Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Friday, August 08, 2008

The case against the FBI's case against Ivins


1. The manufacture and handling of the 'weaponized' anthrax required not just access to spores and technology, but: great expertise in highly controlled setting, to avoid accidental contamination and avoid drawing attention for suspicious activity. This does not seem compatible with Ivin's record of day-job lab worker, which ought to be readily available.

2. The time frame of 9.18, the postmark date of the first letter, and 911, the day of the terrorist attacks, does not give whoever did it time to concoct the scheme, assemble all the elements required to carry it out precisely and efficiently, and get the letters actually mailed. It had to have been conceived beforehand, to coordinate with '911'. It is not generally known that a scenario of mailed anthrax was in fact in circulation around 2000, written by an official at Battelle Memorial Laboratories (West Jefferson, Ohio), William C. Patrick III, as reported by virus-vaccine specialist D. Horowitz.. The dissonance of time available and actions described is also evident in the Virginia Tech shooting, requiring Cho to be several places on campus he could not have been.

3. The coordination of A. timing, linked explicitly to the day of the airplane attacks; and B. content (roughly: "This is anthrax...You will die ...Death to America and Israel ...Glory to Allah") convey a clear intent for the results of the complicated scheme to be taken as part of the terrorist attack on America STAGED BY ISLAMIC RADICALS. That is how it had to be taken by the public, establishing an evidence link to Saddam Hussein to justify war, later on. That is how it was in fact used by ABC and Fox News outlets, even after it was discovered the substance was made in USA labs. Any purported account of what happened to American as a result of the anthrax poisoning that does not take this coordination of timing and content into consideration as motive of the act, can only be regarded as a continuation of the mentality, if not complicity with, the perpetrators.

4. It is disingenuous, to the point of perversity, to pretend that the perpetrators were not Zionist Jews, or cohorts (maybe thinking to do them a favor, as it is suggested by the MSM the perpetrators wanted to do for America by alerting them to biochemical warfare threat). The alternative to that conclusion which accepts the facts it is based on is a double false-flag operation: someone masquerading as mad Zionist fanatic, masquerading as mad Islamic fanatic. While possible in theory, Occam's razor applies here if anywhere. The 99% certain conclusion is that the perpetrator was a pro-Israeli operative, deeply and broadly embedded in the government systems, motivated by the aim of linking Israel and the United States jointly under attack by Islamic radicalism..

5. Fetal Origins and the Jews

Massive, incontroverted evidence (cf. the Institute of Psychohistory, L. Lloyd deMause) exists that the psychic disorder of Nazism that swept through Hitler's Germany in the l930's was characterized by a particular what-is-called group-fantasy: that Jews were poison in the pure Aryan bloodstream. The dehumanization and wanton cruelty subsumed under 'the holocaust' was the manifestation of this particular mental disorder. The Germans, after WWI, superior race of beings as they surely may well have felt they had the right to be, genetically speaking, were gripped by the shared unconscious group fantasy of poisoned blood. By means of the psychodynamics of Reversal, the source of this was projected onto 'the Jews', being genetically as well as dispositionally non-assimilable into the converging flow of historical nationalistic group process. This is called "scapegoating" in pop psychoanalytics, but deMause showed that the projection-reversal ("it's not us who want to kill then; its them who are killing us") is a psychodynamic template deriving from the fetal origins of experience. The reversal is the overwhelmed, squeezed ("pressured"), blood poisoned (hyper-anoxygenized), enraged, pained and terrified tiny fetal consciousness bursting for breath, birth, deliverance, and FREEDOM. What is encircling, squeezing, cutting off the flow of blessed oxygen to lungs, and brain, starved for what the enriched placental blood vessels once brought in abundance .... This is the Original Template of all psycho-historical group process, acted out in the compulsion to repeat War as Birth -- declaring external war on an 'enemy' created by projection, in order to eliminate the projected condition (persecution by a representative of the Poisonous Placenta).

