Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

anti-deMause/ male civil war

This is a reply I put up on NEWSANDBLUES forum, after Scott and Joe had mentioned L. deMause on their PBS show 7.7.'09. I am known to them as having been a devotee of his, so had to set the record straight fwit'sw here and there.
Comment on references to Lloyd deMause, prior mentor of mine

His work is most deeply characterized by Hatred of The Mother. But for European civilization, Mother is Christianity, the historical soul form of its completing totality coming forward into America, 2009-'10.

DeMause is barely aware of himself as actually in this era, time-and-space wise. He writes in sweeping generalities about "The Emotional Life of Nations", "The Killer Motherland" -- the last about how males have always devoted their warrior blood to Goddesses demanding their ultimate sacrificial death to defeat imagined or real enemies. (He doesn't mention Esther and Mordecai, though.) Imagine that. (I already did, reading and absorbing vast quantities of lore of every kind anout Innana, Ishtar, Isis .. but he does a fantastic job of pulling together reams of icons of SHE WHO MUST BE OBEYED! (Ryder Hagaards great '20 novel). deMause has a heavy theoretical interest in unearthing the Dark Medusa Killer Mother(-land?), since he fundamentally undercut Freud's theory of trauma by (correctly) elaborating birth - violent breaking out of the placental sac to gain first Breath OF LIFe - overlaying the previously un-allowed for, but actually imprinted, fetal origins of experience. This, plus fantasy- analysis (mainly of cartoons and presidential speeches), plus the history of childhood (defining "Projection-Reversal" of adult/childlike consciousness under stress), provide fundamental, monumental, contributions to group psychology for times to come. I feel I have internalized his work, wedded it with my own background of philosophical analysis of sign-use (language; incl pictures, vids, tweets, digital; psychoanalytic, but beginning with Jung, not Freud), and worked through many applications and existential implications. Living with what you know isn't always easy, is it newz.

But he has demonstrably NOT worked through these, when it comes to the Father side of the psychic equation; not from Vietnam to McCain/Palin to Ed Thomas (beloved Iowa coach killed by a 22 yr old son of neighbor church member -- its in Sports Illustrated this month, and I posted in the DesMoines register about it) to Michael Jackson, Harvey Milk, BRUNO (the great Gay Jew epitome -- acted out in fun! "Balls in the face for eminen!": anti-homosexual, mom-rejecting (with reason) foul mouth dirty rapper got his! (see video of PDFlo with that particular title, using the term "teabag": --the close-up U've been lookin' for. But -- wha.." looks like it was FAKE! -- ..What do you know.)
deMause wouldn't get anything that was about, but it is, in fact, a very big event in the on-going flow of historical group process, threading with other things I post about. He appears to lack both any male father psychology as a template for understanding these clusters (esp. since 4.3/4.4 -- 7.4 '09) and understanding of soul. (Which, if you are American, requires understanding Christianity - Protestant.99% you can look it up.) What I got fed up with, theologically, was his school's wiseacring the Gospel. If warriors fight for Mother's, by God I'll fight for ours, dad.

He does not see the split between two kinds of male spirituality as the dividing wedge in the coming civil war, more or less like it was in the last one, with the Nothern elites pushing all that abolitionist shit, as it would be called these days.


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