Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Sunday, September 24, 2006


Reality, Repression and Realization

-elaborating realization of Bush’s G-d Reversal.

Note of psychosemiotic coincidence: Just as I was arriving at the Deconstruction of G. W. Bush’s reversal of “God”-use, Iran’s Ahrmadinejad and Venezuela’s President Chavez were branding him “the Devil” on the floor of the United Nations.

What I arrived at by analysis of sign-use* (*psychosemiotics), the anti-Bush speakers were using signs to express.

A. How knowledge by realization is possible


“Realization” is the coming into consciousness of the previously un- (or “in-“) articulated awareness of a totality-content (how the world is being experienced at all text-levels: the “meta-Text” of a completed “snap-shot”). The content has been repressed, kept from clearly articulated consciousness, though incipiently present through stimuli reaching the brain from interior organ stimulation. It has been forced to get around the censor (QII – the self-heard “audience”) by masking, disguising, ritual, rationalization.

These all-pervasive ways of getting around the censor are the bases of grammatization (and metaphysics: the attempt to think experienced reality as a whole). They belong to the package of control-impulses, under the dominance of the “super-ego”: the person’s (“our”) ideal of themselves (“ourselves”) in speech, addressing the audience as little children looking up to adults, putting their need to be heard into words. (Cpmpare: crying, laughing and variant mixtures: “whining”, “pleasing”, “acting out”).

Group-think is arranged by control of the “atmosphere” – ambience, situational awareness – which others are obliged to participate in (“imbibe”) when addressing the group as a whole. Addressing a group to which the speaker is bonded by emotional “we” invokes fetal origins under a common conscious symbol (nation, religion, humanity).

This amounts to imposing *magnetic field* where individual consciousnesses converge. (TokenSpace*) The emotional “leader” of a group has this vivifying, polarizing effect on the members by personal presence. That is why good commanders stay within sight of troops in the field, and U.S. presidents visit VFW halls. The projected image of famous persons also accomplishes this for national and transnational groups. Now, with radio broadcasts compounded by televised, e-mailed, You-tubed group experiences pervading the atmosphere of communication everywhere, all previous dichotomies signaled by personal presence and the gap between “knowledge by acquaintance and knowledge by description” (Bertrand Russell)

“Idols”: audience-sanctioned figures to which all are required to recognize –accept or reject; love or hate; ‘whichever side you are on” – in order to get heard.

The use of signs systemically processed under these conditions becomes the outward form, or persona, of the personality. It is the grammatically regularized manner, or style, of the person’s expression.


Realizations claim “Truth” for themselves: “experienced truth”; the Truth of truth, or “truth as such.” “If that isn’t knowing what is real, the truth, nothing is.”

However – forget not Kant –the appeal to self evidence to validate ANY claim to knowledge (truth about reality) requires a critique (to be fully certified). What declares itself to be infallible may not be, in fact may PROVE itself not to be by making that very claim, if Lao Tzu is right (true being is unspeakable; whatever is spoken is not true being). A “critique” is required to decide particular cases, if there can be a mistake in one. 99.9…% of the cases sampled up to a given point might turn out one way but the next fail -- unless the criterion for distinguishing were certain. And can any criterion that is (merely) experienced be certain?

This is the problem Descartes’ demon posed for perception and reason. What if (there was a way that ALL is deception? – even the attempt to distinguish true from false by reason?

To answer this within his own philosophy, Descartes *closed the circle* of reasoning on itself. In order to use it, instead of inspiration, dogma, or popish infallibility as a guide, he had to allow it to present its own claim to experience truth through “clear and distinct” ideas; examples, mathematics, geometry, logic. This criterion allows the community of Platonic Logoi to communicate freely in the same TokenSpace, according to their grasp of formal truth. At the same time, it excludes those lacking this faculty (it was later dubbed for psychologic reference) from participating. Modern philosophy deriving from Descartes, therefore, polarizes and sanctions intellectually shared TokenSpace by predicating knowledge on the grasp (=psychosem* experienced) of necessary truths of logic.


The realization this coincidence brings

My deconstruction was the text: Bush reverses the use of “God” in the constitution by calling its use to block government funding “discriminatory”; then, by predicating on national entities as “evil”; then, by pursuing a lying war against Iraq; now, by pursuing a lying war on Iran.