That is what the Jews represented in unconscious German group fantasy: a Poisonous Placenta battened onto the Nordic-Prussian-Ayrian soul 'pressuring' (or being pressured by) the 'bourgeoise' consciousness, resisting the feeling of self-loathing foisted off on them by inferior 'allied' forces given to trickery. The cry for "Lebensraum", living space, including its latent spiritual-cultural identity, also manifested this unconscious group fantasy. An unconscious group fantasy is a fantasy in individuals which they don't know they have (generally speaking) which will automatically take over the flow-of-process through their head brain to bring about 'delegate actions': "I" called upon to act for "we"; it takes many forms. It is the inner form and energy of a 'movement', and in human events, such an energy with such a form blended from the cauldron of modern European history through the '50's can only be viewed, even at this distance, as a monumental historical testament to what coherent human will can accomplish. It is unconscionable to allow the Jews (Zionist) to smear every remembrance of that era, and its accomplishments, with the term "holocaust".


6. This connection between the Jewish and Ivins is precisely though what is left out of the FBI's case -- the false flag blaming of Islamic terrorists. This is psychosemiotic reversal: "THEY (not us) ARE ATTACKING AMERICA". The letter's transparent content directs retaliation for the attack against America and Israel's common enemy. This is the only link between the U.S. "war on terror" and the Israeli-Palestinian intifada provoked by Ariel Sharon's desecration of the Al Aska mosque in Jerusalem in 2000. Just as the anthrax mentally linked 911 to Saddam Hussein, regularly accused of "poisoning his own people", so it linked the two nations as under attack by a world front of Muslim/Arab/Islamic terrorists. This is the very poison in the bloodstream of communication the deed introduced. It is the same group-fantasy of poisoned blood, with 'the Jews' reversing the role of poisoned to poisoner. Like, "you want to make Jews out to be poisoners? We'll show you what it is ...." etc." It is the geopolitical squaring of the metaphysical split of the two world views.

7. Psychotic splitting. The effect of the FBI's portrait of Bruce Ivins as the lone 'homocidal sociopath', carrying the construction of a "2 face". There are 2 "Ivin"'s the public mind is required to fuse under the name now. 1. the vaccine scientist Ivins, known for many years to family, colleages and friends; and, behind that mask, 2. the cunning, evil genius Ivins who brought off this most, most intricately designed second act of terrorist deception of Biblical proportions. (unconscious fantasy description). (Following a script written by William C. Patrick III of Battelle Memorial laboratories, West Jefferson, Ohio.)

But Ivins no. 2 is an entire construct. There is no evidence for it whatsoever that cannot be explained as contrived to frame him. The "Ivins" given to the public to relate to as chief miscreant of the birthing millennium is a composite of Dark and Light as psychological opposites; two faces, from two sources, jammed together.

If Dark Side Ivins is a construct the FBI created in order to project guilt into, his creation was the work of the agency's Dark Side. On its Light Side, it wears the public badge of national law enforcement officers. Thus, the two Ivins mirrors two FBI's. And both mirror the two sides of the psyche, conscious and unconscious, which are in turn respectively reflected in the duality of text and token in sign use. The actual anthrax poisoning event(s) constituted the lowest-level process in a series of replications. Communication about "it", using signs (eg.S*(anthrx, 9.18 for "the anthrax mailing of 9.18.01 from Princeton, New Jersey mail box) is the next higher level. The transition from the actual occurrence as lower, in representation, to higher, as represented, presupposes a psychosemiotic process. The lowest level of representation is metaphysically linked to the extra-linguistic reality by reproducing it as content of consciousness under S*. As objective occurrences, whatever they were, the preparation, targeting and delivery of the weaponized anthrax was reproduced in word and picture, and in that sense mirrored, in the news reports where they overlap.

It was 'evidence' of just this sort that the public was shown to justify war on Iraq. An abandoned, rusty farm crop machine identified by 'curveball' as evidence Saddam Hussein was moving around his biochemical warfare labs.


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