Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Monday, October 16, 2006

Defeatocrats de-fetal-crats: Jungian clang assoc.

Prediction: The next three weeks counting down to the '06 mid term election will feature this word, DEFEATOCRATS, distributed through every media outlet in the world by Republican politicians (re-pube pols). This stands in the line of succession from "bleeding heart liberals", "tax and spend democrats", "girliemen", "pussification of America", others as tokes of The New Manhood (not:).

Although they strike consciousnessas as blase, merely clever accidental correlations, such "clang associations", as Carl Jung called them, may demonstrate conjunctions of metaphysical significance. They are conjuncts at which the text (meaning) of the word sign is modified, and conveys a double sense, by the token sound-similarity, when prnounced, to This (second thought) is then re-folded into the text of the sign-use as a metaphor. Democrats are fetuses (a word many right-wingers have a problem with pronouncoing, anyway). They are going to be defeated come November. (=text of "good guy" champion: has the will-to-prevail over defeatists who want to turn tail and run from Islamic Fascists in the Middle East. Defeated fetuses, that's democrats. This is the unconscious group fantasy template from the fetal origins of experience common to placental mammals. That is why it is a metaphysical metaphor, and why the Re-pubes just might ride it to glorious victory, hallelooyah! Once they've got you "in bed", "inside the womb-surround" of their group-fanasy, you're dead. That is the position Democrats are put in by this projection-with-identification. They are symbolic representatives of Re-pube's fetal origins, their own pre-infantile wishes in utero, recalled through the swirls of later vicissitudes of instinct (incl birth trauma "TO BE")

Thus, "defeato-" is ALMOST "de fetal", the "l" sound resonating where the voice relaxes after tongue clicks. Defeatocrats, defetalcrats. This will not be picked up on consciously, but it will be there (functioning) ANYWAY.

The psychodynamidcf form of sign-use in which the "good text" (intellectual PC) conveys, but also covers for, a "bad token" thought comes into group discourse at the point of trauma-reversal: willful reversal of reality in order to get "TO BE" -- in group fantasy.

This trauma revesal can come about in different ways. The associations linking conscious-unconscious content need not be merely "clang" type; it can be sight-gags, composite picture overlays, others. The content will allude to matters relating to trauma, usually packaged in imagery of childhood terror, since that is where conscious recall picks up and overlays earliest pre-verbal memory. Birth and sexual orgasm are the two psychodynamic sites of common trauma (shared with greater or lesser degreee of intensity by all).

Collecting bits and pieces of fetal experience prior to, imprinted under, the trauma of birth (the most powerful anxiety-flashback, where oxygen in the blood dips to 70% of that needed for vital functioning), Lloyd deMause has sketched the template that groups historically act out under the dominance of the repetition compulsion "TO BE". The work of Mirceas Eliade, documenting the Myth of Eternal Return among virtually all peoples and cultures, is the textual recovery of the token process.

In the course of psychological development, "return" of the fetal traume, virtually the same for everyone, is overlaid by what takes place at the sexual level, which is more highly individualized but still sharing a generic template by virtue of shaping the personality. The "ego", as sense of "I" over against parents (after the placenta), gains its permanent stamp during the Oedipal period; the organization of personal being, as a libido/pleasure-driven organism, is capped off, sealed up, at the point the child is learning voluntary inner control over instinct, and moral anxiety, as opposed to reacting in fear or fusion toward external forces. The ego-function, responsible for relating the personality to reality, is taken by Freud as more or less unified until l923 ("The Ego and The Id"), when it is analyzed as "gappy", light spots linked by dark stretches (which Jung had already surmised). The Oedipal period, culminating early childhood sexual development and distributing childish family romance fantasies between mother, father, siblings and 'authority', remained as a staple in Freudian psychology, however, to this day.

It is important to see both -- fetal and sexual --developmental levels of trauma overlaid and playing out, in order to decode and analyze "double" text/token sign-uses. The analysis of "DEFEATOCRATS" is: "We (Male/Father Re-pube traumatizers) are going to slit open your mother (Americas) belly, yank you out, kill you, and stomp the squishy pulp into chum, you little %*^*98u0U&(#5t*yJ43'S". This is the archetypal Rapist/killer father in every child's darkest dreams, materializing into actual figures the further back in childhood history one goes. When adults regress, first to semi-conscious common childhood trauma fantasies; then, to deepest never-was-conscious fetal fantasy ("what it was like 'in there'") levels, the adults will split off and project their sense of total, tiny,helplessness onto 'sibling' representatives -- "its not us who have a defeatist complex! -- It't Them!" -- Democrats. Who also, by symbolic overlay, become opposites, standing between them and their "TO BE" not wanting them to come out ("on top"). The reverse defeatists tend to consolidate all obstacles to their maniacal drive toward REBIRTH into One Enemy: the Poisonous Placenta, phantom Monster snaked, squeezing, and sucking all oxygen, vitality and will out of the person. This is perhaps deMause's most brilliant conribution: The overdetermined "terrorist enemy" is invariably a return of the phantom poisonous placenta, which the group must fight off, appease, play with, and kill. Whatever is serving this psychodynamic function will invariably be tokened as such, e.g., "The Al Queda network" (with "secret cells" as "hotspots" -- of "terrorist activity"/areas of sexual arousal on the body). And Bin Laden always shown striding around looking wise, in robes, AK 47 nearby.


As if connecting with an entirely independant, but strikingly related phenomenon,the text-token reversal can be found in the "pathology beyonf hypocrisy."

And in the rash of fake hate crimes, one of which has hit Harpur College Campus.



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