Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Saturday, July 23, 2005



Propositions driving the national narrative

1. There is One and only One God,
and He is on the Left or Right of every Issue.

2. Issues are framed by the Big Scripster (“BS”). (Don’t ask.)

3. Sagretti, Atwater, Rove are geniuses.

4. What is Real is What cable news networks report

5. No conspiracy can be true (by definition)

6. It’s always been tits and asses; everybody knows it (developing)
Free Associations (the unconscious mind working on-line)

1. BOOB ---
Anatomy BREAST
personal IDIOT
tokenmorph BOON-(BAB)
toys SLIDE, HOLLOW WAND, STAR WARS LIGHT SABRES – you peer, holler, crawl into them
-Ancient -Halls Of Amenti



(Extended philosophical note: please skip to bottom if theory bores you)

The German word “vorstellung”, usually translated “representation” conveys the sense of ‘presentation’ -- ‘what is presented’ by use of a designated sequence of signs, without judging it true-or-false, or in any other way (morally, religiously, existentially, literarily, aesthetically, economically, or whatever). It captures what is communicated by any use of signs – the textual content -- as a pure phenomenon, in Kant’s sense (wholly present, self-contained, indubitable, intelligible, irreducible). Besides being less judgmental, this also differs from what is conveyed by similar terms in English-written philosophy: “sense-data” (Russell), “appearances” (Ayer, Chisolm), “acts of awareness” (G. Bergmann). The German use can, for instance, allow reference to such things as “the Catholic Church” Vorstellung, without evoking a judgment, including dogma, ritual, creed, music, sacred art, history, etc.; whereas, philosophy written in English usually breaks up such grand Archetypal Gestalt into analytic compartments, thus tending to lose the inner unifying essence. In this respect, German, after Greek, is the superior philosophical language.

The psychosemiotic equivalent of “Vorstellung” is “content of consciousness under sign-use”. This includes whatever Gestalt (wholly present, self-contained, formed content) of whatever scale, magnitude or source of origin, that presents itself in consciousness by signs in the process of ‘doing their thing’, -- communicating something (‘standing for something other than themselves to a person, at a place and time, manifesting anatomical processes (speaking, reading, remembering, perceiving, etc.)).

This definitional construct (“content of consciousness under sign-use”) takes into account the ubiquity of a sign’s presence, most often ignored in the background, in facilitating what we do – what we think, what we say, what we live through, what we experience – whenever we do anything mental. It provides a standpoint always presupposed, but never systematically treated by philosophy, ancient, modern or ‘post-modern’. Psychosemiotics is a trans-disciplinary discipline. Through its thorough-going unity, as a system (explained elsewhere) it is apriori with respect to all other disciplines. Its inner essential is generic to all, and pre-supposed by each of the types of communicated content as their transcendental unity. It is Kant’s Transcendental Unity of Apperception in determinate form, and it is synthetic and analytic, as well. (A source of predicates that both emerge from and enlarge the subject terms to which they are applied. Relational logic, a 20th century intellectual achievement brought mainly by Bertrand Russell’s monumental work Principia Mathematica, with A.N. Whitehead, rendered the subject-predicate form of grammar, used since Aristotle for framing sentences into standard logical form from which inferences are derived, obsolete. Or, rather, relativized it, in the way the theory of the universe after Einstein relativized the Newtonian three-dimensional space/ one-dimension of time. Objects are still perceived in common space bounded as up-down, front-back, left-right between any two people making reference to them.

(vignette– “Bring me slab twenty nine”, the stonemason orders his helper. “It is marked ‘29’.” “No prob, man”, helper replies. “gr.r.r.r.” stonemason gurgles. Still works, if crudely.)

(when “BOOB” and “TUBE” are presented together in consciousness to make BOOB TUBE this constructs :

THE Universal anatomical/technological metaphor FOR TELEVISION! TV (tee vee)

Variants “one eyed Jew” (E. Rudolf)

Planetwaves -7.21-22
Speaking of Saturn | Paris, Weds. July 20, 2005

In the blog below (on the homepage edition), you've got links to some articles on Saturn in Leo. But speaking of Saturn, we are full-on into the Capricorn Full Moon round two. The first was back in June, which I covered in this article:

If you're curious about the charts, cast for the District of Columbia, check here:

The Moon is now in Capricorn. As of this writing on Wednesday morning in Paris, it's at close to 12 degrees even, square Jupiter and the lunar nodes in Libra. The exact opposition happens July 21 1t 1 pm Paris time, so therefore noon in London and overnight in the States; and late July 21 down under, close to midnight.

So we're close, and we're in that high-tension moment before the exact opposition, which bas the Sun and Saturn on one side of the earth, and the Moon, Chiron and nearby, Neptune, on the other side. Mars is square the whole arrangement from Aries; but the grand cross is kind of loose, which in reality makes it no less a grand square.

Full Moons have the sense of tension breaking, but they can be quite tense up to that moment. They're also high-energy moments, when it might be less easy to sleep at night. They are the time to avoid pointless fights and to let reason prevail over emotions, as best you can.

We're also in a Mercury station. Mercury stations retrograde in Leo July 23 and runs back through that sign for the next three weeks. We are now I what some astrologers call "Mercury storm," which says communicate clearly, steer your technology straight down the highway, and try to keep your mind on what is important.

In the news, it's worth noting that it's into this rather interesting alchemical mix that President Bush nominates John Roberts to the Supreme Court. Being predictive for a moment, either this will be a disastrous battle, or he will slip through in the midst of the chaos. But I doubt that this is a nomination that will go unnoticed or be easily forgotten. It's been quite a while since we've seen the game known as "advice and consent" of the Senate on a Supreme Court nominee.

Let's see what shakes down.

I'll have more to say about Mercury retrograde in Leo over the next couple of days, so please tune in

-- Eric Francis



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