Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Responding to Tod

Thanks, Todd ( -Kon (neo?- God I hope not. That would be the worse, to wind up actually trying to communicate with one of them...) (And JR: -I knew had been peeking and couldn't not get it.) (Freemasonry was corrupted by Catholics and Jews, as in the infamous Italian P2 coven. The last surge of real Americanism, readying for a return, was the Know Nothings, around l854 -- almost swept the nation overnight, until the damned abolitionists got the bully pulpits going to kill Southroners. They are doing it to them again, today, as I speak, so where is Jefferson Davis when we need him? The hatred they have stirred up against things Arab, Muslim, Islamist is unto death also.

There is no time for "progresive"-ness. It's not on the Hegelian dialectic of Archtypal opposites, except 'way out. I was on the Original Dissent Forum board requented by Paleoconservative, and, as opposed to some who leave themsevle wilfully ignorant, and proud to be that way, take true material where I find it, as in the above post of David Duke defending Sheehan.

****/ Explanation

It's not in MY head ..only. I have just recently (last 5 years, with lots of help) figured it out, being a retired academic, and having taught Freud, Jung and W. Reich at the undergraduate college level).

It's in the unconscious group-fantasies distributed by the mass media of communication through Sign-uses. (Please visit my blogsite if interested: -- and below.)

Vocabulary note: "Group-fantasy": each individual's fantasy of themselves as member of a group, acting out a role on a private dream-state. "Shared Group-fantasy": a group-fantasy shared by a group. "Historical Group-fantasy" a group-fantasy shared by a historical group; instance, the Nation America circa 2000 a.d.) I didn't create them, I read them. Its in the sign-uses, text and token (words and images).

What the above long post said is that the unconscious fantasy of 'the weaker male' being brutally raped by 'the powerful male' 'mounting' them, as the Big Dog does the bitch, finding bung, became widely shared among Americans, who 'elected' -- got Judge Scalia to select -- one of the most-buggered from the most-buggered ("baby boomer") generation that has perhaps ever come along as a historical regression. They not only regressed to this stage of anal-psychosexual development, they began to act it out on Islamic Palestinian asses and expected eveyone else to go along. They got together, those sharing this terrifying fantasy of getting anally raped by Dad for not being mean enough (cf. Afflicted, Nick Nolte; "Where's the Rest of Me?", Ronald Reagan), and delegated G.W. Bush to Do it to Saddam Hussein (assured of "slam dunk" proof he was hiding Weapons of Mass Destruction in his shortsone of the Chief Buggered Buggerers.)

That does two things (unconscious contents are always over-determined, and none more so than fnatasy-driven historical events): allows the weak, impotent, stupid reality-reversed assholes, otherwise known to one and all as "Republicans" to come in behind CHief CHimp and start laying it out how inferior Arabs are, actually. ( contributer Ben Shapiro reckoned about 10 lives to 1 was the value ratio of Pals to Zionista, back in a '03/4 article, as I recall.)

Second, it exposes gay males to defamation, violence, if not assassination, if, God forbid, any of 'em wound up in Hugo Chavez' entourage. Just having that threat hanging around in every hidden, mystic, unconscious corner and evil smirk, locked lip-sucking males on TV just now, makes those who have had bad daddies, or who emphathazie with such perhaps from fear of them, cringe, hate gays, and resolve to stick it to the liberal jackass aka Democrat party every chance they get.

Which they are always flattered by, and resolve to strive forward to be like Him.

Godomizing for Jeezus (Jewish on the mother's side, you know)

Posted by JONES 08/25/2005 @ 12:19am | ignore this person


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