Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Friday, October 05, 2007

How Can This Be>



The Iranian Threat (to Israel)
Bolton: Attack Iran, 'remove' its leader

Former US ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton told Tory delegates in Britain Sunday that efforts by the UK and the EU to negotiate with Iran had failed and that he saw no alternative to a pre-emptive strike on suspected nuclear facilities in the country


October 4, 2007

World Briefing | Middle East

U.S. 'Not in Position' to Attack, Iran Says

By Warren Hoge

Iran has received information about a possible American attack but considers it “psychological war” and has concluded that the United States is overcommitted in Iraq and “not in a position to impose another war in the region against their taxpayers,” the Iranian foreign minister, Manouchehr Mottaki, said at a United Nations news conference. “We were receiving information which looked very exact of some specific hour and date the strike will take place,” he said. Tehran warned the United States two years ago what the retaliation would be if Washington made the “mad decision” to attack, he said, but declined to disclose it. The United States has pledged to pursue diplomatic ways to make Iran give up what it charges is a nuclear weapons program but has added that all options, including military ones, remain on the table.

From Issues to Insults: shift in S* Venue

It is axiomatic in psychohistorical circles that, when discussion of issues becomes too hot to handle without people blowing up, the entire setting of discussion will shift to secondary 'issues' of insult and embarassment. Thus, issues relating to the true picture of the U.S. military situation in Iraq, sorely needing discussion during the testimony of General David Petraeus, was all but silenced by the hoop la over the alleged insult to his name. Issues relating to U.S. policy toward Iran, which could have been discussed by hearing Ahmadinejad' speech were entirely pre-empted by the cascade of vituperous insults poured over him.

This shift in the psychological venue of sign-use processing explains this very strange op-ed article by Roger Cohen.

Op-Ed Columnist

The New L-Word: Neocon

few years back, at the height of the jingoistic post-9/11 wave, the dirtiest word in the American political lexicon was “liberal.” Everyone from President Bush to Ann Coulter was using it to denote wimplike, Volvo-driving softies too spineless for dangerous times and too given to speaking French.

Liberals were going to hand the country’s defense to the United Nations, turn the war on terror into police work and cave to bin Laden’s Islamofascism..

As Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger of California declared in 2004: “If you believe you must be fierce and relentless and terminate terrorism — then you are a Republican.”

No matter that none of the above was true. No matter that 20th-century liberal thought, like Isaiah Berlin’s, stood in consistent opposition to totalitarianism in fascist or communist form. The nuance-free message served to get the commander in chief re-elected.

In time, the fever ebbed. Iraq imploded, Bush fizzled and the Democrats took Congress. A retooled Schwarzenegger began sounding like a closet Democrat.

Not least, as America bumped down to earth, “liberal” lost the mantle of political insult most foul. Its place was taken by the pervasive, glib “neocon.”


Now I have to confess straight up that these remarks seemed utterly unintelligible. I mean, I've followed the 'liberal' - neocon scene pretty closely for nigh onto 5-6 years now, and these maunderings of Roger Cohen about "Volvo driven softies", Isaiah Berlin, Arnold Schwarzeneggar somehow linking by the replacement of "liberal", as an insult, by 'neocon', left me floundering. What was it supposed to be about? There's a little point to be made there, maybe, but....

Then it hit me. It's not about issues; its entirely about insults. Its about the politics of name calling, the emo-value of "neocon" and "liberal" as perjoratives. He doesn't want robust Schwarzeneger Republicans and Liberal Interventionists, like himself smeared with "neoconitis". He's simply oxygen over on the coals of the Petraeus - Ahmadenijad flame-outs, otherwise called "the Surge".

In short, neoconitis, a condition as rampant as liberal-lampooning a few years back, has left scant room for liberal hawks. “Neocon is an insult used to obliterate the existence of this liberal position,” says Paul Berman, a writer often so insulted.

Liberal interventionists, if you recall, were people like myself for whom the sight in the 1990s of hundreds of thousands of European Muslims processed through Serbian concentration camps, or killed in them, left little doubt of the merits, indeed the necessity, of U.S. military action


Getting clearer? Probably not much. Here's what is going on.

Behind this performance lies a 'ponenized' psychopathic entity. It is important to realize this. These are not normal, but highly abnormal, strings of associations.

The ponerized are a specific class of individuals programmed to act out a particular behavioral template in reacting to enviornmental stimuli and shocks. The mode of functioning that manifests in involuntary muscle spasms, with diminution or loss of consciousness, has become chronic, all pervasive of the personality. They are in a constant state of pre-ejaculatory arousal, but unable to ever "get it off". (This observation is based Wilhelm Reich work on the psychophysiology of the involuntary orgasm reflex, juxtaposed with all the ED treatment ads on TV. I have no idea how many men actually take that stuff, but the commercials sure do play a lot.)

