Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
FRIDAY AUGUST 7, 2009 06:19 EDT
Our first black president is a Nazi?

I was stunned by Editor and Publisher's report that AP, the New York Times and other news organizations quoted liberally from Pittsburgh health club murderer George Sodini's diaries, but left out his racist diatribes against Obama. The diary in fact began the day after Obama was elected, and Sodini wrote, "Good luck to Obama! He will be successful. The liberal media LOVES him. Amerika has chosen The Black Man." He then goes on to complain that white "hoes" are choosing black men over him. In the last four months we've seen three mass shootings -- the Pittsburgh cop killings, the Holocaust Museum murders and now this -- in which the murderer has ranted crazily about Obama. I worry with good reason that the Sodini assault won't be the last."
-- Joan Walsh

It is highly significant this detail was omitted. Misogyny and racism are mixed in Soldini’s (alleged) dairies, which he (allegedly) began keeping the day after Obama’s election in Nov. 08. If valid, as expression of his psychology (as opposed to a constructed persona), it substantiates the group-psychological motive of hatred-unto-death of Obama for being chosed by “the liberal media”. Then, this detail is systematically and deliberately split off from news reports, which feature only the Unloved Male turned “no more Mr. Nice Guy”. This seems to be standard practice. The public never learned what was really on R.P. Hansson’s mind during 25 years top FBI-CIA link spying for Moscow, because a story surfaced about familial sexual perversions too obscene for polite conversation, so no one probed. Big Sex Perversion always trumps everything else in BREAKING NEWS, so the other motives, which might well be not only embarassing but highly pernicious, can be collected together and looped in, later, whenever a snake brain input is nedded to spin the narrative. As Joan Walsh does Sodini, von Brunn and Pawloski. Why not others?

The fact is there has been quite a string of out-of –the-blue mass shootings by those who could be said to want to kill liberals – and/or Jews, homosexuals, civic service people and now, one could say, “women themselves,” : Jim Adkisson, Jivverly Wong, James von Brunn, fake synagogue bomg plot by Newburgh patsies, shooting of Welsely U. student Johanna Justin-Jinich, C. Roeder, shooter of abortion Dr. Tiller; Tel Aviv shooting in homesexual youth club … now George Sodini shooting women in a LA FITNESS center in Pittsburgh.

What Sodini sees is Mother-gone-whore, being taken by the Black Man instead of him. As Hitler got Germany, she’s Amerika, now. Obama is proxy for Rush Limbaugh’s Feminazis. But the MSM wants that alluded to; then, empowering wrathful female retaliation, to split off from the threat no one dares even to think, reserving it in the pre-consciouse for future poisonous use. (cf. Dan Brown’s plot in Angels and Demons: illegitimate son of the Pope is driven to patricide in order to purge the Church and his own birth guilt.)

That frames the psychomemiotic essence* of the vignette: guys who have tried to please Her all his life (he says) turns violently to terminate Her illegitimate marriage to the Black Man, if it kills him. Archetypically, he follows the White Sun.

Again, this is not racial so much as metaphysical. As it so happens in this historical moment, a black man of Kenyan paternity emerges in the children of America’s unconscious – without a birth certificate. Like: Step-Father. Or Uncle Joe. Sodini does not want America’s children, fruit of her Womb, to become what Beatles Rock Band followers of The Black Sun.

It is highly relevant that “Dads” were prominently shown among TownHall shouters, one with aers, one with a cerebral palsy son in a wheelchair. Then a white guy packed a gun into aNew Hampshire Town Hall meting where the President was. 8.11. 09 has been a very angry day on cable news covering health care.


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