Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lieberman: Goat Lizard Soul

Lieberman’s GOAT – LIZARD soul

-Three Brain analysis

Two total psychosemiotic forces* (*spanning the hierarchy of S* tokens) have now arrived front and center in America’s historical group life.

One could be called, without disapprobation, Mr Catholic: ex-NYCity Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Rudy was on Fox News with Neil Cavuto 11.15, cogently and forcefully explaining why New York City federal courts ought not to be where Kalid Sheik Mohammed is placed on trial, as if 9/11 were only a criminal, not a terrorist act. That squares* (*text and token are self-consistent). In doing so, it connects with the 11.5 Ft. Hood massacre as a “terrorist” act, and Giuliani in fact explicitly linked them as “Islamic terrorism”.

Enter Senator Joe Lieberman, sometimes Democrat chairman of the Senate Homeland Security committee, declaring on NPR that his committee had responsibility for oversight of the process that allowed Major Nidal Malik Hasan’s rampage, that ‘it should never happen again’, referring to the 13 dead soldiers several times for emphasis. And because Homeland Security was, indeed, called into question by Hasan’s possible larger connections to jihadists. His committee’s investigation was needed immediately, independent of the White House and Pentagon.

As for getting their cooperation, however, good luck with that, they are saying. No one wants to cooperate, it seems "until the investigation is over." But, now, why would the raft of agencies involved, apart from the fact that crucial witnesses are already involved in their investigation, throw up obstacles to keep Senator Lieberman from doing his job?

Two answers would have to be considered here, I think.

One would be refusal to go along with his attempt to exercise civilian authority over ANYTHING military, since it reeks so much of the ‘Scooter’ Libby – Douglas faith – Rumsfeld era, when ‘civilian authority’ was used subversively to run bad wars.

Secondly, a strong negative reaction to Joe Lieberman, himself; what he is, what he is doing, and all he stands for. Apart from, but present in, the betrayals and manipulations of his political dance as elder Senator from Connecticut, Al Gore’s running mate in 2000, almost Vice President, there is something else very much alive and pushing back at Joe pushing his investigation on America. Something personal, terrible, deep, metaphysical.

To unconscious group-fantasy, Jung’s Collective Unconscious (or Objective Consciousness), he represents recombinant RNA degenerated to the level Goat Lizard. Joe Liberman is Goat Lizard Man, conjoining reptile and mammalian brains in the human form. Such a creature once existed on earth, recently discovered fossils reveal.

If Soul is the mammalian form added to snake brain mentality, this creature would have a goat soul. That would be its essence, the form through which the biological energies and psychosocial forces flow. Now, from the standpoint of the human soul, this is a preparatory formation. As essence of an infima species (Aristotle), it is not lower on an objective scale of things to be morally condemned in any way. It is what it is. Goat’s milk is highly prized by many folk. But they are ordinarily extremely smelly animals, not known to readily elicit or respond to affection. As pets – not so good.

The soul of three-brain beings (human form, on planet earth) can touch that of the goat, but its completion is the position from which higher soul manifestations BEGIN -- their bottom, as it were. A similar aversion is taken up by many toward pigs. In symbolic mythology, however, the goat’s head staring at-you through the inverted Pentagram carries unique repulsiveness and revulsion. (‘sleeping with goats’). The revenants and resonances these images bring back, as a conscious content, was historically dignified with a name: Baphomet. Early 19th century Freemasons who followed Pike took it to stand for the old Serpent, Satan, the Bible’s Devil as a force. Today, the political term would be “demonize”, as in “Chavez demonized Bush.” But that just illustrates how detached the text has become from the token. Lieberman as essence of Goat-Lizard Soul, Baphomet, isn’t just more virile. It goes to the level of VIRAL.

Recombinant forms of soul devolution

The known, but unreleased, gene-amino acid sequences in the extremely deadly virus now striking Ukraine provides a “H-N-“ schema for the mind and imagination to fill in, beginning with 1–1. H1N1 was originally announced as rampant. But it has now apparently been ruled out as of 11.18, but WHO (the world health organization) has not released the number-pair that completest. Since this sequence has been pointedly withheld, though having had two weeks to analyze it and knowing a global audience is waiting the outcome -- something is going on. This suspicion further inflames fantasized completions. What recombinant form has emerged now? A H7N7 sequence has already been discovered in Spain, and named “Castilian” flu virus. There is H5N3 (Sars, ‘Avian’)


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