Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

"An Attack On the Entire Community ..."


Commentary on the recent hate graffiti incident in Chenango Hall, Harpur College

By Sid Thomas, Ph.D.

Documentation of the factual assumptions made here is given elsewhere ( The discussion here considers the graffiti incident from the point of view of it as an event in TokenSpace, the headspace all who would communicate about Harpur college, and America, must enter in order to relate to historical reality. This comprises a distinct, unique dimension of analysis, one required to comprehend relations between the unusual events of our time.


- There was a large discrepancy between the seriousness of the original incident and the big fuss made over it. Maybe it was a personal dormitory spat taken too far?. Why blow it up?

The answer, of course, lies in its hate-content symbolism. "Explicit language, derogatory terms and swastikas directed against blacks and Jews (sic)" the report said. The content of these expressions (sign-uses*) mark the act as beyond vandalism, by its message hate. Like using the "N-" word, or "J-Word" in an assault converts the act into a hate crime, with added penalties, so, too, such content converts scrawlings on a wall from vandalism to "an attack on the entire community ...counter to our principles and values" as President DeFleur stated in her letter. Gov. George Pataki weighed in on behalf of New York State. The reason to pump it up is to neutralize the poison. The offense must be met at the level and to the degree it inflicted harm. If not, hate-vapor remains in the air.

This is why the announced penalty is grossly disproportionate. Vandalism is a misdeameanor. Graffiti with "swastikas aimed against blacks and Jews" is an "Attack on the entire community.". To charge the perpetrator with merely a misdemeanor totally ignores the element that made it obligatory to confront it as an an attack on the community in the first place.

Why did this happen? One can only surmise, but I'll go "all in" on the following.

1. Justin Friedman is a Jew, and the administration had a hot potato on its hands.

2. If the perpetrator -- the police say its Friedman -- is a Jew, then the incident is one of a "self-inflicted attack" -- blacks presumably got thrown in because they are viewed as victim siblings: one group has the Holocaust, the other Slavery.

This fits the pattern written about by columnist Sam Francis, who notes that those who pull off such stunts (a group not researched as yet, as fake hate crimes, or (better) hate crime hoaxes have not received separate legal attention) are usually victims acting out victimization ("reversing the abuse").

3. If the above hold, Friedman must speak publicly about his motive to clear the air:

a. Does he really hate blacks and Jews, as the overt messages show? (Despite being one.)

b. Did he act knowingly with intent to arouse the community to an unnecessary hate ritual?

If so, it illustrates the politics of reversal* in TokenSpace of positions in collective consciousness polarized by unconscious opposites. Sam Francis' last line says it best: "Maybe the real hate is already inside those who are so eager to find it". In other words, on this alternative, if the motive is political, we have a case in which the mental content of the perpetrator is projected in abhorrent messages as if coming from an eternal "terrorist enemy". Then, by its being publicized, the public gets ensnared in this projected self-hate dialectic by sympathy for one cause or the other. Buit it is just this bringing down of otherwise just causes to the level of paranoid politics that constitutes the true abomination. It is something no individual has no right to lay onto others who must communicate with each other, be they president or paeon.

4. Disparity of penalty to provocation -- further connections.

It is self-evident that failure to charge the perpetrator with a crime commensurate with that originally addressed negates the allegation of its importance. Anti-Semitism anti-shmemitism. This represents malfeasance on the part of the administration.

There were indications that they had a hot potato hoax on their hands. The scrawlings didn't seem to reek hatred. Similar incidents on college campuses, where fake hate crimes mostly occur, often have a victimizer-victimizing reversal narrative. Then on this campus in '88, a redux it was, in some memory banks. The question arises as to whether the administration was not complicit in, first, arousing; then, glossing over or covering up relevant details about this incident, leaving behind a situation more loaded with hate than ever.

5. The political polarization is along the lines of

black - white (in re racism)

Jew - Christian (in re religion - tacit)

When assimilated to the political template, these polarities go over to:

female (as in "feminism") - male (in re gender)

homosexual - heterosexual (in re sexual orientation)

Thus, the particular objects of this "biased-motivated hate behavior" were the ostensive perpetrator: pro-Nazi, KKK supporters, aka straight white Christian males, in the liberal's group-fantasy. This group, the SWCM team, are the symbolic target of the symbolism for the Black, Homosexual, Jewish, female (BHJF) team. This may be gasped at and denied, but, however one personally aligns, this is the political split along the psychological dominants (race, sex, religion, gender).

