond the stars" after death is the projection of the reverse, return journey completion of the cycle on earth.

The study of "ETHICS" is a revivification of the common Universal ETHOS of mankind, for which reason Plato... .

Also: with "O", double TH = > THOTH, God-token of ancient (transcendental) EGYPT ( < = E.KI.PTHA), translating to "TRUTH".

ETH - ) (THE -


classic uses: "The Luminiferous Ether" - Kepler, Newton
transliterations: AIR/AYR/IRE-LAND/
(Reich: orgone energy ocean; Tesla: Free energy )

- NIC (Innate way of being of groups bound by common bloodline vibrations)

- OS (spiritual quality of the ETHNIC)

E T H - I C S

As a token, this word communicates the transform of content from the luminiferous ETHER (see Plato's Timaeus on perception of stars feeding the brain) to ETHNIC bloodlines resonating to breath-oxygen exchange potential; creating a, ETHOS, a field of interaction related to through blood-line vibrations 'testing' the 'atmosphere'; leading to an ETHIC: a band of S* (sign-uses) binding "we" communicants* to a range of attitudes, expectations (projections), action-reaction, sanctions (internal or external) tacitly accepted as agreed to in conversation as compelled by the value of the solidarity, itself. If this "we"-solidarity is called "SPIRIT" (as in national, religious or tribal spirit),
The ETHIC of a group is the ETHOS sensed by a vibrating human form interacting in communication through processes of light/oxygen exchange in the blood.

ETHICS is the name given the philosophical study* of the ETHIC of groups in general, as it gets expressed in language. It is an innate capacity of the organism to interact in a field of energies through these simultaneous levels of neural-psychic processing.

Expression in language typically occurs through use of particular predicates, "good" and "right" (applied to actions). The division is important, philosophically. "Good" is the broader predicate, prima facie applicable to any contents (even God, as a token tautology predicate). "Right (action)" applies to what is performed, "done" as result of conscious intention (in the ideal prototype). The former belongs to the upper levels (upper triad) of Sign-use, even as The Idea of The Good is held above Being in Plato's Republic. The latter addresses reality from the much narrower, physically spread-out domain of bodily interactions, from/with a sense of karma RELATED TO, BUT INDEPENDENT OF the Idea of The Good ... and including knowledge of consequences, by causes, in choice of maxims guiding behavior.

It is said, with some justification, that the classic Greek philosophers did not have a Theory of Morals, as described above, in their philosophical grammar. The categorical distinction between "right" and "wrong" as logical opposites not both predicable of the same act, comes in with the notion of "sin", from the Bible ETHOS, predicating the judgment of God's Wrath on rebellious wrong-doers.

(S*6.3 content in the hierarchy of Logical Types of Sign-uses)

The anti-ethical is the de-oxygenating blood-breath transforms, blocking light from circulating through the system.



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