Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Ft. Hood

Ft. Hood

This ones a man’hood thing
Like fighting for the Old South became
Principle: you’re not changing the rules and giving orders around here. No sir

115 – fresh from Texas Roadside Slaughterhouse--Kosher Blood for Israel
1113 – (announced) Show trial for alleged 911 terrorists, near ground 0 in NYC

Visual TV-Movie bookends:

A. The People vs Leo Frank “The People” is a reverse approbative for the men of Marietta County Ga. who lynched the Jew. The PBS docudrama about the 1913 murder of little Mary Phagan, from a book
“The Dead Shall Rise” portrays stereotyped southern religious racist white psychotic mob mentality, likely to erupt at any time, even against Islamic Jihadists, like Nidal Malik Hasan. The Good People – those aligned with Leo Frank (who is presumed innocent by the Jewish community: AIPAC- ers and ADL-ers ) will gladly help restrain from inhuman treatment of Hasan, ha ha.

B. Men Who Stare At Goats. Psychic Spies – 60’s Drug mind control experimentation picked up by group-fantasy reaction to Hasan’s ‘psychotic’ act. HASAN COULD HAVE BEEN IMPLANTED AND CONTROLLED TO ‘GO OFF’. There is a radical disconnect between his described composed demeanor and the sustained violent carnage wreaked at Ft. Hood.

...Drug experimentation –a large subculture of “acid guinea pigs’, drug users from the 60’s are existentially keyed to react to horrendous state-altering shocks.

A Binghamton Press poster used LSD to describe the behavior and shooting. The familiar, now-routine TV “Breaking News” interruption, followed by horror, repeated sequences of on-site pictures, deception, settling into state of shock and the default position consciousness reverts to in it. This opens the psyche up for imprinting feeling-impulse (“instinct”) templates, as Freud’s model of traumatized shock recall elaborated.

Such mentality will accept ‘gappy’ perceptions threaded by their own feelings and imagination. Just a few ‘centers’, or human braincells, can be altered to gloss experience in this way to create a counter-flow in normal processes, ramifying as it spirals outward. Pretty soon, willy-nilly, by nothing more than the metaphysics of flow of time in the ‘trogoautoegocratic’ process by means of which nature reproduces its species, gaps in the template will be simultaneously glossed as a “way of speaking”, which will then “pervade the atmosphere”. The “atmosphere” is what is breathed in and out by processing sign-uses. Collective psychic exhalations, as it were. (“Take a Deep Breath” was Gail Collins’ NYTimes article 11.12 – “In troubled times, it is important to try to maintain a certain level of serenity. Right now we citizens have quite a lot on our plate and there is no reason to go completely crazy about the least little thing.” – if one reads that again slowly, it really says the opposite; she’s drubbing it. But the gasping for air part – that’s real. She’s just predicating on the side effects.)

The duration bookended by: 113 (“The People vs. Leo Frank”) – 11.13 (“terrorist” trial in NYC), via 115 (Texas Slaughterhouse Kosher Blood) , Men Who Stare at Goats --- Let’s stick with the terrorist trial in NYC.

The feeling-state background is Texas Slaughterhouse Kosher Borsch. Blood spilled at Ft. Hood is Kosher because it can be blamed on Palestinian Muslim solidarity. These are Israel’s enemies That makes it kosher. It also organizes that famous southwestern religious white male mob mentality to go after the terrorists. Meanwhile. Obama is making decisions regarding Afghanistan and Iran. The Texas Kosher Slaughterhouse borsh undoubtedly supplies a springboard for that. Once New York City is the re-focused (entirely separate and distinct, you understand; this is about helping the President solve the Gitmo problem), the entire 911 complex is brought into play again. Trauma => repetition-compulsion. This time with a Jewish backdrop, covered by the New York Times, no less. Why, Giuliani was on MSNBC wringing his hands in sheer righteous exuberance of being, “our criminal justice system has been proven the best there is, giving whoever is accused of a crime a fair trial! It’s geared to let the guilty get off!” TWSS (That’s what S/he Said)

Segue: Crime scene in Texas to terrorism trial in NYC – takes the glare of media spotlight off Ft. Hood, letting it get back to what’s left of normal. 115 => 911. Latest step in the Jewification of America

This positions the Jewish media to keep poisoning minds with perpetual punishment “administered with justice” (911 was an inside job; everyone who keeps honking "911" must be assumed complicit.)


Binghamton slaughterhouse13 +1

SLAUGHTERHOUSE 13” could be a movie franchise set in both places. 13 is specifically the number assigned to Judas in the recently published Gospel of Judas, It marked an essence distinct from the humanity of the 12 disciples.

They have kept pressing Christian U.S. – Zionist Jew AIPAC-ADL interests as converging, when they don’t, to the point where it must be decisively confronted in principle.


In Jungian terms, this would amount to the catastrophic enantiodromia: The Mysterium Conunctionis, conversion of conscious psychic totality into its opposite. That is to say, reversal of the . The psychotic’s answer to the reversal is to affirm both at the same time. The pictures Jung takes from their drawings shows a split-reconjoined two-torso head/trunk, over two legs, feet pointing in different directions. How the unconscious sees the inverted psyche. That would be as if two freight trains traveling in opposite directions were tied together by an elastic cord. Sooner or later it has to break, or grow infinitely thin. This is occurring now in the theological conjunction of Monotheistic and Trinitarian texts of God use. The Incarnation marks an asymmetrical relation between the Old and New Testaments, yet conjunction of then in references to “The Bible”, or “people of the Book” as if “equal, as religions”, symmetrically relates them as by a truth-functional “and” (vrs internal organic textual relation). This is theological reversal of the radical break with previous history marked by Jesus Christ; and, key to lower-level contradictions in morality and being that break out when “God” is both included, and not included, as an actor in history. That is the link between Christianity and Russell’s ramified theory of types. Contradiction by self-predication ramifies through all the sub-domains of sets of objects, finite or infinite, determined as extensions of predicates. (Idolatry: like “God” could properly apply to what is growing under the bush; or to a little nation, “Israel”.) Proper stratification of S* according to token type, reserving “God” for the completing totality S*7, leads down step-wise through the stratified domains of contents of consciousness under sign-use, to sense-data particulars posited as lowest-level objects, S*1. Lying between S*7 (God) and S*1 (quality/quantity units of actual experience) are S*6,5,4,3,2, each with its own denumerable domain.


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