Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Sunday, February 18, 2007

This weeks dairy

Another "you already know this, but..." blog
(Posted at The Phora)

How The Media Reported
the House of Representatives' vote
against Bush's Iraq policy.

It's as if everyone knows he has been merely a puppet, a tool, all along. Doing the best he could, damn fine job too, by God. Let 'em all say "amen", reluctantly or not. He said the right lines and said them right. Stuck it out.

Drove it into the ground.
Just kept on
keepin' on,
digging that hole
deeper every day.

Nobody to drop the curtain
No hook to yank him away

So now everybody -- including those previously backing him in committing human sacrifice -- get to gleefully watch his undoing. Except, bound down by what little consideration for self-consistency (read: shame) remains, he's getting let off. Again. (even while people mutter 'he's getting let off, again'.) The House vote against the troop surge policy, on top of Generals Pace and Casey's dissent, and the Democratic win in the '06 election, ought -- I say, OUGHT -- to put a definite HE'S TOAST edge, or tone, to the week's coverage. Fat chance.

During the prime time channel TV news cycles as the House debate was unfolding, two major themes dominated: Bush's impromptu press conference Tuesday (13th), then Wednesday (14th); also Pentagon press conference. Strong scathing pitches against the Democratic-led attack on support for our troops; warning of terrible consequences to the US and the globe if we pulled out; fingering the Iranian government for supplying weapons for Shiite Iraqi's to kill American troops.... The usual fog of conflicting, confusing, patently empty, futile SOS -- necessary front for extracting patriotic blood to throw in people's face.

Speaking of which, btw, this odd bit of fondly libidinized astrology turned up Friday (16th) on Eric Francis' popular Planet waves site:
FROM the alt-dot-love department, I'm here to tell you about Beautiful Agony, an Australian webspace that may appeal to your curiosity and aesthetics. It's basically a video catalog of the faces of about 1,000 people coming, with a few added every week. Now that is art.This friendly project is perhaps the most satisfying erotica ever created because you get one of those essential nutrients of sex: learning about people in an erotic way, discovering something about them, feeling them as they feel themselves, if just a little....Speaking of, the project is brilliant if only for its audio; you don't need to watch, listening is a lot of fun. The publishers of Agony have (or had) a related audio erotica webspace for the blind, though I can't locate it at the moment. But they are obviously into aural sex: "Make your ears blush by putting on your headphones and turning the sound to eleven," they suggest.Anyway, this is my Valentine's Day card for you, and also my idea of an ecologically aware and socially responsible company that knows where the party is. I would also propose that this is an excellent way for parents to introduce the young adults in their household to sexuality (as opposed to just sex), and for anyone who wants to get a discussion going in their relationship, in hopes of finding the words, going deeper, or being a bit more adventurous. Have fun!
If that ain't good 60's deconstruct, I don't know what is.
But back to the good stuff -- necromancy. Swear to God, it was/is unbelievable. That babe could -- and did -- fill a TV screen. Seque to chest after die Bush. House debate? What House debate? -- Oh. there's Nancy Pelosi smooching Emmanuel over there; talking tough! with tha tgavel. 5 sec. shot of old Murtha shuffling papers in his office while Giuliani pops up, and, of course, lots of shots of Hillary, Obama and the doo wacka doo-wacka doo do do ... as if the beat still went on, and Britny spears shaved her head in order to look kinkier. What's that on her shoulder?

As a bona fide Freudian, three times over, It bestirs me to remark, for any why aren't -- what we are looking at here, dear colleagues, is a sex-and-death complex, acted out at the political level of discourse.
It makes little difference that Bush was speaking from the White House and Anna Nicole's body was mouldering in a Florida bag, its the week's news, you see. One belongs to our culture, and that's important. The other to our history, destiny, possible future. She was also a mommie. Killer Mommy. That is what Cindy Sheehan was to them, too. And Nancy Grace X Glen Beck (X= gender swap), and many other cases. "Killer Mommy" has been used by psychohistorian Lloyd deMause for the last five years or so for America's prevailing unconscious group-fantasy dynamic. As a shared collective content, it is subtle but profound; inviting Jungian intuition of personal relations Writ Large, as it were, in all forms. It supplies the mythic texture of this psychohistorical duration. (cf. also: Andrea Yates) A lot of black female things are acted out in this picture (among other). Killer Mommy Dead. Good. Maybe we can breathe again. She kept us in that birth canal (spiral inward, tunnel through, ad inf.) (like Ridley trying to escape the THERE was a prophetic movie) so long I thought I would die, didn't you? Did we?

I am saying that America is being grotesqued, its imagination sadistically assaulted, again, by this spectacle, the way it was with Terry Shiavo. how many times was that contraption's near-cadaver occupant pulled up toward the TV camera?, "maybe she 'in there'"! .an admitted political projection. And the same ones profitted in both cases -- Repubes, neocons, AIPAC-ers, etc.-- those behind Cheney and Bush.

1 MyWay
House OKs Measure Opposing Troop Surge
ho hum just another House measure OK'ed


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