As an aside, expert testimony has confirmed that the effects of Viagra etc. very closely resembles that of cocaine. Apropos of that, the esoteric psychology of G.I. Gurdjieff teaches the presence in mankind ("three brained beings") of an ancient biological inherency to manifest "the consequences of the organ kundabuffer," This was an organ growing at the base of the spine; it was later removed, but where it once flowed through the adaptive processes are retained as neural discharge tracks for "surge" type behavior. He says "This chemical means (cocaine) has an effect on the psyche of the contemporary beings of planet Earth surprisingly similar to that which the famous organ Kundabuffer had on the psyche of their ancestors." (A & E , p. 430) The effects of wide spread use, or bombardment with suggestions of wide spread use, sends powerful fluxes of libido coursing through the psyche, crystalizing the consequences of the organ Kundabuffer in human affairs: magical thinking (gambling on enormous 'jackpots'); wanton sexuality, or its opposite (self-punishment); megalomania, egotism, fanaticism, heartless cruelty, lack of empathy with others affected by their action -- and, first and foremost, victims. It is this absolute compulsion to stage themselves as victims, IN ORDER TO HAVE AN EXCUSE TO ATTACK, which dominates, or 'frames' their entire approach to the world in communication.

That is behind the neocon shift (forget Cohen's "Liberal Interventionist" bullshit) to the Insult level. They are the Perennial 24/7 MMVII Victimized WHINERS, as a psychoclass. They have the psyche of little spoiled children hating their mothers for restricting them in any way at all, and this is transposed (displaced) to hatred of the government, "PC" (mommy peeping into the bathroom to see what you are doing), the Democrats and (especially now) "Hillary". What America is having rammed down its throat by Abu Ghraib Blackwater Republican controlled media is the politics of Hillary Clinton as Killer Mommy. Over against the Strong Woman as Commander in Chief Image promoted by the media as a foil for the Repubs to run against, almost any man, provided he exudes even a little bit of Masculine Mystique would carry America in '08. If only they had one...

(wait... Arnies Army? -- Brought over to Freedom's Watch to save The Day? Announcing on Glenn Beck, followed up with exclusive Nancy Grace interview, then: him and Mike Wallace on Larry King Live.....? )

Roger Cohen doesn't use the word "Jew" but that is what "neocon" is blog code for. That is the victim-token par excellence. "Israel" and "Zionism" (see below) are in the wings in this "Wald-Mearsheimered" psychosemiotic ambience, as are: The holocaust, 6 million dead Jews, Ann Frank and many other memes. All anchored to the "J-"word. Leave it out, and the inner link between the crystalized manifestations dissolves. That is the way the process is kept going, by not allowing the separate components to be drawn together under the named source of origin. The point is not to be harsh, but not to suppress the essence, either.

The point is, the word "Jew", omitted from the text, picks up the resonance of what it communicates elsewhere from the CON-text: the particularity of the communication situation. Cohen's name; the newspaper; its audience; the disastrous war in Iraq; the steadily rising drumbeat of war on Iran by John Bolton and Norman Podhoretz....Behind these, the AIPAC spy scandals; the Libby Lobby roots to Cheney; the AEI, ADL(-led brained), The Kristols, Goldberg's, Lowery's Murdocharoony loonies, and this hardly begins to scratch the surface. Jewish influence on American life and culture extends far, far beyond politics. These separate strands of manifestation are linked by deep, silent tribal bonds, Jews reacting as a group, as schools of fish or flocks of birds. This has been voluminously documented by Kevin MacDonald. Not all Jews are bad, of course. But these, representing the chrystalized consequences of the organ kundabuffer, are the worse.

If any group is famous for suffering unjustly, its them.. And, of course, black slaves in the Old South. These are Our Victims. Women and homosexuals too, certainly. And children. The children. We can't forget the children. Suffer little children ....


Blogger heptopus said...

Liberal interventionists, if you recall, were people like myself for whom the sight in the 1990s of hundreds of thousands of European Muslims processed through Serbian concentration camps, or killed in them, left little doubt of the merits, indeed the necessity, of U.S. military action

That was mostly a lie. The US State Department claimed that as many as 500,000 Kosovar Muslims had been murdered. In actual fact the total killed was subsequently revealed to be less than dead 3,000 on both sides, counting both combatants and civilians alike. That's still awful, but the fact is that the "hundreds of thousands of dead European Muslims" was just another bunch of lies to justify military interventionism. If anything the intervention there was even less justified than in the invasion of Iraq.

I don't understand the attachment to the term liberal, given that it has been effectively co-opted by globalists and imperialists. Todays "liberals" are just as bad as neo-cons. Hillary has already said she thinks Iran needs to be bombed if they don't submit to US & Israeli demands. Tweedledee and Tweedledum, Alice.

2:24 AM  
Blogger heptopus said...

Wait a minute, I just realized that was Cohen's paragraph not yours. Ignore the above post, my mistake.

2:28 AM  

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