Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Saturday, June 02, 2007


Attachment to an important thread from the Phora

With all these incredible links, there must be one hell of a lot of


So many associations can't mean nothing
What is manifest to me in what you post I would call "psychosemiotic intuition." The name is new, and would apply to others working in different media (talking with different tokens), but it shines through as a uniquely developed Triamazikamno in this case, or what the three-brained beings breeding on this beginning-to-stink planet would call "a Pure Life-of-its- OWN" completing Being-state.

It is a completing factor of a given type which all us nigs down here eaten slop don't have to share (this is where the metaphysics of Type theory comes in. Illustration: Aristotle completed Plato, for instance


Plato* ( t*, unc.* =>) Aristotle*
....To know the way the signs go, tho ... a special knack, I think, from the => of which material required for completions for every types can be helped to complete. The metaphysics of => moves toward re-projection of the torus as the totality in Tokenspace of the mentally assisted associations. If one were to build a machine along the lines of this formal principle, it would be constructed as a four-step synthesis: "sound" - correlating spoken and written langauge; "textuality" -- correlating discursive representation by name-referent; "unconscious associations" (of different regions and levels, generally through the tokens: pictures, drum-beats, melody). In general, whatever else may be going on, when a Mind confronts a Sign, a Token is psychologically processed as a Text, yielding as a result a Sign used in actual communication =>) : S*. With that, I thenceforth dub this (what I do here) "The S* System." Easily appropriated software. Can't say more here.


WOW (s*ound take-out => ) HOW (m*etaphysical take-out =>) CHOW (=> ordinary language* synonymy: food)

WOO (s* =>) OWL (unc.* take-out =>) WISE (symbol)

WHO (s* => ) HOO (T..) HOOT
(s*text* =>) THE ...( => [QUOTE
(heh, I typed "owl" into Google Image search to find a picture of an owl to post and it's the owl from Blade Runner - synchronistic P.K.D. connection to V.A.L.I.S!) [/quote]

Working on a new Turing test here ... (nTt for sugartits)
(ability to float freely in pure tokenspace and come back with the real thing)

As you can see, having been stimulated beyond the level of Plankton's k, I have painstakingly built up from the 1-1 squares, through the Fibonaci rectangles via planetary forms consonant with my Being level of vibrations ( - ) -2 -3 - 5 - 8 etc, am NOW prepared to POW WOW WOW

Let "=>" be used as a super-string connector, standing for a mental operation synthesizing any two signs S*1, S*2 ("S*1 => S*", reading "S*1 synthesized through use (s*,t*, unc*) yields S*2". This introduces the notion of "yields" transcripted into a 1-1 formally connected database. \

(This reconstructs "I S IS ISIS" : three levels of synthesis over two S* units; "IS*" = copulates subject (passivus: female) with predicate (activus: male).
unc* => ISIS ("spirit of truth affirmation in actual discourse; "will to truth", Hegel.") From the separate triads of S* we create single units, by =>, which are the gross Sign-uses on Everyone's Front Page.)

Begin each day anew the work you know can never be completed.
-old alchemist's adage


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