Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Sunday Trypsin 11.20-21

A Sunday trilogy very satisfied with. If there could be a silver thread 11.20-21, for me it would be coming to this. I am happy to share it with all, especially facebook friends, which does come to mean something, it appears. Scent with bated resonance…

Document #1
A new view for Tier tourists

The message on the bile-green sweatshirt was disturbing: "PASS GAS." The messenger inside the sweatshirt was even more disturbing. It was Armbruster. He took no notice of me as he rushed past, head down and chanting: "Drill, baby, drill. Drill, baby, drill." (Dave Rossie)

My post:

This is brilliance itself: "PASS GAS" on Armbrusters "bile-green sweatshirt". Goes right up there with "Obamas' smelly jeans won't woo Tel Aviv." But there is more. Lots. "DRILL BABY DRILL" is the meme-metaphor dominating the collective mentality, ever since .. Palin (the rogue), wasn't it? .. introduced it in '08 campaign. It nicely conjions images of sadistic infanticide; skin puncture (planet earth's, by long-bit drilling; human flesh, by needle injected vaccine); 13 dead bodies penetrated (and scores more injured) by bullets at Ft. Hood ...and the word most often used by surviving Ft. Hood witnesses who took it to be a training exercise; a pretense -- until the slaughter 'went live', and what was taken as pretense turned into terrible, terrible reality for all. "Drill, baby, drill" brings all that together, now: a ubiquitous moveable token, distributing its text across the collective consciousness. If I were lecturing today, as in 11-'88 when a swastika appeared on Harpurs JSU …. (it would be as follows)

Document #2
Aftermath of Fort Hood

Every violent incident has after-effects. The first is one of shock, and with the Fort Hood killings, the shock is greater because violence erupted in a supposedly secure area within our own country. Next come grief and feelings of loss as well as a lingering dismay at any such event. (Wm. Roberts; to my recollection, an ex-student)

My post:

Excellent. Let's linger on the shock-effect, may we? Shock is what is also called trauma, the study of which, beginning with Freud's work on raped children psychology, shows normal mental function is replaced by compulsion-to-repeat (repetition-compulsion) to "undo the damage"; taking the form of going back,over and over, to "see what went wrong; get it right' prevent it ever happening again." This can be recognized as precisely where Joe Lieberman steps into our traumatized situation to help out. He will supply the official investigative text of "what happened; what went wrong; who what missed signs?" -- perpetuated over and over, with Roger Ailes (Fox News), Ed Rollins (CNN) displaying vulgar and obscene grotesqueries every day -- always alluding to, never arriving at the truth repressed in the unconscious (that it was adults, often the parents, who did it). Opportunistic trauma/shock medicants who deliberately repress truth, cut off the oxygen supply to the higher blood=>virus.

Document #3
Leave Afghanistan alone

With all due respect for our servicemen and women in Afghanistan, I urge President Obama to bring them all home. Do not commit more troops to spill more American blood for the sake of upholding a totally corrupt government. (Ed Horvath).

My post (picking up a thread)

Confirm notsolost. It is flatly absurd to compare war on the Taliban to WWII. Doing so illustrates psychotic, Drill Baby Drill kill baby kill compulsion to repeat trauma. It also illustrates ‘virus in the atmosphere’ noted in the Ft. Hood letter

This meme-theme, that Hasan represented a virus connecting the 13 dead soldiers in Texas with Afghanistan was played out in spades in today’s NYTimes article by R. Wright. He uses the metaphor applicable to H1N1 infection no less than 4 times – with Islamic radicalism*, religious terrorism*, spreading*, spreading* -- pivoting Right vs Left politics around “gotta fight it” (R) vs “that spread it more” (L). This analysis is strained; forced. His job is to inoculate against whoever would “tear our country apart along religious and ethnic lines”, spreading Hasan’s disease. Except: if Hasan was black flag patsy, that is the ultimately twisted reversal.***Isn’t it.

-Sid Thomas


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