6. Reverse gays. In the scandal involving Florida Republican Congressman Foley's inappropriate contact with page boys, which his lawyer said he wants us to know has gone with his being sexually molested as a minor, not to blame it on that, one most salient point regarding reversal* is systematically omitted: The scandal is not just a maybe borderline case of over-exuding ramblin' namblaman that happens to involve a good-looking Republican politician. THIS WAS THE PARTY THAT GOT ITSELF REELECTED BY BASHING GAYS -- THE LIFE STYLE AND THEIR DEMAND FOR SPECIAL RIGHTS. And there were many individuals themselves gay who were in the forefront of leading this charge (A. Irving, K. Mehlman, J. Gannon/Guckertr). Their projected self-hating behavior is the "reverse gay" template. It mirrors the same twistedness, in the mental condition, as stirring up images of the dead 6.000.000 and lynched negroes in order to fill out someone's hate-activist-in- reverse quota.

Another related reversal was that Foley, the predator, was put in charge of defending youth against such as himself. This was astounding. Putting the fox in charge of the chicken house. Almost as if the group, acting through the unconscious fantasies of its elected delegates, was determined to make youth (=themselves, as children) victims (over-stimulated, degraded, kidnaped, tortured, raped, then killed, execution style). The soldiers in Iraq are similarly victim-ologist's delegates, targeting all who oppose them taking over that country; spreading like wildfire throughout all Muslims, Arabs, Islamic lands and people.

7 What cannot be allowed to stand in the public domain is the sense of justification of this as a scandalous-but-hushed up virtually OK act. "Over zealous Zionist prankster. Who was really hurt?" No to that. It reduces to the principle that the ends justifies the means, each one's ends against the others, and this violates the principle of perpetual peace (Kant: "though it be nothing but a pious hope, no moral act affecting a people as a whole can deliberately violate it." Allowing the ends to justify means does so.)`

8. As it stands, there is an unjust situation prevailing. The SWCM sector has been left grievously slandered by the hard-core condemnation, followed up with soft- or whiffle ball judicial proceedings. Have you no honor.

. To clear the atmosphere, certain things must be dealt with:

a. the principle that the punishment should fit the crime must be affirmed, independent of whoever is guilty, and the crime is hate-mongering. If it is intolerable, those who do it should not be coddled because they belong to one group or another.

b. It should be made public by an official whether Friedman is a Jew, and whether or not his sense of solidarity with Jewish causes entered into his motivation.

c. The question of outside incitement should be investigated. Radical Zionists such as Daniel Pipes and David Horowitz call for action by Jewish students on their campuses to aggressively push Israel's cause. Mearsheimer and Walt also write of the efforts of the Israeli lobby to penetrate universities and agitate for radical causes. But this is entirely unacceptable, and that must be made clear, now that a criminal act has occured. It incites nothing but hate when the liberal atmosphere of college campuses is taken advantage of to stir up biased (in this case, anti-Palestinian) attitudes and incipient violence..If the act was in fact linked to these organization, the matter should be taken up along a broad ideological front, with denunciations and lawsuits.

Finally: the link between A. fake hate crime hoaxes; and B. Reverse Gay Republican politics (to focus on these) is in the reversals*: psychologically swapping places with an enemy, an alter-ego, a phantom man-in-the mirror pursuer. This results from the abused (victimized) going over to become abuser (victimizer), on the verbal bridge of twisting the grammar. "You" become "me" (=them) and "we", and vice versa; "they" become the enemy.

The most horrendous of such acts in America, if 9/11 was not one of them, was the anthrax poisoning. Here, too, fake hate of "Americans and Israel" was effected ostensibly by a mad Allah-worshiping Islamic radical. Thus, the framing of the Islamic "enemy" by these people goes hand in glove with the framing of straight, white, Christian males (paleocons and cro-magnon liberals).

It is to relieve this political situation that President DeFleur, the newspaper editor, and Justin Friedman, are obliged to speak out, now, to avoid the rising charge of hate mongering. And everybody else who has anything to say.

I propose, at a minimum, immediate installation of an open, monitored forum discussion board devoted to the issue. A clearing house for contention where everyone can have their say, and logic rules. That is my challenge here. We must stand up against manipulation.


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