Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Wednesday, September 01, 2010



8.31-9.1 AFTER OBAMA'S SPEECH LAST NIGHT meme themes

1. "Turn the page" (<='game changer' 'move on') Time to put Iraq, Bush mistakes behind us.

-sub-text: Change in national direction framed by war talk

-sub-sub-text: following announcement of the emotional decision made to bomb Iran last week before last, followed by "religious tolerance for Muslim" week just past => the > shape funnel cone of Cat 5 Hurricane < BOMB IRAN

2. Let Righteousness overcome Evil (Love conquer Hate; Unity over Devisiveness; bridge building)

sub-text: focus your rage on FoxNews/Glenn Beck Tea Party conservatives at Lincoln memorial financed by billionaire$

3. IRAN now greatest threat to U.S. in Mid-East (<= augmented by right-wing Zionist press: Senor; Bolton)

sub-text: play the NAZI-ZION trumpet loud, long, clear. Time to kill, again.

4. KILL DEMOCRACY ! (<= reversal of expressed will of the people to get out of Iraq in Mid-term '06 election vote by the "SURGE" <= among a small number of Democrats who spoke out against it, inside or outside Congress, was Obama; others were silenced by the AIPAC Zionist Jew cabal)

-subtext: no accountability for deep-pockets Ari Fleischer Zionists behind the massive PR campaign (we learned later)

5. HUSSEIN (Manchurian Candidate) OBAMA unctions it through (reconciles the opposites as Greatest High Wire Act of All Time on the most Globally Aware and Connected Moment of World History in world history.

-sub-text (psychohistory): Father of Our Country (<= of the bride, except for same sex marriage) (male progenitor of All Unborns in Mother's Womb, frought with danger in these perilous times) => THE (ANTI-) FOURTH REICH

sub-sub-text (Jung): the catastrophic enantiodromia: conversion of processes carried to extreme into their opposites. Ex. as Love into Hate. cf. Mysterium Conjunctionis, The two unipeds; The 'Revelation of the Hidden', p. 20, 27). The psychosis. => psychosemiotics: predication on union of self-contradictory opposites (<= poisoning communication by 'fractalizing false squares' <= birthing a 'reverse fibbonaci' sequence:
~1/1)-'2)-''3)-'''5)-(latent ' '' "' spread of neg-birth '~")) NAZI-ZION reversal in West Bank settler's theology.

-sub-sub-text: the 'birth'-'rebirth through trauma' theme was very, very muted, in contrast with what had-to-have-been projected from 1996 (neocon's first "Clean Break" (from Oslo two-state Palestinian-Israel accord) as bringing more Victory! tone. In fact, neocon foreign policy has brought little else than one failure after another, in short as well as long term goals.

-sub-sub-sub-text: those who MERGE WITH THE SURGE become one of HUSSEIN's Unborn children in America. This is the Moment you are given to decide your eternal destiny.

6. PARTY ON, POLITICO's! -- All the same ones, now including Glenn Beck-Rush Limbaugh-O'Reilly (Ailles, etc.) as Fourth Reich Nazi proxies (sarc).

sub-text: these MID-TERM races are repititions of '06, culminating around mid-semester college exam time (for a SYNCHRON). That is why McCain immediately questioned Obama's '06 anti-surge position after the speech. It remains unresolved; the puppy-love media.

sub-sub text: psychohist: elections are internal wars (<=how to kill babies at home), matching


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