Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Friday, September 29, 2006

What Has Israel Done for US? - you ask

What Israel Has Done For US
(What it’s affair with Jewishness has cost America)


1. BU investigates graffiti found in residence hall
Scrawled messages anti-Semitic, racist

By George Basler
Press & Sun-Bulletin
VESTAL -- Binghamton University has set up a telephone tip line and is actively investigating a case of racist and anti-Semitic graffiti found in a residence hall on the campus, a university spokesman said Wednesday.
The graffiti contained explicit language, derogatory terms and swastikas directed against blacks and Jews, said Ryan Yarosh, a media relations specialist for the university.
White House-Abramoff Contacts More Extensive Than Thought, Report Says
Congressional Report Finds Convicted Lobbyist Had Contact With Karl Rove, Ken Mehlman

1. The fake Muslim Anthrax attack (following 9.11.’01)

2. Neocon “Libby Lobby” “Fieth’s Fife” WHIG control of America’s foreign policy ’01-’06) => Abramoff/Guckert .. rumors of butt-banging in Lincoln’s bedroom. The “extensive forest” around this glade of aspens is AIPAC (+ ADL, JINSA, AEI, NPAC) exposed by Mearsheimer and Wald’s now classic article “The Israeli Lobby and US Foreign Policy”. To them we owe management of the process leading to (=>)

3. The Iraq war.
Converting the Golden Rule into the doctrine of pre-emptive strike and “best friend, worst enemy” outreach to the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people. (Here was Bush speaking for them just the other day; followed by polls showing up to 90% want America out, now.)

4. The Palestinian question: how historical US policy up to the Oslo Accords was unilaterally abrogated by the “Clean Break” cabal: neocon signers of the l996 document setting Israel, under Benjamin Netanyahu with Falwell Christian conservatives, on the course leading to (=>)

5. Lebanon: In l982/3, Ronald Reagan colluded with Ariel Sharon to commit atrocity: the sacrifice of 260 U.S. Marines; the massacre of civilian populations at Sabra and Shatila. Again, in 2006 G.W. Bush colluded with the Ohlmert government to commit genocidal atrocity there and in Gaza. Linking with Israel has brought complicity in war crimes on these people.

6. Iran: It’s no secret that the same cabal responsible for running America’s good name into the ground all over the globe, but especially in the Middle east, is pushing for a pre-emptive strike of some sort against Iran.

7. Ahmadinejad as substitute sacrifice (“scapegoat”) for anti-semitism (Islam’s Jesus) Since the unconscious motive is to destroy that which is inside ourselves, the sacrifricial victim must brough to RESEMBLE ourselves, as has been done to Iran's president.

*******/ Explanation why

The first 6 items pile up like a MOUNTAIN OF WEIGHT TO KEEP THE JEWISH/ISRAELI CONNECTION OUT OF THE PICTURE. In terms sof objective reality, it so demands to get in.

In terms of public relations, this leads to (=>)
elicit/split/dump/kill” guilt-reversal mechanism for reversing blame and shifting punishment:
ELICITed: blame-guilt of Israel;
SPLIT OFF: reject (repress) from consciousness by evoking remembrance of the Holocaust, killing Jews;
DUMP: projectively relocate the split-off blame-guilt content into the Iranian President: “See! It isn’t US who want to kill Jews and wipe Israel off the map, it’s this MAD MAN OF IRAN…AHMADINEJAD! – He’s actually saying it!”
KILL THE POISONED! -- Killing or removing Ahmadinejad will purge “US”, the group “America”, of its ant-semitism, by eliminating (or banishing, imprisoning) this one into whom its SHIT* has been “DUMPED”. In this violent, compulsive drive toward historical atrocity squared*, the group simultaneously acts out: punishing the guilty one OUSIDE themselves; and, by doing so, purging consciousness of the felt ‘threat’ of the guilt/punishment bearing down on themselves.

It will perhaps require some effort of pondering, going over these four steps in guilt-management under “monotheism”, to get one’s mind around this mechanism as a unity. However, the result is well worth it. This mechanism can also be called a psychosemiotic behavior pattern. I claim credit for coining this mode of reference, give credit to Lloyd deMause for the psychological insights it brings together.


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