Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Thursday, July 08, 2010


(Read while listening to Mr. Bo Jangles.)


Big Bad Bibi rollin’ Mr. BO jangles

Read while listening to:

Where Monica went, let all who come afterward also go 4th thereunto (…give or take).

A conspiracy so vast, so historically consequential, so prospectively cruel and murderous, it discourse so poisonous, it dwarfs everything but the oil geyser as a catastrophe.

How dare they. Takes more than gall.

It takes a MSM cooperating to cover all their backs, firing katusha rockets at “right wing extremist hate groups”, meanwhile unwaveringly advancing the Israeli agenda, as if IT were the good news the good guys were bringing ya today.

7.8 Thursday

Sen. Lieberman says force may be needed

The Connecticut senator argues the military option is supported by congressional consensus

U.S. Senator Joseph Lieberman says there is a broad consensus in Congress that military force can be used if necessary to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. *
Lieberman cites a recent set of sanctions passed by Congress against Iran as a potential deterrent. But he insists that the goal of keeping Iran from becoming a nuclear power will be accomplished "through diplomatic and economic sanctions if we possibly can, through military actions if we must."*

The Connecticut senator spoke Wednesday in Jerusalem, where he was visiting with fellow senators John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.
Israel, the U.S. and other Western countries accuse Iran of trying to develop an atomic weapon. Iran says its nuclear program is for civilian use.

The asterisked items are pre-emptive declarations, made without broad consultation with their constitutency, as political correctness in local and state discourse prevents the opposite side from fair presentation and argument. To wit: that Israel will commit suicide if it bombs Iran, and will take all who join them on a death trip. It will be in the wrong stratigically, militarily, morally – and psychodynamically, defeating itself before it begins, because it is fighting against (the split off, exteriorized (‘dumped’) part of) itself. “Israel” now defends the logical malapropism “right to exist” by identifying with (battle against) its Negation. This is pure reaction-formation, converting an instinctive impulse NO! NO! ( aborting little Israel by denying its “right to exist”, aligning with ‘holocaust deniers’ ) to YES! YES!  we will help you bomb Iran. An entity whose raison de etre consists in defending itself against itself cancels the presumption.

By stretching “terrorism” as “the enemy at war with”, to cover Hamas and Hezbolla; then, linking “Al Queda” and “9/11”, the bare threads of the threadbare grammar of opposites are played and plucked like strings on a banjo, to weave one more day of the sadistic suicide journey.

In fact, Lieberman’s claim to speak for broad Congressional support has a dark – literally kept hidden – prequel. Two letters sent to President Obama: (1) 87 Senators urge Obama not to hold Israel responsible for the death of a U.S. citizen aboard the Gaza humanitarian aid ship Mavi Marmara, though facts show otherwise. (2) Earlier, a large majority rebuked him on Jerusalem settlements:
The Report concludes that the actions of the Israeli Government could lead to a “competent court finding that crimes against humanity have been committed.” The Report was approved by a vast majority in the United Nations General Assembly …
The terrible power of the Zionist Power Configuration has run amok: the Jewish Congressional lobby, the liberals, progressives and neo-cons all together signed and promoted an act of Congress signed by over 330 Congress people rebuking Obama for publicly disagreeing with Netanyahu over the land grab in Arab Jerusalem.

rolling the American people at the same time Bibi is doing it to BO.

Lieberman’s ‘use of force’ greenlight – behind Obama’s back? – preempts any challenge or qualification to these token-implants in group discourse:: “unbreakable bond” (Israel-U.S.), “’us’*” slip, tacit green light to pre-emptively strike Iran; “no change in policy” in UN/NATO language continuing the systematic double-talk regarding Israel’s huge arsenal.

Note on The “Royal (mini-Oedipal) ‘US’ slip”

A real, almost unbelievable Freudian slip (give or take), substituting dual nation identity under his delegate ‘I’. Proceeding spontaneously, without pre-meditation, it tokened (was a symptom of) ‘where his head was at’ as he was in the midst of considering military defense.

But symbolically, also, it’s use evokes His role as Father of the country; Sire (“Sir”) of the White House, forging a legacy by his every act and demeanor, for followers of the patriarchal patriot side of the (~S/S*). But that is only for those who follow the texts threaded as intended official narrative – the ‘mainstream’, as it calls itself, through the media of communication. If the tokens are retrieved by memory1 loops, then rethreaded according to Archetypal sequences, the alternative psychohistorical narrative threaded through unconscious group-fantasy emerges. This is thus a read-out of the New Psychohistory, through Psychosemiotics.

What this amounts to, then, an act of psychosemiotic usurpation; of Obama’s personal I-We merger with Israel: its ideology, lobby, money, political power.

*** cf. also: CNN fires senior Mid-East editor for pro-Hezbolla remark
***** Other indicators: Palin  Kristol’s upskirt fantasy to the Tea Bagged Limbaugh crowd et al


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