Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Saturday, July 03, 2010



Read this Mythic Metaphysical Diary to find out.

1 July DID WE MAKE IT? (T.)
2 already…(F.)
3 Saturday. The most beautiful sunset over the Susquahanna valley I’ve ever seen. Perfect blue sky.
4 tomorrow
5 reverse 2
6 (my 6th Sense …Netanyahu’s visit)

Mythic takeaways from June:

--How the Moments* are Tokened.

May 31 – Israel’s raid on the Gaza flotilla (biding time) – Netanyahu scheduled to visit the White House the 6th. The stage setting for this began 6.20 – Father’s Day Sunday; MSM proclaims relaxation of tensions between U.S. and Israel over the affair. Father-and-son Judts, critics of Israel, exchange generational probes over environmental issues and the oil geyser on NYT’s op-ed page; ex-NYCmayor Koch plays the “Obama’s weak on Israel” card; this is only a sample of a veritable barrage of pro-Israeli propaganda appearing.
6.22 McCrystal, Old Vietnam War Undercover Bad Guy WASP is crucified for Their Sins, apologizing for putting them to the trouble, monster that he was, and is. It was generally understood that the political effect of all this was to empower, pressure, provide cover for Obama to take a hard line against Iran. Enactment of harsh sanctions was made to appear part of the flow of things.

The 6th Sense is 666 this time

Completion of Psychic Totality through Predicates of the 6th Sense (<= Completion of the Totality of the external world given through the 5 senses) THOMAS777 was the authoritative avatar-name on The Phora, where I posted under THOTH several years, trying to figure out WTF was going on with all those FIGURES they were bringing to life online. Beat anything I had ever seen.. Still does. Very nicest, I would say great, female presences, esp. HELIOPENOPTES, NYU grad student in philosophy who knew more logic that I did.
Elaboration: (details transferred to Psychosemiotics blog)

So construed, as a developmental trajectory, the process of individuation, becoming “Who One is”, is inherently a “Spiritual Journey”.

This hypothesis is further amplified by taking “The Holy” as an inner, soul-related content traced to fetal origins. The Mysterium Tremendum, beautifully transcribed in Rudolf Otto’s book “The Idea of The Holy”. “Wholly Other”, “Overpowering Urgency”, “Urge to Merge” are “Qualia” – not as distinct as external sense qualities, but nevertheless undeniable, ‘given’ components of conscious experience. The feels, tastes, sounds of that period of life-before-birth retain this Imprinted unity after birth; thus was called an “innate idea” by Descartes. The present hypothesis provides a psycho-neurological basis of this notion (shared by many in the 17th century and later) as something they accurately texted without such knowledge.

CROWLEY666 - The Beast. Teacher of sex-magick (anal intercourse). By Mythic Rumor + photographic evidence: fathered G.W. Bush on Barbara Pierce/Percy.

By the Dream Thought of American historical group-fantasy, G.W. Bush was to have fathered a New Nation in Iraq by anal male rape of Saddam Hussein and brown-skinned Arab-Oriental population. The prototype of this group-fantasy was Freud’s analysis of Judge Shreiber, hallucinating rape by his Father ‘with voluptuaries’ in a well-publicized mental breakdown. The waves of psychic energy around this Yesod trace the coating of Israel’s Mid East war agenda.

Marduk555 God of All Gods (God Himself –Late Sumerian Synthesis; Babylon circa 2000 b.c.)

Collective Religious/soul synthesis  origin of Platonic Ideas (Forms .. of forms .. of ..)

KANT444 Pure Reason Critique (1750+)


THOTH222 phenomenal polymorphous perversity (Dream life, dream thoughts, altered states) deconstruction of sense qualities


 6.20 GO BACK TO GO – THAT’S “DO” of the July Octave
Father’s Day (NYTimes: the Judts; Fox, Mayor Koch kicks krotch) Obama in the Hot Seat – is he a man, or not?

-Male gender distinction anxiety ; after Bush's Great Anal Rape of Saddam (& Arabs)

6.22 The Dark (Mc)Crystal (or: Sisyphus’ revenge)
Purging the Dark: Gen. Stanley McChrystal personifying America’s Sin of Vietnam (cf. ‘scapegoat’



Elena Kagan (EK) beats all

The issue here, folks, is beyond words. Even these ones. But they are all we’ve got to communicate with, except pictures, and one good word is worth a thousand of them.

Today’s burning question is: Has she got one? What would it be?

Repression. That’s what nobody wants to see or think about, but can’t avoid.

(Gulf of Mexico Oil slick; EK’s crotch; Tiger Wood’s sex life; everything Sarkozy; U.S. –Israel relations)

6.22/3 – Crucifying McCrystal/ /burying The Vietnam War syndrome (Sisyphus’ revenge)

The Dark Crystal, the movie, can be seen as a Vietnam war parable. Skepses and mystics are those remaining after Atlantis was destroyed by forced entry into its subterranean depths (“the halls of Amanti”). This somehow interrupted the bond Heaven-earth (Enduranki, in Sumerian), and the land mass, with its ancient knowledge and civilization, sank into the earth under the Atlantic ocean.

One intriguing, rarely appreciated mythic connection between The Dark McCrystal of Vietnam, and the Iraq war aftermath, is through the 43rd President, G.W. Bush. The rumor, supported by photo image comparisons, was that he was sired by Aleister Crowley on Barbara Pierce Bush, reported to have been in Ireland at the time. Crowley was otherwise renouneed as father of sex-magick, aka anal intercourse (also: “buggering”)


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