Venezuela’s President Chavez calling him “the Devil” completed the communication from the token side. The force of his presence added “knowledge by acquaintance”, the personalized content, to “knowledge by description.” It is one thing to make a deduction
of the character of a speaker by his speech; it is another thing – a second step – to use the description of that character in denunciation. I did the first; Chavez added the second.

The connection, spelled out, would go as follows. God, reversed persona, is The Devil. (cf. LA Confidential). Qualities and configurations taken as abstract, in themselves, become behavior patterns, with internalized and re-processed karmic feedback. Thus, over tome, language used with meanings opposite to the originally intended reality leads to behavior necessarily judged opposite of by the very standards once used for the original. When the opposites of good and evil swap places in the upper triad, what is judged under them get swapped in the lower: As above, so below. The one claiming to speak for God does works that lead him to be called The Devil. No better disguise is conceivable. For if “God” is what completes the good, on the personalized, or Token side, “The Devil” is what similarly completes evil. Therefore, if there is a contrast between “good” and “evil”, as predicates whose use is (by analytic rule, or tautology) incompatible for the same thing, the opposition between them will, over time, by adding personified human token to ideal text, devolve to exchange of one for the other. It would be human nature – or what is added to “nature” by subsuming it under “human” – for the disadvantaged character to seek compensation by using the very signs those use who advantage themselves thereby: “God” use by the good guys. If it works for them, why wouldn’t it work for others (anybody). And that, I think, is exactly what has happened in sign-use processing across a broad, semi-conscious bandwidth of America’s TokenSpace. Everyone is permitted, even encouraged, to say “If so-and-so’s can say they talk to God and get credit for it, I damn well can too; I KNOW what those cats are up to, and I am AT LEAST that good.” This is the text of political converts – to “Judeo-Christianity” in today’s America. Injection of this attitude into common communication creates a magnetic field* that polarizes individuals (the ‘fish’, in Pisces) along the old “Monotheistic” Archetypal lines. At the theological level of sign-use (the highest in the hierarchy, for the completing totality), it is the reversal brought about by the historical/developmental regression from “God” to “G-d”; from the Christian Trinity of the King James Version of the Bible, to the opposed YHWH/ALLAH. entities of The Old Testament and Koran.

What must be saved from the connection (the coincidence of my text and Chavez’ token, reversing Bush’s use of “God” and calling him “The Devil”) is the transcendental perspective: the synthetic unity of apperception constituted by the personae-presence injection of theological sign use begun by Bush. But, as we know, not by him alone, or speaking personally. By, first, the Republican Party; and through them the politico-religious-tribal cult of “neocons”: new-conservatives who took over the Republican party after Reagan. Their show, pushing up through the sod of America’s post-Vietnam war unconscious in 1996, to use the metaphor of sign-use seed-planting by Ronald Reagan’s speechwriters, was titled “Clean Break”. It contradicted the even-handed US policy toward Israel and the Palestinians, declaring cancellation of the premised of land for peace, and sketching out the destabilization of the entire region that was to follow, including war on Iraq. Thus document set out the blueprint American foreign policy followed. America’ flag was put equal or under the flag of Isrsael’s from then on. This connection was extended and deepened by the events tagged “9-11”. The “we” grammar of this terrible tragedy, this group- trauma (trauma on the shared, Group side of TokenSpace), was and is linked, backward, to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, bringing the US into World War Two against Nazi Germany; and, ‘laterally’, as it were today, to US policy toward the state of Israel, subtext: ”The Holocaust”. 9-11, Pearl Harbor, The Holocaust. These are the major group-trauma tokens dominating the dark region of present day American National


Blogger Macrobius said...

I see your account at OD is deactivated but you are still posting here -- I'll take a look.

12:06 AM  
Blogger Macrobius said...

Here is a small, psychological piece you may have missed, which is the connection between "the Chimp" and Evolution. Preservation of the Species is, of course, Preservation of the Feces (all children know these two funny sounding words suggest each other) -- a regression, running backwards to childhood. There are the little fossils of course, which are exactly what has been preserved. Then there are the baby man-apes (for we all know an ape is a beast-man, who is constructed in Jung's dream sequence in MC), but monkeys are regressed ones. Evolution unrolls the time loop -- it is progress, only backwards.

Not sure how it fits in, but it is a part of the whole, I'm quite sure.

2:19 AM  

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